Wasteland Survival King of War

Chapter 35 Before the full opening

Chapter 35 Before the full opening
"Clean up and follow me!" Tang Qi kicked Cook who was still lying on the ground and howling.


"By the way, are there any new heroes in the tavern?" Tang Qi asked.

"No, by the way, my lord, he took care of the two heroes who escaped before." Cook told him some good news.

"Really? When did it happen!" Tang Qi has always been worried about this matter. It is always a threat to have two heroes staring at him. You must know that the escaped heroes of the underground city have poisonous scorpions. Tier 6 arms.

So it wasn't Cook who told him that he wouldn't believe that Catherine's troops could destroy them.

"Damn, Lich? No wonder the Manticore can be wiped out!" Tang Qi found out that Catherine had an extra 3 teams of Lich, the fifth-level and ninth-level unit of the cemetery race.

The purpose of coming to the City of Darkness this time has been achieved. Tang Qi didn't go to the tavern again, so as not to save Catherine from asking him for gold coins. Anyway, there are only a few days this week, so let him take a few days off.

This week, Catherine had less than 2 ghost units. Such a small number of troops was not enough for Tang Qi, so he simply removed the remaining 8 ghosts under his command, lest their existence affect the morale of the entire army.

Tang Qi, who had no strength, could only attack Cook again, and brought the two behemoths under his command to his own, and by the way, picked up the 100 crystal resources recruited next week, and at the same time did not forget to reward him. crying feet.

Just as Tang Qi was about to return to the ground to go outside another checkpoint, he received a system maintenance message.

After going offline, Tang Qi learned that this maintenance is mainly to prepare for the official public beta two days later, and also updated several game contents.

The first item is to increase the hunger value system. The various races and arms in the game are no longer just an attribute of physical strength, but a hidden attribute hunger value has been added. This attribute has no specific numerical value, but it will reflect On the attribute of physical strength.

To put it simply, too much hunger will accelerate the consumption of stamina, and food supplements will help restore stamina.

The food of different races and arms is different. For example, the food of the elves is mainly green food such as fruits and vegetables, but the dwarves who are also the barrier race are not. Wine and meat are their main food.

The human race is relatively simple, they can eat whatever you eat in reality, but the angels are not, they need divine energy.

The elemental family is simpler than the human family. You just need the crystallization of any element. Various elemental crystals can be excavated through minerals, and you can also use the collection points of each element to charge.

Undead do not need food, which is a favorable setting, at least there is no need to worry about logistics, but undead also have the attribute of physical strength, so they cannot replenish physical strength through food.

The hell race is quite special. They mainly maintain their physical strength through continuous killing, which is also in line with the setting of his race. Destruction and killing are the basis for the survival of the hell race.

Of course, ordinary food can also help them eliminate their hunger, but the effect is not very satisfactory.

The hell race also has another food, that is sulfur, a resource, but its output is very low, and it certainly cannot meet the needs of logistics.

In short, all races and arms need corresponding food. This is another setting of physical strength. This setting tests the player's logistics ability, which is nothing to the Grand Guild.

Individual players don't have too large and complex troops, so there won't be too many problems, but it is a bit of a headache for Tang Qi. With the development of his power, it is very uncomfortable without special logistics support Yes, after all one person cannot handle everything.

Players can still accept the setting of hunger value, but the players of another setting have a lot of criticism.

The game has updated the issue of the maintenance cost of the arms. Now not only the recruitment fee needs to be paid, but also the salary of the arm needs to be paid to the system.

That's right, when your salary is paid monthly, what people receive is a weekly salary, and it is also called a rebate to the gods. After all, these arms come from miracles and belong to the gift of the gods.

After the game is officially opened, the gold coins are directly linked to the real currency, and game companies also take this opportunity to pluck the wool of the majority of players.

In addition, the BUG in the game reported by the players has been patched, and their reward content has been announced.

This Tang Qi didn't participate. The few bugs he mastered were obviously beneficial to him. Only fools would report them for rewards. Reasonable use is the right choice to maximize benefits.

Tang Qi didn't go out for the next two days, and even Gouzi refused to invite guests to the clubhouse. Quiet.

