Wasteland Survival King of War

Chapter 61 The Unopenable Treasure

Chapter 61 The Unopenable Treasure

After the barbarians were settled, another message came from the Emerald Castle, saying that they had found the location of Elaine's number one thug Shator, and he led the troops to wander outside the Emerald Castle, so Tang Qi rushed to the place without stopping. fortress.

"What does Sator want to do outside?" Tang Qi asked.

"Where is Shator Shator?" Owencliff said excitedly.

"?!" Tang Qi had a question mark on his face, why is this guy so excited.

"My lord, let me deal with this traitor, this guy, I will not let him go."

"What?" Tang Qi looked at him curiously.

After some exchanges, I realized that the reason why Cliff was captured by Elaine was due to Shator.

It turned out that Shator was Clive's subordinate, and he betrayed him for some unknown reason, and what happened next was that Shator cooperated with Elaine to set him up, put him in shackles and became a prisoner.

"Master Cockcliffe!"

When Tang Qi led Cliff to appear in front of Shator, he was stunned.

"Shator, how dare you betray me!" Cliff roared angrily.

"No, listen to my explanation!" Shator backed away in fright.

"Say it, I'll give you a chance, but if you dissatisfy me, you know the consequences!"

"Yes, Lord Cliff, I fell under the blood curse of Elaine and was controlled by him. Before his strength weakened me, I was out of the control of the blood curse!"

"Huh? Is it?"

"Really, my lord, how could I betray you!"

"Come and see!" Cliff said.

Shator came over obediently when he heard Cliff's words, and didn't make any other movements.

"How about it?"

"Hmm! It was indeed Elaine's blood curse." Cliff said after checking, "Okay! I forgive your rudeness, now you have to answer me, are you still loyal to me?"

"Of course, my lord, I am your child, without you there would be no me!" Shator said kneeling.

"?" Tang Qi looked at Cliff with a question mark on his face.

"My lord, Shator was born from my first embrace, so it's not wrong to be my child!" Cliff explained.

"Oh! Can the blood curse be solved?"

"Huh? I can't help it, but Lillian may have a way!" Cliff said.

When Mocott was mentioned, he felt uncomfortable, and when he was with him, he looked nervous and cautious. He would never appear in the same place with Mocott if it was not necessary.


"Not sure, but I think he has a way."

"Okay then, let's go find Morion!" Tang Qi almost called Mocott by his name again out of habit.

"No, my lord, you should take him there!" Cliff took a few steps back, vigorously shaking his head and waving his hands, "Shator, you go with the Earl!"

"Yes! Your Excellency!" Shator did not doubt him, and returned to the Emerald Castle with Tang Qi after receiving the order, but when he saw Mocott, he was almost scared to pee.

"Guangguang Guanghui Juggernaut!" Shator stared at Mocott and stammered.

"Who are you?" Mocott asked, staring at Shator.

"I am Lord Cliff's child!"

"Oh! I see. Are you one of Owen's first ten children?"

"Yes, it is!"

"What can you do with me!"


"Okay, let me tell you!" Tang Qi interrupted Shator, frightened like a quail, he was exhausted, "He was under Elaine's blood curse, what can you do to break it?" ?"

"Blood curse? Come and see!"

"Go!" Shatore flinched, and Tang Qi kicked him over.

"My lord!"

"Okay! What are you afraid of? I'm working for the Earl, and I won't hurt you!" Mocott said while blinking in Tang Qi's direction.

Tang Qi understood and gave him a grateful look.

"Yes, my lord!"

"How, can you solve it?" Tang Qi asked.

"Fortunately you came early!"

"What's wrong?" Tang Qi and the others immediately became nervous.

"If you come later, the blood curse will be lifted by itself!" Mocott said with a smile.

"I rely on!"

"After Elaine blew himself up, his strength declined severely when he returned to the phylactery, and he no longer has the ability to maintain this blood curse!" Mocott explained.

"Fuck, it's a waste of effort!"

Capturing Cliff is tantamount to mastering Shator. Unlike Cliff, he should be a combat hero like Duke and others. Shator is a strategic hero. The strategy level is also level 15, with 7 offense and 4 intelligence 3 forces 3, there are 50 vampire troops under his command.

Talent attributes are also specialties of vampires, which increase the HP of vampire units by 25%; reduce the damage received by vampire units by 20%; increase the blood-sucking effect of vampire units by 50%.

Strategic skills are Advanced Spiritualism, Advanced Resistance.

Advanced Spiritualism: 30% of the enemy troops killed in battle will become their own skeleton soldiers, there is a 20% chance of summoning corpses and ghosts, there is a 10% chance of summoning vampires, there is a 5% chance of summoning Liches, optional recruitment
Advanced Resistance: 20% chance to be unaffected by magic cast by the enemy

"My lord, there is a treasure house left by Elaine in the fortress!" Shator said suddenly.

