Wasteland Survival King of War

Chapter 12 Drunken Ribs in the Tavern

Chapter 12 Drunken Ribs in the Tavern

Tang Qi's first task now is to take back the logging camp.

The hero can be resurrected even if he is killed, and the logging field occupied by him is still in his hands, so this feud can be regarded as settled.

But let's think about these later, the most urgent thing is to make money, and continuing to improve the strength is the kingly way.

The second waste is already glorious, and the job of exploring the map can only be sent to the long-horned evil spirit.

The thieves who learned the basic reconnaissance skills did not appear for a long time. I don't know if it was because Tang Qi's troops were full or because he didn't use the basic reconnaissance skills.

The primary scouting skill of the strategic skill is derived from the primary scouting skill of the active skill, which needs to consume 2 mana points, and has a 50% chance of obtaining 20% ​​to 50% of the attribute information of the scouted target.

The long-horned evil ghost scouting map with the bonus of vision is much more convenient. After turning around, many targets were found, including a quarry, a large quarry.


There are too many troops, but they should be able to fight, but we must find a way to save some ammunition and allocate firepower reasonably.

At this time, the elementary scouting skill is required, and no more mana can be saved.

The threat in the guards is the Griffon, the third-tier flying unit of the human race. This thing has wings, and you can't run it no matter how many legs you grow.

Combat Skill Basic Reconnaissance is a strategic derivative combat skill, it cannot be used in strategic mode, so Tang Qi's hero, An Yue, can only step forward and cast the spell. .

Dark Moon stepped forward cautiously, taking advantage of the vision bonus provided by the strategic skill Elementary Scouting, he should not be spotted.

The casting range of the basic scouting skill is the hero's field of vision. When the griffin appears in the field of vision, Dark Moon immediately checks the skill and retreats, fearing that it will react and chase after him. You must know that flying is faster than running.

Fortunately, the griffin didn't respond, and there were no signs of other human arms.

It seems that using the primary scouting skill will not put the two sides into a combat state.

The skills are not bad, Tang Qi got the information he wanted, with 8 offense and 8 defense, 3~6 damage, and 25 health points.

Calculated by the damage of the Great Spirit:
In addition, the double-click stunt of the big elves requires at least 3 big elves to kill 1 griffin. If it is the worst, 8 big elves are not enough to kill it.

Tang Qi was lucky, 18 big elves attacked 3 griffins, 6 elf sharpshooters attacked 2, and the remaining 1 was instantly killed by the war behemoth Windrunner.

At this time, the halberd soldiers and archers from behind also came up.

Tang Qi took advantage of the shooting range to turn around and run for another round, opened the distance for another round, and then repeated three rounds, only a few halberd soldiers were left standing in the chasing human army.

Another part of the guards behind also rushed up. Tang Qi only let the long-range troops attack for three rounds to destroy the enemy's long-range troops, and then ordered the long-horned demons who had already run to the other direction to charge to clean up the mess.

Ding!System message: "Dear Hero Dark Moon, congratulations on your victory in this battle. The evaluation is average, and you have gained +2385 distributable experience points!"

Ding!System message: "Dear Hero Dark Moon, congratulations on defeating the guards of the large quarry (level 1) and obtaining the ownership of this miracle building!"


【Large Quarry (Level 1)】

[Durability]: 15000/15000
[Attribute]: Miracle building, producing level 1 stone resources

【Production】: 140 units/week

[Production bonus]: None

【Reserves】: 140/560 (unit)
【Productivity】: 0/144
【Affiliation】: Dark Moon
[garrison troops]: none


After the battle, the evaluation was still average, which made Tang Qi a little disappointed. In terms of quantity, it should be qualified to be promoted to a level. It may be that there are too many human troops that surpass the garrisoned troops in terms of quality.

The highest level of human troops is Tier 3, while Tang Qi's troops are all Tier 3 at the bottom.

The consumption of the elf archers in this battle is acceptable. After all, the number of opponents is there, and the horned ghosts alone are not enough to deal with them.

After finishing this battle, Tang Qi went to find trouble with several groups of wild monsters and collected a small amount of resources.