However, he was still sold by his brother after hiding everything. He just went out and wanted to solve his own hunger problem, but just after he left the house, a phone call gave him his coordinates.

"Hello!" A crisp female voice appeared behind Tang Qi.

"Ah, oh! Is there something wrong?" Tang Qi was startled by the voice, and said this sentence foolishly.

"I can't find you if I have nothing to do? Besides, am I so scary?" The girl pretended to be a little angry and said.

"Ugh!" Tang Qi, who was single for a thousand years, was speechless all of a sudden.


"Well, eat...eat in the cafeteria!"

"Why do you keep avoiding me!"


"Hmph!" the girl snorted softly.

Before Tang Qi could react, a gust of fragrant wind rushed towards his face, and the beauty took his arm actively.

"Go, treat me to dinner!"

"Huh?" The beautiful woman's action will kill him.

The matter started from last year. The beauty in front of me is Gouzi's cousin. She is in the same class as Tang Qi and the others, but they are in different majors.

They didn't meet each other at first, but they only got to know each other once at Brother Gouzi's wedding in the second semester of their sophomore year.

Then I had the opportunity to meet at the party invited by Gouzi and the activities organized by the school.

In her sophomore year, Gouzi and Cao Zei sneaked into the student union, and she was one of the vice presidents of the student union.

Gouzi and they would drag him and Huazi to work as coolies in the school activities all the time, and everyone became familiar with it after going back and forth.

At first it was Cao thief who was interested in her, but he didn't dare to confess, no matter how scumbag it is, it can't be scumbags on the heads of brothers and sisters, right, but this man will be careful when he starts to be serious.

The other two are usually busy playing games, only Tang Qi has time to accompany him to take the initiative.

After coming and going, Cao thief didn't make a move, but Tang Qi went in.

One day after the event ended, Tang Qi, who was alone, was blocked by her, and then...then Tang Qi was driven into the bathroom by two rich local tyrants to talk about life.

Two scumbags in one dormitory, one straight man and one idiot!
From the perspective of appearance, the Northeast men are tall and strong, and they are good in all aspects except black spots.

Classmate Lin Hua is fair and handsome, with a feeling of little fresh meat. He has a super-standard boyish face. Not to mention how good his family background is, it is more than half of them. If you miss a good relationship, the game will ruin your life!
Gouzi and him are average, the height of the average person, the appearance is not ugly, but it can't be called handsome, it belongs to the standard of ordinary people.

Among the four of them, Tang Qi must be the least outstanding. Who made him keep a low profile (poor and frustrated)!
For some reason, Zhang Ruoyun, the beautiful woman, fell in love with Tang Qi, which made the other three beasts call it impossible.

The guy from the Northeast regretted all this. He didn't sleep well for three days and ignored Tang Qi for three days. After seeing him for the first time, he was so excited that he was out of the game before he started. He really couldn't figure out where he lost.

After this incident, Tang Qi was often blocked on the road by the beautiful woman Zhang.

It has been more than a year, but Tang Qi has spent a lot of food and gained two catties.

I haven't seen him in two months, and this scene has appeared again. Recently, the game has attracted too much attention from him, so he has relaxed his vigilance on this side, careless!

He who is held by a beautiful woman must have a high rate of turning heads. From the eyes of passing classmates, Tang Qi understood a meaning, flowers and cow dung are typical!

"Oh, by the way, you take these things to them and ask them to send them all out by tomorrow afternoon." The beauty handed over a bunch of materials.

Tang Qi picked it up and looked at it. It wasn't an event or a school club recruiting new students, but a flyer and registration form for a university alliance.

"How about it, I heard from my cousin that you are also playing games, are you interested?" The beauty stared at Tang Qi with an expectant expression.

"Ah...!" Tang Qi was startled again by his cousin's voice.

She and Gouzi are of the same age, and Tang Qi knows who will be on his birthday earlier. In short, it is to fight for his sister who has refused to accept anyone since he was a child, and now his cousin barks so naturally. You are really willing to pay for me.

"In order to thank you for helping me, I will treat you to this meal!" The beauty handed the information to Tang Qi and said.

"Oh!" Tang Qi didn't refute anymore. Anyway, it was like this almost every time, and she could always find a reason to pay.

have to!Another soft meal.