"You mean Elaine's treasure house?" Tang Qi asked excitedly.

"Yes, my lord, there are gold coins and resources accumulated by the Bloodfang Bandits in the fortress over the years!"

"Where is the treasure house?" Tang Qi asked eagerly.

"It's in the basement, but we can't open it without a key."

"What about the key?"

"I have one of the keys here, and the other is in Jufang's hands!"


"Yes, my lord!"

"Damn it, wouldn't it be impossible to open?"

"Yes, it is!"

Without the key, the treasure house is just empty talk, and if you can't open it, there is nothing, and your work is useless.

"Hasn't Huck?" Tang Qi asked unwillingly.

"Uh! No, Mr. Huck has only been here for a short time, but Mr. Huck is not keen on robbery!" Krutch continued.

"Then what does he and his men eat?"

"Tolls, many caravans come from the direction of Twilight Forest to trade with the various races in the wasteland, we will charge tolls!"

"Oh! There is still this business! Why is no one coming now?" Tang Qi asked curiously.

"My lord, it's not the trading season yet. There is no shortage of food in the wasteland right now, but in autumn and winter, the cold north wind will blow all over the wasteland, and there will be food shortages in the whole wasteland!"

"Oh, really?"

"Yes, my lord. At that time, there will be many caravans carrying food and winter supplies through the fortress to trade in the wasteland!"

"Then why can't we trade here?"

When it comes to trading, Tang Qi immediately thought of whether it is possible to turn this place into a trading market and collect money from both ends!

"Ugh! My lord, we don't have the strength to suppress it!" Krutch reminded.

That's right, even one side can't afford it, not to mention gathering the two sides together, it's hard to guarantee that no one will make a wrong decision.

Tang Qi lost a lot of manpower after letting go of the giant teeth. The current strength of the Emerald Castle is not half of that of the Bloodfang Bandit Group. No, it may not be a quarter of the strength, so it cannot be defended. here.

The reason why the Bloodfang Bandits were able to firmly occupy the fortress of the Emerald Castle was not because of their strength, but because they maintained neutrality and were forced to be neutral.

The main members of the Bloodfang Bandit Group are rebels from the Lotak Wasteland, the Twilight Forest and beyond. They have hatred and betrayal with their previous forces, so it is difficult for them to integrate or be Which side is biased towards.

This kind of pattern has created the Bloodfang Bandit Group's fate and not dealing with each other. They have enemies with everyone and can chat with anyone. Therefore, under the deliberate concessions of all parties, the current strange pattern has been formed. .

After Tang Qi occupied the fortress of the Emerald Fortress, he certainly wanted to maintain this situation. He didn't have the strength to deal with the attacks of those unknown forces.

Therefore, the current Emerald Castle is protecting itself behind closed doors, and his forces will not participate in the defense of the fortress, so as not to startle the enemy and expose the fact that the fortress has changed hands.

The current situation has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that there is no food shortage season in the cold winter in the wasteland, so now there are almost no forces that come here to trade, which allows Tang Qi and the others to keep this secret.

The unfavorable factor is naturally Jufang's escape. Will he expose the fact that the fortress has changed its owner by fleeing to the Twilight Forest? Nothing is known about the forces in the Twilight Forest.

In short, the treasure house is hopeless for the time being. If you want to open it, you have to find Rupert the Giant Tooth. He is the key.

"Krutch, you tell Huck to pay close attention to the movements of Rupert the Tooth and his men!"

"Yes, my lord!"

"Well, you and Shator stay at the fortress!" Tang Qi ordered.

They were members of the Bloodfang Bandit Group, so staying in the fortress would not appear too abrupt, and they could be regarded as people Tang Qi could trust. The other heroes needed to be suppressed by Huck, otherwise it was unknown whether they would betray him.

"By the way, go and call Roland Bate and let him go back with me."

Roland Bate is Tang Qi's key training object. Compared with him, Krutch and Shator's talent is rubbish, so he will be the main force of Tang Qi's future army.

"Yes, my lord!"

"Well, let's go!"

After instructing Krutch and the others, Tang Qi was ready to go back. The map of the Lotak Wilderness was too large, and Tang Qi did not plan to expand here before the aboriginal forces fully understood it. Let's talk about the operation of the small map.

Just after Roland Bate found Tang Qi, he suddenly remembered that there was another person he needed to meet. He was a key figure in Tang Qi's future control of the Lotak Wasteland, a kobold who was captured by him and left here for a long time Wizard - Roy the Wise.

After greeting Roland Bate, Tang Qi was ready to have a good chat with him.

(End of this chapter)

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