Hogwarts: Harry Returns from the Witcher.

Chapter 235 I Didn't Cry

Chapter 235 I Didn't Cry

Ron watched their backs and walked into a room.

There was a snap—the door was gently shut.

Two worlds inside and outside.

His heart trembled violently following the closed door.

He was wronged, and very wronged.

Why. Obviously there are three people, but they want to pull themselves down.

Compared with Harry, she was indeed much worse, but Hermione, although she was also better than herself, was only outstanding among her peers, unlike Harry, who was far beyond the category of "peer".

Why can Hermione do it but not herself?
Obviously, I have worked hard during this time.

Just entered the house.

"Little Ronnie is going to cry." Harry looked towards the closed door, his vertical pupils seemed to be looking out through the wooden boards.

"Professor, what are you looking for from us?" Hermione was a little nervous. Every student would have such emotions when they were interviewed by the principal alone, even if they knew that their grades were excellent and their performance was quite satisfactory.

Thinking of this, Hermione's heart skipped a beat. Her performance should be considered quite satisfactory, at least in Gryffindor?
"Don't be nervous." Dumbledore waved his hand, "It's a small matter."

"It was supposed to be Minerva who came to ask you, but she's busy welcoming new students recently, so I'll ask."

Speaking of this, Dumbledore paused: "Maybe you know, maybe you don't know, Gryffindor's old prefects will be promoted to seventh grade this year, and we have to choose new prefects, one male and one male."

"You are the best students in Gryffindor, and of course, this responsibility falls on you."

"But we also know that the circumstances of both of you are somewhat special."

"Harry doesn't need to say much."

"Miss Granger"

Dumbledore paused, his eyes became nostalgic, relieved, and there were many emotions that were too complicated to express: "Miss Granger, your situation is also very special. Bobby told me more than once that you always I'm going to her to ask for the tranquilizing potion."

"If she hadn't found Severus and St. Mungo's classmate to confirm that the tranquilizing potion is not addictive, she would have thought that the tranquilizing potion had some undiscovered side effects."

Hermione looked down, blushing slightly.

"Following someone's footsteps is indeed a very happy thing." Dumbledore said softly in a tone full of people who have experienced it, "I still hope you can pay more attention to your body."

Hermione looked over in embarrassment.

Dumbledore waved his hand: "Okay, okay, you are a smart little witch, you know what to do, I shouldn't talk too much."

"Minerva and I would love to help you a little bit."


He raised his hand, grabbed a can of cockroach piles from his robe, picked a few and stuffed them into his mouth, crunching: "Next term, you and Harry will go to detention together, how about it? I think you can Try to get in touch with some slightly higher-end knowledge."

Hermione looked surprised, nodded heavily, and couldn't wait to answer: "Of course, Professor Dumbledore, I am very willing."

She's been looking forward to this.

She has always been difficult to raise, and the more she learns, the bigger the gap between herself and Harry.

"Okay, let's continue the topic just now." Dumbledore took off the cockroach candy that crawled on his beard, "Because of your special situation, before making arrangements, I have to ask for your willingness to be this prefect ?"

He looked at Harry.

What I got was the little wizard shaking his head: "I'll forget it, I don't have time."

The work of the prefects is very busy and trivial. They go up to the School of Management, confirm the discipline of the school, and down to coax the first-year students, check their sleeping positions, and cover them with quilts.
This kind of motherhood is not suitable for him.

Hermione frowned, struggling for a moment.

Being a prefect is a kind of honor, of course she thought, but counting with her fingers, she used the time converter to break a day into thirty hours, which was very compact, and she always felt that it was not enough—if it wasn’t because her body couldn’t bear it. Live, she even wanted to break one day into two days.

Find another trouble for yourself, overdrawing the already overdrawn time?

"I don't care." Hermione shook her head.

Dumbledore sighed: "I knew it, well, if it wasn't for Tom, I would ask you to think about it again."

They open the door and go out.

Ron was still waiting outside the house.

Dumbledore greeted him happily, but Ron was not happy at all. He was an outsider, so there was nothing to be happy about.

He looked at Harry, hesitated to speak, and then looked at Dumbledore who was walking away.

For the words held in my heart, I typed the draft for several minutes, and all of them died in my stomach.

"Aren't you curious what Professor Dumbledore told us just now?" Harry said softly to Ron.

Ron raised his head, stubborn and strong, with a face full of indifference: "I'm not curious."

"Not curious?" Harry asked again.

Ron nodded: "Of course, he must have something very important with you that only you know about. It doesn't matter if I don't know." The more he spoke, the more sour his tone became.

