Hogwarts: Harry Returns from the Witcher.

Chapter 61 A Merry Christmas Chapter

Chapter 61 Merry Christmas (Please follow up~)

The changes in the castle made the little wizards curious.

The senior students were the first to notice the fact behind this change.

High-level black magic creatures rarely have obvious weaknesses, and there are very few who are afraid of ordinary creatures, and the only one that is restrained by the rooster is the basilisk.

As the most well-known "man-made" dark magic creature, in the newts exam, there will be some related questions.

They couldn't help but feel lucky for the two lying in the school doctor's room.

Fortunately, he didn't look directly into the eyes of the basilisk, and saved his life, but was petrified.

After knowing what the monster in the secret room is.

It didn't reassure the little wizards, but they became more and more uneasy. They confide in their families, hoping to get some comfort or protection from magic props.

Every dinner, you can see a large number of owls grabbing the red howling letter and throwing it hard at Dumbledore's face.

It's a pity that no one can hear the contents of the Howler letter.

The principal's magic was superb, so that the roar could only fall into his ear.

Pure-blood wizards are the most unscrupulous, or rather, the young wizards of Slytherin College are becoming more and more arrogant.

The rumors of the Chamber of Secrets are known.

When the successor opens the Chamber of Secrets, he will clean up the castle and drive out all the people who shouldn't be here—half-blood wizards headed by Hufflepuff, supplemented by Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, and Muggle-born wizards.

Unlike other houses, they blatantly supported the "successor" who stole the scroll from their lounge, and hoped that he could secretly contact Slytherin House.

Slytherin will give him the greatest support.

How could the other three colleges listen to such words.

The conflict intensified.

There were always several fights breaking out in the auditorium at dinner time every day.

The scores of the four colleges were deducted again and again, and they kept hovering between increasing points to zero and increasing points to zero.

Only one person at Hogwarts is really happy.

That's Lockhart.

He has even finished writing part of the manuscript, and he can't wait to read it to the little wizards in class.

"In July 92, Lockhart, who had just returned from his trip to Mordays, couldn't imagine that he would receive a letter from the greatest white wizard of the century. Although they were friends who had known each other for many years, it was the first time for Lockhart. Seeing Albus use such a pleading tone..."

He thinks he writes well.

The response in The Little Wizard was also strong.

Often when he recites for 10 minutes, he will be praised for up to 35 minutes. As long as he adds enough points, the praise will be more eager.

The other deans also seemed to be convinced by his personal charm during this long relationship, and no longer hindered him from favoring certain "talented" young wizards, and even hinted that he could go a little too far.

As November wore on, the weather became colder and colder.

As soon as December started, a heavy snowfall fell, covering the whole castle.

Professors collect students' intentions to stay in school during the Christmas break.

Not many are willing to stay.

Even though the basilisk did not reappear for more than a month, it was not caught.

Almost all the little wizards filled in their names on the column of leaving school. Only the Weasley family in Gryffindor stayed. Percy wanted to send Ginny back, but he didn't persuade him.

Hermione also wanted to stay, but was persuaded by Harry to leave.

Those who have parents should spend the holiday with their parents well.

Ron listened, grabbing Harry's sleeve and refusing to let go.

Harry still receives many presents.

Dumbledore's is a note about the Patronus Charm. If you want to change the form of the Patronus, you need an extremely advanced level, and change into a physical body-this is already very good for ordinary wizards, but on this road On the surface, it can only be said that it has just stepped into the threshold.

Snape sent Harry's mother's second notebook, which was carefully wrapped in a sponge, unlike the other gifts piled all over the floor, neatly placed beside his pillow.

Apparently it was sent by a house-elf.

Professor McGonagall sent two of his father's Transfiguration notebooks, which he flipped through, and the last page of the second involved some Animagus theories.

This surprised him a little.

His father is also learning this kind of magic?

Professor Sprout sent two notebooks of herbal medicine, and politely offered that if Harry could spare the time, she would be happy to lock Harry up twice a week.

Lockhart sent an entire photo album thicker than a fist, full of his photos, each with his gaudy signature.

Harry thanked him for the fuel.

Mrs. Weasley listened to Harry's suggestion and knitted him a gold and red dress, with a handsome lion crouching on a big "H" woven on the chest.

It made Ron envious.

His sweater is green with just a big letter "R" on the chest.

"Mom is really eccentric." Ron's tone was sour, and he kept looking at the sweater Harry was wearing, which was in stark contrast to the one in his own hand.

"After all, you are her child." Harry teased the lion who would yawn when poked by himself, "and I am an orphan without father and mother, of course she will take more care of me."

"Harry, that's not what I meant." Ron stammered, clutching the sweater in his hand.

Harry nodded: "I know, I'm just afraid you misunderstood. It's usually hard for loved ones to feel loved. Your mother loves you very much."

Mrs. Weasley specially wrote to him before Christmas and asked about his body data.

Not about Ron, nor about the other kids.

But the knitted sweaters are very suitable for them.

Ron opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, and sometimes it was really hard for him to follow Harry's train of thought.

Harry went on counting the presents.

The photo album sent by the Dursleys was a photo of Aunt Petunia and her own mother, unmoving, from the age of six or seven to 19 years old.

Dudley sent a letter of thanks, the weight-loss potion worked really well, he had lost weight to a normal level, and there were a few game cassettes with the letter, all of which he highly recommended and were very interesting—but he might Unexpectedly, Hogwarts does not have a game console.

until noon.

Ron watched eagerly as Harry finished counting the presents before they walked out of the dormitory and towards the auditorium.

In addition to the professors, there were less than 20 students left at Hogwarts, six from Gryffindor, four from Slytherin, and three from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw.

They sat at a long table and ate.

The little wizards were also allowed to drink. Dumbledore took Harry and drank three bottles of vodka under Snape's eyes that wanted to kill them both alive.

"Hogwarts~Hogwarts~" Together with the sorting hat, they sang the school song in a medieval ditty.

George and Fred soon joined in.

Hufflepuff's seniors transformed into drums to accompany them.

Ravenclaw admired it - although it was hardly "art".

The Slytherins hurried away after eating.

They don't want to celebrate Christmas with this group of people.

A cheerful atmosphere enveloped everything and everyone in the auditorium except Snape.

 Thanks to Merangus for the reward~
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(End of this chapter)

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