Unconsciously, I came to a hidden place under a cliff in the northwest direction of the map. I saw this dilapidated building with a piece of rag floating on it, and I could clearly see the word "wine".

"Tavern!" Tang Qi was somewhat excited. This is a good place. There will be random hero units in the tavern. Players can recruit them by spending gold coins or completing the tasks they release.

When you enter the tavern, you will see a simple room with a bar and a few tables. There is an NPC in the bar, who should be the owner of the tavern.

It's normal to be deserted and deserted. It's hell to have someone open a tavern in this shabby place.

There was only a guy in a black robe sitting on one of the tables, but there was nothing on the table, just sitting there motionless.

Tang Qi couldn't see his face, and there were no players in the strategy map, but the one who could sit in the bar should be a hero, an NPC hero.

Tang Qi ignored the NPC hero and walked straight towards the tavern owner.

"Dear hero, what would you like to drink?" The tavern owner stopped wiping the table and said to Tang Qi's hero, An Yue.

"Have a cup, uh, the cheapest one!" An Yue said carefully, looking at the gold coins in her pocket.

"Okay, hero, 50 gold coins!" After finishing speaking, the tavern owner took a small cup and pushed it in front of Dark Moon.

An Yue picked up the wine glass and took a sip, but also sat like this without moving.

The Tavern Alliance, the Thieves Guild, and the two major information dealers in Heroes of Invincibility, unfortunately, Tang Qi was short of money and had few gold coins left, so he didn't have any ideas right now. He came here this time just to have a look!

Just as Tang Qi's hero, An Yue, was about to leave, the NPC hero over there stopped him.

"Wait, dear hero!"

"Huh? Dear hero, what can I do?" An Yue replied.

"Can I have a drink, my dear hero!"

"Of course!"

"Thank you!"

"Boss, two glasses of the cheapest!" An Yue said to the tavern owner!

There was no one anyway, and he was not afraid of embarrassment because he was so shy, and he judged that guy was also a poor ghost.

After finishing speaking, An Yue walked towards that table and sat opposite the NPC hero.

As soon as I looked up, my eyes met, I really saw a ghost!

A skeleton face, with red light shining in the eyes, and the flame of the soul burning in the eye sockets, the hero of the undead clan.

"Hello! The evil dragon from the abyss!" The undead NPC hero said first.

"Hello! A hero from the kingdom of death!" Tang Qi replied, but also a little surprised that the NPC hero could see his identity.

After the greeting, the two sides were silent for a while, staring at each other just like that.

After confirming that there was no danger, Tang Qi was not afraid to stare at each other with him, and at the same time, he was thinking about whether he could be recruited.

The hero in the tavern must not be missed, but I don't know what recruitment conditions or tasks he has.

Of course, Tang Qi's hero, An Yue, doesn't have enough gold coins in his pocket, which seems to be the most troublesome thing for him!
"Dear hero, what can I do for you?" Tang Qi broke the silence first.

Undead heroes can do it, but Tang Qi can't, and it's not a problem to be so big-eyed and small-eyed!
Tang Qi had spoken out, but did not get a response from the other party.

"Boss, please have another drink!" Undeterred Tang Qi ordered another glass of wine for the two of them.

If he didn't get any more responses, Tang Qi was going to leave. He was worried that he didn't have enough gold coins, and if he drank any more, he would go bankrupt.

What's more, he greeted himself and didn't speak. If he wanted to drink for free, that would be unforgivable.

"Dear hero, can you do me a favor?" The undead hero finally spoke.

"Of course, is there anything I can do for you?" It's easy to ask, these few glasses of wine are finally not wasted.

Tang Qi's heart was full of eagerness, but what was waiting was his silence.

"Damn, big brother, you can't be playing with me!" Reluctantly, he ordered another glass of wine for the other party, but he didn't want to drink it himself.

Tang Qi and he continued to stare wide-eyed, but the dead skull still didn't respond, and didn't intend to speak, what's more, even the soul fire in his skull stopped beating.

"Hello!" Tang Qi's hero hand shook in front of his eyes, but still didn't respond, "Brother, it must be a shutdown, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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