Harry shook his head heavily: "If that's the case, then I won't say anything."

Ron was taken aback.

Harry had a serious face and a serious tone: "It's not a big deal, it's just related to the two of us alone, so Professor Dumbledore asked the two of us to talk alone. If you want to know, it's convenient to tell you."

"But you don't want to know."

Something about just the two of them?
Ron felt as if he had been punched in the head and was stunned.

So. Didn't you get squeezed out?It's just about the privacy of the two of them. Before Dumbledore is sure about their thoughts, it's not good to tell the third. Oh, is it the fourth person?
"Actually, I still really want to know." Ron twitched, and after making sure that he was not excluded, he changed his words immediately without hesitation.

Harry was surprised: "Aren't you still not curious just now?"

"You heard me wrong, Harry!" Ron didn't blush and his heart didn't beat, "I didn't say I wasn't curious, I said I was curious."

Harry raised his wand: "Then I have to go to Professor Dumbledore and use the Pensieve to make sure."

Ron's face turned slightly green.

Such a trivial matter, as for using something like a Pensieve?
Hermione nudged Harry angrily and grabbed his arm: "Okay, Harry, stop teasing him, little Ronnie is really going to cry later."

"I didn't cry!" Ron protested loudly.

Harry shook his head. "I heard you sniff when we entered the house."

"I didn't!" Ron said louder, "I just, just um. The smell of Humeizi killer is too pungent, and I choked on it."

"Yeah, okay, you're right." Harry nodded perfunctorily.

Ron poked his head over and his voice returned to normal: "So what did Professor Dumbledore tell you?"

"I'm afraid you will be very busy after school starts." Harry raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder.

Ron muttered dissatisfiedly: "Needless to say? This year we have the Owls exam, and there is Voldemort's business, so of course we will be very busy." Now he can call out the name "Voldemort" smoothly, and he is no longer afraid of the bald and innocent man. nose man.

It's just that sometimes I have nightmares, and that man is dressed up and comes to seduce himself.

"No, no, no." Hermione shook her head, "Harry means that you can ask Charlie, Bill, and Percy for advice."

"Of course, especially Bill and Percy, their owls exam is twelve "O". I've already asked for Bill's notes." Before Ron could understand what they meant, he was fully absorbed in the fifth grade exam.

"It's not studying. Your grades are very good now. Even if you can't get so many O's, at least there is no problem with E." Hermione then shook her head.

"It's other aspects, such as prefects." Harry said clearly.

Ron was taken aback.

Harry and Hermione headed for the stairs, ready to resume cleaning.

When they all went up to the second floor, Ron finally came to his senses, stomped the floor, and caught up with the two in front: "You mean, I'm going to be a prefect this year?"

Harry nodded.

Ron had an expression of "you must be playing with me": "But you are obviously better, Harry."

"You are also very good." Harry waved his wand, making the broom and mop move, "You know me, I am very busy."

"Although Professor Dumbledore didn't say it, you are the best in the fifth grade of Gryffindor."

Ron added the prepositional attributive: "It's the best one besides you."

He turned his head and looked at Hermione: "Then when school starts, we will..."

"No, it's not us, it's you." Hermione interrupted him. "Like Harry, I'm too busy to be a prefect."

"If the prefect isn't you, who would it be?" Ron frowned, snapped his fingers, and tried to remember who else was the little witch in the same grade and school as him, "Lavender Brown?"

"No, it will probably be Parvati Patil." Harry gave his answer.

"Petil?" The name was both familiar and unfamiliar to Ron. After a while, he clapped his hands, "Aha, it's that witch!"

"Dean said before that she is the most beautiful girl in Hogwarts besides Hermione, Fleur, and Ginny."

Harry was expressionless: "He said that?"

Hermione's facial features were slightly distorted: "There are really enough restrictions."

"You always study late outside." Ron spread his hands, "You miss a lot of exciting content."

"Gossip?" Looking at his beaming expression, Harry had a thought in his heart.

Ron nodded.

Harry and Hermione curled their lips, not caring much about these things, and Ron sighed, how could anyone not be interested in gossip.

This year's Hogwarts acceptance letter came exceptionally early.

Before July was over, the owls came with letters.

It took a lot of effort for them to get into the Order of the Phoenix - here was the magic that drove the owls away, and Harry and Dumbledore had a hard time catching that magical breath and finishing it.

Ron opened the envelope.

In addition to the book list, there is also a shiny badge.

Molly, who had experienced it three times, recognized it at a glance: "Ronnie, you took Harry's letter by mistake."

(End of this chapter)

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