Hogwarts: Harry Returns from the Witcher.

Chapter 49 The Knowledgeable Miss Granger

Chapter 49 The Knowledgeable Miss Granger (Please read on~)

Harry took out his horns and put them on the table.

The reverse spiral pattern is right-angled, glowing with oily black-purple color, and there is an ominous breath blowing towards the face.

"Where are you going to brew the medicine?" Hermione carefully picked up one.

"Materials are handled in the dormitory." Harry replied.

Compound decoction is a time-consuming potion.

The most troublesome thing is not those magical materials, but the lacewing insects that have to be boiled for 21 days-this kind of creature, also known as "aphid", is very small, and its length is not even bigger than the nail cover.

If you can't fire a little bit and the pot is set up, just let it go.

That would take less than a day, and the bugs would have to boil.

It has to use magic power to maintain its stability all the time.

It was not a dangerous step, just a nuisance, and Harry was going to do it right in the dormitory - as long as Seamus didn't point his wand at it, there would be no problem.

"Ron, wake up." Hermione took the horn and poked the sleeping Mr. Weasley, with the thick end of course.

Ron woke up with a start, raised his head, and skillfully recited the "Basic Principles of Gamp's Transformation".

After uttering a few words quickly, he suddenly realized that he was not in Professor McGonagall's class, and lowered his head in embarrassment: "Harry, you're back? That thing..."

He took another half-beat and saw the thing in Hermione's hand: "It seems that I got it."

"Go back to sleep."

There are also many classes on Friday.

There was a spell class in the morning, and Flitwick recovered a lot, and the dark circles under his eyes disappeared a little.

This lesson they will learn a very powerful trick spell - tarentella dance.

A dance spell that causes people to dance uncontrollably.

Flitwick was partial to this spell, especially when dealing with Harry.

This spell can be cast not only on people, but also on still life.

Once upon a time, there was a wizard who cast the dancing spell on Mount Vesuvius, which eventually caused the volcano to erupt and destroy a city called Pompeii.

The young wizards were very interested in the spell, and even if Professor Flitwick finally assigned a five-inch paper, they had no objection.

The first class in the afternoon is herbal medicine.

They walked out of the castle and went to the greenhouse. Professor Sprout stood beside her with a stern face—the reason for her dull mood. A tall and gorgeous wizard in a blue gold-rimmed robe The pompous "peacock" of the cap.

"Oh, little wizards, hello!" Lockhart waved his hands, "I'm discussing with Professor Sprout how to grow herbs better."

As he said that, he had a meaningful meal: "But I don't want you to think that I am better at herbalism than your professor of herbalism. I just happened to meet some magical plants during my travels..."

Sprout interrupted him forcefully: "The third greenhouse today!"

"Professor--Lockhart!" She elongated her voice, making the overall address look like two independent sentences, "Now I have to go to class, please hurry back and prepare your own class."

Lockhart waved his hand: "I have something I want to talk to Harry about. You know, there are always some little secrets between good wizards. You shouldn't mind?"

"No, I'm..." Sprout retorted decisively.

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Lockhart: "Thank you, my dear Pomona, I just knew."

Sprout shrank his hands back into his robes, wishing he could pull out his wand on the spot and cast a few hexes at him.

"Harry." Lockhart waved at him.

"I don't think we've gotten used to calling names by name yet," Harry said as he walked towards him.

Lockhart was taken aback.

This word... sounds familiar?

Where have you heard it?

"Professor, I hope you're looking for something serious." Harry walked up to him and looked up at him, "rather than something absurd."

"Of course it's business." Lockhart raised his hand and tried to wrap his arms around Harry's shoulders, but halfway through the movement, there was a phantom pain in his waist, which made him retract his hand and put it back, "Mr. Potter, you are very tired now. Famous, a great figure in the wizarding world."

"Although there is still a slight gap compared to me."

"However, I didn't hear about you until I came to school. I pulled out the Gryffindor sword when I entered school. God, I don't know what Skeeter is doing. The Daily Prophet didn't publish any words at all."

"Please don't talk nonsense." Harry was very rude, and took out his wand.

Lockhart was taken aback, pursed his lips, and stretched out his hand: "We can cooperate."

"I am a world-renowned great wizard, five consecutive winners of the "Wizard Weekly" Most Charming Smile Award, and I can make you as famous as me."

"only you……"

Harry waved his wand, pointing the tip at his stomach: "Professor, I seem to have said from the beginning, don't say anything ridiculous."

"Professor Snape should like you very much. After all, wizards with troll heads are rare."

Lockhart panicked and waved his hands: "I can give you Garen."

Harry raised an eyebrow.

Lockhart had a happy expression: "I knew Mr. Potter, you are a smart man, and we are all excellent wizards, so we should..."

"But I'm not short of money." Harry shook his head, "Potter, you should know the weight of this surname?"

The shampoo potion formula produced by the Potter family has become popular in the wizarding world.