"Could it be that I have more potential to be a badass than Huazi?" Tang Qi was a little suspicious.

The meal was over soon, and Tang Qi ran away in panic again.

On the way, Tang Qi picked up the information and looked at it again. The alliance of 16 colleges and universities in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai is a bit big.

But Tang Qi is not interested in these. Who does the so-called alliance serve?

As a low-level player with no power or money ability, what benefits can he enjoy in the alliance?
Don't enjoy the benefits and enjoy the coolies at that time!

Anyway, don't think about it, these have nothing to do with him, but you still have to bring the things in your hand, and of course you have to do the work after eating a soft meal.

When he returned to the dormitory, he threw the leaflet and registration form at their bedside and it was over.

The college league has nothing to do with him, but he doesn't care if the bosses have ascended the strategic map one after another.

Three big bosses came to his small land early in the morning, and the crisis had already appeared before his eyes.

Next week, the game will officially open to the public for public testing, and it is unknown whether the strategic map will be overcrowded by then.

Back in the dormitory, those guys had gone somewhere, Tang Qi didn't care about it, it was much more comfortable to lie down after eating.

With nothing to do, Tang Qi thought about how to arrange the defense of several strongholds and dungeons, which were the capital of his start-up.

The Thunder Tribe and Mocun Tang Qi are not too worried. There are many dwarves stationed in the tribe, and the terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack. With the current strength of the players, they should be powerless.Tang Qi is not afraid that other players will also sneak in like him, and use other methods to deal with these drunken dwarves. You must know that Tang Qi can pay the price of a contract of the gods here. He doesn't believe that other people can Come up with something more advanced than this.

The terrain of Mo village is relatively open, it is difficult to defend, and it is garrisoned by farmers with little combat effectiveness.

But there is no need to worry too much, Mocott, the great god, also has a luxurious kennel here.

Even Catherine appears here frequently, but this guy doesn't drink with them, he still walks alone. Once Tang Qi found out that he also has his own independent luxury courtyard here. As soon as Morris heard that he bought it from him.

He has no doubts about the starting house that Catherine bought. With a super gold mine in his hand, he has a weekly income of [-] gold coins.

Tang Qi was a little skeptical: "Isn't this my territory? Don't you give me money to buy my house?"

"Damn, let the master of the system mess you up again!" Tang Qi realized that all the hard work was wasted after so much trouble.

The super gold mine was Tang Qi's task, but it turned out to be cheaper than Catherine, a skull, and took his money to buy his house to enjoy.

The defense of the dungeon is also a problem. The underground passages are intricate, and there is no trace of the two original dungeon heroes who escaped. They still have two teams of manticores in their hands.

There is still a shortage of talents, and the heroes who can be played are all temporary workers. If you ask them too much, you may not be able to accept it.

After thinking about it, Tang Qi still felt that he should find Catherine and let him live in the underground city to defend, but he was also worried that he would disappear from time to time.

You must know that after you don't find him to form an army to level up, you can basically see his ghost now.

Cook Tang Qi has appointed him as the deputy city lord of the dark city, responsible for the construction and defense of the city. Now he is poor, so there is no construction task.

One development, one defense construction, seems to be a good arrangement, but this is also Tang Qi's helpless move.

You can't let Liya and Mocott go, Tang Qi may not be able to order them to move, you must know that Mocott still hates the environment of the underground passage very much.

There was no other way but to wrong Catherine.Of course, this is only one reason, and another important reason is that this buddy is too diligent. He cleaned up all the wild units on the map, which made Tang Qi find a wild monster in the land he scraped to practice. Can't find leveling.

Tang Qi didn't care much about other resource points, but Beamon's lair was worth paying attention to.

It's nothing to be occupied. Tang Qi is confident that at this stage, even if a few big bosses fit together, he will not be his opponent. Anyway, the Behemoth Behemoth has been recruited, and he has to wait until next week if he wants to recruit it. up.

You must know that Beamon's lair is also durable as a miracle building, and it will be a big loss if it is demolished.

Thinking about Tang Qi, he fell asleep unknowingly.

(End of this chapter)

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