Chapter 55

"Rupert, Huck, you actually betrayed me!"

Brokentooth Huck and Tooth Rupert had just entered the hall when they heard Bloodfang's roar.

"What betrayal? Bloodfang, tell me clearly, what do you mean we betrayed you!" Rupert said loudly in a strong tone.

But listen carefully to why there is a feeling of guilt, but unfortunately the blood teeth under the rage cannot be noticed.

Broken Tooth Huck was also staring at Blood Fang with a puzzled expression on his face, and at the same time turned his head to look at Rupert the Tooth beside him.

"Basin, tell me!" Blood Fang ordered to Basin who was standing carefully beside him.

"Yes! Boss Bloodfang!" Bassin said in horror. Bloodfang put too much pressure on him, especially when he was still in a rage.

"Speak, Bassin!" Jufang also looked at the terrified Bassin.

"Boss Broken Tooth and you and Boss Tooth took the prisoner of Boss Bloodfang!" Bassin summoned up his courage and pointed at Huck.

"What? I took the prisoner?" Huck said with a look of surprise.

At first he thought it was Rupert the Giant Tooth who was doing something behind his back, and he had a bloody tooth, but he didn't expect it to be himself.

"I saw it with my own eyes!" Bassin bit the bullet and continued.

The prisoner was lost. Although he didn't know who it was, but looking at the furious blood teeth, he knew that the prisoner must be a very important person.

"Are you sure?" Huck said, staring at him.


"Broken Tooth, what do you have to say, you collude with Giant Fang's subordinates, and those damn elves, what do you want to do?" Blood Fang continued to growl.

Owencliff's robbery made Bloodfang lose his mind.

"Wait Bloodfang, when did this happen?" Huck asked.

"not long ago."

"Not long ago, I happened to be with the giant tooth, and many people saw it. I never left the gate of the fortress!" Huck explained.

"You are with the giant tooth, damn it, what kind of conspiracy do you guys have?"

"What conspiracy, I have never asked about the affairs of the regiment, what conspiracy can I have!"

"Hmph, who knows, what good things can happen when the two of you are together!"

"Basein, didn't you say that I did it with Jufang's subordinates, so what about the Jufang's subordinates?" Huck looked at Bassine and asked.

"Yes, Bassin, who is the subordinate of that giant tooth?" Blood Fang also stared at Bassin and asked.

"It's Krutch!"

"Krutch?" Rupert the Tooth also asked curiously.

He is not familiar with this name, obviously not his cronies.

"Yes, it was Krutch who led the Broken Tooth Boss and the elves' troops to attack me and rescued the prisoners," Bassin said.

Although he didn't want to offend the other two, but facing the furious Blood Fang, he was still anxious to get rid of the blame.

"Blood Fang, would you believe me if I said I didn't?" Huck said.

He didn't explain anything anymore, and the obvious blood teeth had already believed Basin's words, thinking that he did it.

"What do you think?" Blood Fang stared at Huck and said.

Rupert the Big Tooth was relieved that he wasn't his cronies. He looked like he was watching a show. He thought that Blood Fang had discovered what he had done, but he didn't expect Broken Tooth Huck to make the first move.

Rupert the Giant Tooth wished that Huck could be tough with Bloodfang. He had hinted his purpose to Huck many times, but he didn't get any response from the other party.

Although the three seem to be equal in the group, everyone knows that Blood Fang must be respected within the bandit group.

As Rupert the Giant Tooth from the native land, he has a large number of followers, all brought out after he defected from the tribe.

Among the three members of the Bloodfang Bandit Group, he is the most powerful, but he is also the weakest. Fighting alone, he is no match for the terrifying two.

With many supporters, he is naturally dissatisfied with his status. He has long been dissatisfied with the position of the boss of Blood Fang, and he keeps making small moves behind his back.

"Who is Krutch?" Blood Fang looked at Bassin and asked.

"Boss Bloodfang, Krutch was originally the son of the patriarch of a tribe, and later he was fighting for the position of patriarch!"

"Stop, I don't want to know about this!" Blood Fang interrupted Bassin, if he wasn't from the Giant Fang tribe, then he wasn't his cronies.

Bloodfang glanced at Rupert the Tooth, but didn't say anything, and he didn't want to conflict with the two of them at the same time.

"Say, you took someone to rob Owencliff, what do you want to do?" Blood Fang turned to look at Huck, but he found that he seemed to have slipped his words.

"What? Owencliff? He's in your hands?" Huck said in surprise.

"You, you know Owen Cliff, who are you?" Bloodfang Elaine was also surprised. Huck actually knew Owen Cliff, which he never expected, and he also realized that Owen Cliff is not Ha Ke robbed it, otherwise he couldn't possibly fail to recognize it.

"Bloodfang, you haven't told me why Owencliff is in your hands!" Huck didn't answer, but stared at Elaine angrily.

"I see, you are Elaine, Duke told me that you embezzled the treasure they got from Dragon Kingdom!"

"Duke, you know Duke, who are you?" Blood Fang was surprised again.

"Storm Swordsman - Hakjag!"

"Damn it, you're Duke's brother?"

"Yes!" said Huck and disappeared.

"Damn it! Windwalk, take them down quickly!" Bloodfang Elaine shouted.