Lockhart is using it too.

"Some spells? I know a lot..." Lockhart continued, he was too familiar with this process, it was just a bargain.

Harry said nothing.

He immediately changed his words: "Of course, Hogwarts has many excellent professors, and you are Professor McGonagall's favorite student, and there is no shortage of powerful spells."

This made him tangled up.

The chips he could offer were nothing more than fame, Garen, and some knowledge, but none of them seemed attractive to Harry.

"You are a professor." Harry withdrew his wand, "Maybe I have some needs, such as applying for books in the restricted area, or some other things, and I need your help."

Lockhart flashed a bright smile: "Of course, it's easy."

"I don't mind if you use my name a little bit." Harry's tone was cold, "but I don't want you to cause me any trouble or trouble."

Lockhart frowned: "No, Potter, this..."

"A professor who lost to a second-year wizard." Harry interrupted him. "What honor does that get?"

"The headline of the Daily Prophet?"

"Wizard Weekly's most embarrassing award?"

Lockhart's body froze with his smile.

"Very well, then it's settled." Harry nodded, turned and walked towards the greenhouse.

Professor Flitwick was right.

No matter how outrageous a person is, it is impossible to borrow the fame of a little boy.

Lockhart is an exception.

In today's herbal medicine class, we will learn about a somewhat dangerous plant, mandrake. It is alive, and its crying can make people unconscious.

Hermione and Ron wanted to ask Harry what they were talking about outside, but unfortunately... no chance for this class.

They need to wear earmuffs or they will miss their first Defense Against the Dark Arts class back in the year.

Wait until the herbal medicine class is over.

They took off their earmuffs and walked out of the greenhouse.

"What did Lockhart tell you?" Ron asked impatiently.

"Maybe he wants to borrow Harry's fame again?" Hermione guessed.

Harry nodded: "That's right, so I made a deal with him. He can borrow some of my reputation a little bit. In contrast, his professorship will open the door to me."

"Like the Restricted Section or something."

Other professors would not indulge Harry - such as the "Book of Spells", Harry had heard Flitwick mention it more than once, which contained almost all spells.

Harry has never been able to get permission to borrow it.

There were also some advanced Potions books, and it was impossible for Snape to give him a note.

Ron was envious.

Hermione was thoughtful.

After the herbal medicine class, there was Defense Against the Dark Arts. The young wizards were looking forward to Lockhart's class—they felt that they had finally met a reliable professor.

Lockhart was even more flamboyant than Harry thought.

Obviously it was only for one class, he changed his robe again, from blue to bright red, with shiny silver edges, his hair was done again, and he sprayed rich perfume on it.

It is a complex scent mixed with angelica petals, honey, and calamus root.

These three materials are the auxiliary materials used in almost all love potions.

After a boastful self-introduction, Lockhart waved his hand: "I see that you have all bought my complete set of books, which is very good..."

Ron couldn't hold back, and complained in a low voice: "It's obviously a mandatory requirement on the book list, and it seems that we are taking the initiative."

Hermione agreed.

"Then let's do a quiz first, don't be afraid, I just want to see how you read and how much you have comprehended." Lockhart said gently.

This surprised Harry a little.

Under the exaggerated appearance, there is a pragmatic heart. On the surface, he doesn't seem to be serious about teaching, but in fact, he is well prepared in private?

Lockhart handed out test papers, which made people very uncomfortable.

The other professors waved their wands, but he handed them one by one.

"I'll give you three and ten minutes, let's start now!" Lockhart clapped his hands triumphantly after sending out the last photo.

Harry, expressionless, scrunched it up.

very good…

Mr. Lockhart always surprises people.

He thought Lockhart was going to ask something useful—such as the little things in the book that were hidden in the story, dealing with trolls, werewolves, and banshees, which accounted for less than a tenth, perhaps less than a twentieth of the book. knowledge points.


"What's Lockhart's favorite color?"

"What is Lockhart's secret ambition?"

"Lockhart's birthday, and his most wanted birthday gift?"

In fact, what they were doing was not Defense Against the Dark Arts, but the Lockhart Research Society?

After half an hour.

Lockhart collected the test paper: "Mr. Potter didn't hand in the test paper, which may make everyone confused. In fact, I have communicated with him in private. He has already answered these questions. I will tell you secretly that his answer is full marks."

"Twenty points to Gryffindor!"

Harry stared blankly at him.

Lockhart buried his head and flipped through the test paper. After a while, he was a little surprised: "Who is Miss Hermione Granger? It's also a perfect score!"

Can anyone really answer them all?
Hermione, just as expressionless as Harry, raised her hand.

"Another Gryffindor?"

"Then add another twenty points!"

 Thanks for the reward of electronic reptiles and book friends tail number 4171

  Note: It is an official setting that the dance curse causes a volcanic eruption.

  Today I try to make up for what I owed yesterday!

  The condition is very good today!

(End of this chapter)

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