Wasteland Survival King of War

Chapter 30 Storm Gryphon

Chapter 30 Storm Gryphon
Tang Qi didn't care about it after he took down the lumbermill, and he didn't have any extra troops to resume production for the time being, so he could only ask Mocott to get some skulls to work on this matter later.

The main purpose of Tang Qi now is to upgrade, such opportunities are not many.

The troops continued to move forward, and with their first experience, they were much more comfortable dealing with these old roots. When there were a lot of them, they would use ballistas and elf shooters for long range, and if there were few, they would go to behemoths and giant dragons.

After cleaning up several waves of old tree roots in a row, Mocott said goodbye to Tang Qi, but this guy was interesting enough. He told Liya to continue with Tang Qi, and then patted his ass and left.

The troops continued to move forward, and neither the Witherwood Guard nor the Witherwood Warrior Tang Qi was spared. In addition to gaining a lot of experience and gold resources, he also encountered a recruitment building for recruiting Witherwood Warriors - Advanced Deadwood Arch.

The guards are still Deadwood Warriors, with a total of 9 squads, which is one squad less than the primary logging camp that produces level 3 resources.

Tang Qi still used the old method to deal with them, these dead wood fighters could no longer threaten him.

The battle also ended smoothly, and the only consumption was the ammunition of Liya's elf troops.

Ding!System information: "Dear Hero Dark Moon, congratulations to your legion for winning the battle. The evaluation is normal, and the strategy experience value +2106 can be assigned to the legion experience value +2808!"

Ding!System message: "Dear Hero Dark Moon, congratulations to your legion for defeating the guards of the high-level Deadwood Arch and obtaining the ownership of this miracle building!"


【Advanced Deadwood Arch】

[Durability]: 27500/27500
[Attribute]: Miracle building, allowing recruitment (upgrade) of barrier race 5th-level 10th-level dead wood warrior

【Production】: 3/3 (week)
[Recruitment price]: Gold coin x3188
【Affiliation】: Dark Moon
[garrison troops]: none


The three dead wood fighters in the building were also recruited by Tang Qi. This time he learned the trick, and Liya paid for the recruitment.

Too poor in his pocket, Tang Qi also lives with the idea of ​​saving a little.

However, Liya didn't take them with her, and let them be stationed in the recruitment building. The speed was too slow to affect the march.

After tidying up the miraculous building, Tang Qi and the others continued to move towards the northwest direction of the map.

"Liya, is there a sound of thunder in the distance?" Tang Qi asked.

The sound of thunder was heard in the distance, but now that it was approaching, the sound became clearer.

"Yes, my lord, I heard it from a distance!"

"Go, go and have a look!" Tang Qi said.

There seemed to be no wild troops in this area, so Tang Qi's army quickly advanced towards the northwest, and finally came to the upper reaches of the river.

According to the contents of the small map, Tang Qi also understood the terrain of this forest. The river went from about ten o'clock on the map to six o'clock, and then turned a bay in the middle and continued to flow towards four o'clock.

This caused the forest on Tang Qi's side to appear as a long and narrow strip along the towering mountains.

In the northwest corner of this forest, in the canyon upstream of the river, there was howling wind, lightning and thunder. Tang Qi was attracted by the thunder to arrive here.

With the vision bonus of the strategic skill Scouting, Tang Qi could vaguely see something in the canyon flying in the storm of lightning and thunder.

The situation was unknown, Tang Qi ordered the troops to retreat to a safe distance, and then asked Liya to send a golden dragon to seduce the flying creatures in the canyon to see what kind of troops they were.

And Tang Qi hid in a hidden place far away and waited for them to approach, and then he could use the scouting skill to scout them.

The appearance of the golden dragon really caught their attention. Several flying creatures flew towards it very fast, and the speed was actually not slower than the golden dragon.

Reconnaissance skills will not attract hatred, so Tang Qi avoids the critical point of the skill's effective range and uses skills on them to obtain all their attributes.


【Storm Gryphon】

[Race]: Castle☆Griffon

[Faction]: Good ☆ Lawful

[Level]: Level 4, Level 8

〖Offset〗: When attacked, there is a 25% chance to reduce the damage by 12%
〖Counterattack〗: After being attacked, there is a 20% chance to quickly counterattack the enemy

〖Storm Flight〗: Unaffected by storms when flying
〖Storm Dive〗: Quickly dive to attack the enemy from a high altitude (causing 200% damage)

【Life Point】: 35
[Attack]: 12 [Defense]: 9
【Damage】: 4~11
[Morale]: 2 [Luck]: 0
【Speed】: 13【Ammo】: N/A
[Body Size]: Medium [Physical Strength]: 100%

[Strength of Arms]: Heroes with more than 100 units have each HP +10%, maximum damage +2
[Introduction to Arms]: The middle-level arm of the castle race, flying, melee attack, a variant of the Griffon, a ferocious animal that lives on the cliffs of the Storm Canyon.