"Go and activate the Forbidden Magic Circle!" Bassein also shouted loudly.

"Boss Blood Fang, the magic crystals that run the forbidden magic circle have been exhausted!"

"Quickly find Shator and let him bring the army over immediately!"

The hall suddenly became chaotic.

Just as the fighting in the Emerald Fortress was in full swing, Tang Qi and his party hurried towards the direction of the fortress, and soon came to the Emerald Fortress with the emerald green wall.

But the road was not very smooth, and the kobolds scattered widely on the wasteland stared at them.

For this reason, Tang Qi could only send Duke and Hart's Fenglei Griffin Knights to clean them up.

He didn't want to expose his whereabouts yet, so it's better to be careful.

Most importantly, he didn't want the Bloodfang bandits to know they were coming.

He just learned briefly about the dangers in the unknown wasteland from Krutch and Cook.

At this time, Tang Qi and the others knew nothing about what happened inside.

Staring at the tall emerald green city wall, Tang Qi was helpless, and there was no good way.

"What a majestic and beautiful fortress! I didn't expect to see a level made of emerald here!" Mocott said with emotion.

"!" Tang Qi was also speechless, rushing quickly, but the first sentence was a sigh of emotion.

Boss, I asked you to think about how to deal with Bloodfang Elaine, not to express your emotions.

"Duke, do you still remember being in the fortress?" Mocott looked at Duke and said, his heart was full of memories.

"Well, it's been years in a blink of an eye!" Duke said.


"Hey, hey! You two, I want to recall the past. Let's go back and recall. Then I will invite you to drink and let me listen to your previous stories!" Tang Qi said aloud.

Seeing that the wind direction was wrong, Tang Qi had no choice but to interrupt their conversation.

Mocott didn't answer, but turned to look at Duke.

"It's useless to look at him. There is a forbidden magic circle inside, so his invisibility is useless." Tang Qi said.

He understood what Mocott meant, but he had already thought of this method last time, and it didn't work.

"Idiot, where did the Forbidden Magic Formation come from!" Mocott said with a white look at Tang Qi.


"Yes, but it didn't start!"

That doesn't mean there is no such thing!Tang Qi turned to look at Duke.

"Look at me, didn't he say that?" Duke pointed to Cruzzi and said.

"Me!" Krutch was speechless.

An idiot will transfer, and the innocent and pitiful he got it in such a short time, but in the face of these big guys, he didn't dare to refute, so he could only bear it.

As a magic idiot, a barbarian must not have the knowledge of a human race like Mocott. Tang Qi naturally chose to believe Mocott's words.

Duke also blushed and disappeared after he finished speaking. He also believed Mocott's words and went for stealth reconnaissance.

Not long after, Duke brought a half-orc hero to Tang Qi.

According to Krutch's words, this half-orc hero is a member of Rupert the Giant Tooth, but like him, he is not a close friend.

Tang Qi got the answer he was expecting from the half-orc hero, and the bloodfang bandit group was in chaos.

Just when Tang Qi and his gang were discussing what to do, there was a large wave of heroes and troops in front of them. He quickly ordered the troops to avoid them, and did not trouble them.

This group of robbers was originally a patchwork of people. Because of the strength of the leaders and the fact that they could not gain a foothold in the wilderness, they gathered together to protect themselves.

Duke casually grabbed one and asked, and learned that Fortress Nehak and Rupert were fighting with the forces of Bloodfang Elaine.

"What should I do?" Tang Qi looked at Mocott.



After Duke confirmed the situation inside the fortress, Tang Qi and his gang broke into the fortress and headed towards the inside of the fortress unimpeded all the way.

From time to time along the way, there were unsightly people who wanted to attack Tang Qi, but they were all easily dealt with by Duke.

When approaching the fortress hall, Tang Qi and the others met Huck who had come out of stealth.

Rupert has a good idea, and Huck also has an idea, and he, who is weak and weak, will definitely not have a good result when he is sandwiched between the two of them.

What's more, he knew the strength of Bloodfang Elaine, so he temporarily retreated incognito, intending to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

There wasn't much time to reminisce about the old days. After a brief understanding of the situation in the fortress, Tang Qi and his gang turned their heads and headed towards the hall where Elaine and Rupert were facing each other.

In the hall, Elaine faced Rupert while guarding against Huck who was invisible.

Without the blessing of the Forbidden Magic Circle, and without other means, he couldn't find Huck who was invisible.

Of course, it's even more useless to open the forbidden magic circle. How can a magic system fight melee under the forbidden magic.

The role of the forbidden magic level and the forbidden magic ball is to prohibit all strategies and combat magic, but this does not include the special effects of the forbidden arms and the magical effects attached to the attack, such as the death stare of the bull and the lightning of the thunderbird.

The stealth skill of the Huck Storm Swordsman profession is a combat skill. It has no magic level, so it will be affected by the effects of the forbidden magic level and the forbidden magic ball.

The curse of the earth is to limit the magic of level 1 and above, and the cloak of forbidden magic is limited to the magic of level 3 to 5. Their influence is invalid for Huck's stealth skills.

As a legal profession, it's better to stay away from close combat, so he decisively chose to escape temporarily, let's talk about escaping from here.

(End of this chapter)

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