Hogwarts: Harry Returns from the Witcher.

Chapter 95 The Lion and the Cat

Chapter 95 The Lion and the Cat

Dumbledore replied quickly.

He and Harry had the same guess that Hogwarts still had a Horcrux hidden in Voldemort.

He had let the house-elves rummage, and maybe there would be a result by the start of school.

Unable to find Sirius, Harry inevitably felt impetuous. This was reflected in the actual combat training. Flitwick's legs were weak, and he almost trembled all the way before reluctantly walking home.

The young man is full of energy, like a wolf like a tiger, and he really can't hold it.

Let's start school now!

It wasn't until his birthday that Harry's mood improved slightly.

Hedwig was so busy that she disappeared early in the morning.

Incidentally, he brought Hermione's birthday present for him, a bottle of sea salt-flavored perfume - which she had carefully selected in France.

And gifts from the Weasleys.

The unmasked Bill gave him an ancient Egyptian talisman, an exquisite lion statue, which is the lion god Mahesh in Egyptian myths and legends-has real magical power, can bring courage to people, and can detect malice .

When its malicious eyes are fixed on its owner, it will buzz to wake up.

Harry loved it.

Putting it on with hemp rope and wearing it on his chest made him feel like a witcher again.

And Charlie, the Weasley family's dragon trainer working in Romania, sent an exquisite dragon model and a bottle of dragon's blood.

Professor McGonagall mailed him his father's three notebooks, and also gave him one of his own, a notebook about Animagus. This year he can start learning this advanced transformation magic.

Dumbledore also sent a notebook.

It's about alchemy and Occlumency.

Snape didn't miss his birthday either, a bottle of Felix Felicia, a golden potion brimming with happiness.

The gift from Hagrid almost ruined other people's gifts, a pile of materials from the Forbidden Forest, and a book that can bite people.

Of course, the most important thing is the Hogwarts book list.

Regarding elective courses, Harry didn't check off all the courses with a big wave of his hand like Hermione did. He only chose three courses, namely Runes, Protection of Fantastic Beasts and Divination.

He is very strange.

There is such a class as "Muggle Studies" in Hogwarts.

Of course, what is even more strange is that even if there is such a course, there are many people who sign up, but wizards, their understanding of ordinary people is still at an outrageous level of "pointing at potatoes and reading tomatoes"-the only correct understanding is ordinary people. People don't know magic, but their human body structure is the same as that of wizards.

Harry focused on his Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook.

Very normal.

At least not like Lockhart.

For this course, Harry's requirements are very low, even if he can follow the script like Quirrell, it is already very good.

One week before school starts.

Harry they met in Diagon Alley.

In front of the ice cream shop.

"Harry!" Hermione waved her hand cheerfully at him. "This way."

She cradled a paralyzed ginger creature in her arms.

As soon as Harry approached, the creature immediately struggled out of Hermione's arms, jumped onto the table, folded its airplane ears at him, frizzed its fur, bared its teeth, and let out a low growl of "Shashha" from its mouth.

"No, Crookshanks, this is a friend." Hermione pressed its head, "It can't be like this."

Crookshanks relaxed slightly, but remained on guard.

"It has always been very good, but I don't know why." Hermione explained in a panic, "Maybe you are too powerful, Harry, that's why it..."

Harry sat down, reached out, grabbed the ginger cat by the waist, pulled it into his arms, and checked its ears: "I've never been very fond of cats."

To be exact, every witcher is like this.

Crookshanks was lying on Harry's lap with his stomach turned, his eyes dazed.

"The raccoon bloodline?" Harry picked up its tail, a little surprised, "This is really a very good pet."

"What kitty?" Hermione was a little confused.

"Didn't the clerk tell you when you bought it?" Harry pinched its fleshy ball and squeezed out its claws, which were sharp and healthy.

Crookshanks finally reacted.

I was played by this dangerous man!
It hissed, trying to turn over and slap the man's face hard.

But as soon as he twisted his waist, Harry pushed it along with the momentum, turning it around 360 degrees, and it still landed on his lap belly up.

"Don't move, just let me check." Harry stretched out his hand and pressed it on its head.

Crookshanks hesitated, sniffing, and smelled the smell of many magical creatures on Harry that he could not afford to mess with—there was a very dangerous smell of snake-like magical creatures under his robe, as did the sword behind his back.

There are also unicorns, acromantulas, and centaurs in the pocket...

It lay down obediently and no longer struggled.

"The clerk only told me that it was a poor child, because it looked a little strange, so no one was willing to take it away." Hermione replied in a low voice, "I bought it because I was soft-hearted."

"Then you earned it." Harry continued to check, "Even if it is a mixed blood, it should have the ability to inherit some raccoons."

"Very smart, able to identify dangerous creatures."

Hermione flipped through her schoolbag, quickly took out a book, looked it up, and found the entry about Maolizi, read it carefully, the more she read, the more she liked it.

Ron came over soon, too.

After a summer vacation, he grew a little taller, was tanned in Egypt, and changed into a new robe, making him look more mature and stable.

"Harry." Ron greeted enthusiastically, "How was your summer vacation?"

"I heard that you went to Malfoy's house and asked him to collect debts?"

Harry nodded: "It's not bad, it's a relief for you."

"George and the others found some very interesting things in Egypt, and maybe they will use them on little Malfoy next semester." Ron seemed to have come out of the shadow of that incident and returned to his previous cheerful personality. Yet?"

Harry nodded.

Hermione patted the schoolbags beside her, they were bulging, and there were three big bags.

Ron was stunned: "Hermione, why do you have so many more books than me, the library is not enough for you..."

"It's an elective course." Hermione said with a straight face, sternly, "I have taken all the elective courses, and of course I have more textbooks than you."

"Aren't you going to eat and sleep?" Ron complained, "Did you come from so many elective courses?"

"Professor McGonagall told me that there will be a way." Hermione said solemnly, "Harry is already so far ahead, even though he is the first and I am the second."

"But in the fourth and fifth grades, Harry will still be number one, and I will be far behind."

Ron sighed: "You can't compare with Harry. Bill was dumbfounded when I heard about Harry. He got twelve 'O's."

"The goblins at Gringotts even desperately hope that Harry can graduate directly to work as a spellbreaker."

Harry returned Crookshanks to Hermione: "They're not expecting me, they're expecting the Gryffindor sword."

Ginger flashed before Ron's eyes.

He jumped up immediately, his face became horrified: "What is this? How could it be here?"

(End of this chapter)

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