I didn't expect there to be such a large group of griffins in the corner of the forest full of wild monsters of the barrier race.

This group of storm griffins are aboriginal creatures like Hart and the others. They are not god-given arms, and there are no recruitment buildings to recruit them, so it is useless to destroy them.

They belong to the castle race and are soldiers of the good camp, so the talent of the dark moon is useless to them.

"Headache!" Tang Qi thought for a while, but couldn't find a way to deal with them.

"Lord Earl, maybe Lord Lien has a solution!" Seeing Tang Qi's dilemma, Liya said.

"Ryan? Who?"

"Oh, Lao Mo!" Tang Qi didn't think about it for a while, thinking it was another hidden talent in his team, but then he remembered, this is Liya's special name for Mocott.

For this title, Tang Qi asked Li Ya several times to inquire about it, but this girl just didn't tell him.

Now that Liya said so, Tang Qi had no choice but to ask the Great God again.

The castle race is not only composed of human races, but also two other important constituent arms, griffins and angels!
Griffins were not soldiers of the castle race at first. They fought for the castle race only after they were tamed by a certain generation of human beings. Due to their outstanding combat power and loyalty, they gradually became a symbol of the human race.

Why didn't angels, the ultimate arms, become the symbol of the castle?That is, they do not belong to the human race themselves, they belong to the backers behind the castle race, they belong to the high gods, they represent the gifts of believers, and they are the spokespersons of the gods in the world.

To put it bluntly, it is to stand up for the human race.

The waiting process didn't last long. Mocott, who had just returned to Mo Village's lair, was summoned back by someone sent by Tang Qi before his butt was warmed up and he hadn't even had a sip of fine wine.

Despite the reluctance on his face, the Storm Griffin still interested him a lot.

"My lord, there must be a king among the wild griffins, as long as you tame it, you can tame the whole group!" Mocott said after he came again and observed briefly.

"How to tame it?" Tang Qi asked eagerly when he heard that there was a way.

"It's very simple, ride on it!" Mocott said lightly with a sidelong glance at him.

"I'm going?" Tang Qi asked cautiously.

"can you?"

"Damn!" He looked down upon him.

Even so, if Tang Qi was allowed to go on his own, he would definitely not go. If it was that simple, what game would he be playing?

"Can it work? Him!" Tang Qi said worriedly as he watched Mocott riding away on the golden dragon.

"Don't worry, my lord, Lord Lian's ancestors were the ones who tamed griffins!" Liya explained.

Damn, what a god!According to Liya, this work is his family's ancestral handicraft.

"Hey, look, those griffins are rioting!" Tang Qi pointed to the storm griffins that kept flying out of the canyon.

"Don't worry, my lord, Lord Lian will be fine!" Liya said, not worried on the surface, but let the three green dragons take off and fly towards the canyon.

There was a loud eagle cry, and the storm griffin who was entangled with the green dragon heard the sound and separated from the green dragon, protecting the distance far away.

Liya also ordered the green dragon to fly back to Tang Qi's formation.

Not long after, in the distant sky, Mocott rode the Storm Griffin King to this side, and soon landed in front of Tang Qi.

"It's done?" Tang Qi asked nervously.

Mocott gave him a blank look, but didn't answer. He turned around beautifully, and then patted the Storm Griffin King, causing it to fly away.


【Storm Griffin King】

[Race]: Castle☆Griffon

[Faction]: Good ☆ Lawful

[Level]: Level 6, Level 11

〖Offset〗: When attacked, there is a 25% chance to reduce the damage by 36%
〖Counterattack〗: After being attacked, there is a 20% chance to quickly counterattack the enemy

〖Storm Flight〗: Unaffected by storms when flying
〖Storm Dive〗: Quickly dive to attack the enemy from a high altitude (causing 300% damage)

〖Storm King〗: The king of the Storm Griffin, the morale of the Storm Griffin within the field of vision +2
〖Fearless〗: The mighty king of the Storm Griffin has a 50% chance of being immune to fear effects

[HP]: 100
[Attack]: 16 [Defense]: 13
【Damage】: 9~22
[Morale]: 2 [Luck]: 0
【Speed】: 15【Ammo】: N/A
[Body Size]: Medium [Physical Strength]: 100%

[Strength of Arms]: There can only be one hero under his command

[Introduction to Arms]: Intermediate arm of the castle race, flying, melee attack, variant of Griffin, king of Storm Griffin, ferocious animal that lives on the cliffs of Storm Canyon


Tang Qi found the attributes of the Storm Griffin King from the attribute panel, the 6th-tier unit, and the recruitment price of 21640 gold coins can still be accepted with tears.

The recruitment price of the other 60 storm griffins was once again paid by Tang Qi in debt. The unit price was 1440 gold coins, a total of 86400 gold coins.

In total, this brood of griffins directly asked for gold coins from a city of him, so Tang Qi could only say that I wanted to be quiet.

Life has to go on, making money still requires hard work!

Before Tang Qi could recover, Mocott gave him another suggestion.

(End of this chapter)

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