Wasteland Survival King of War

Chapter 63 Player Explosion

Chapter 63 Player Explosion

After finishing the old dog head, Tang Qi asked him about the situation of the forces on the Lotak wasteland.

"My lord, since the barbarian empire collapsed on the Lotak wasteland, there has not been an absolute force that can reunify here. Most of the current forces exist in the form of tribes." Roy said.

"Well! You continue!"

"Let's talk about the big forces on the wasteland first. The largest groups of forces. The four largest forces known so far are the Sion tribe in the north, the ghost fox in the middle, the Badis tribe in the west, and the tribe in the south. the Barbrus tribe!"

"The Frost Sion tribe is said to be half-orcs from the northern ice field. Their tribe has a 6th-level Frost Bear Knights. The Bardis tribe in the west is a tribe of ogres. They don't have a decent army, they just have a large number. , As for the Babrus tribe in the south, they are an alliance tribe composed of various races, and the internal composition is complicated!" Roy continued.

"So what is the ghost fox in the middle?"

"I don't know, Ghost Fox is very mysterious, no one knows who he is, it is rumored that he is a powerful wizard!"

"is it?"

Tang Qi is not afraid of him with a strong individual, and he is still sure of having two and a half sword masters.

"Well, he has a behemoth army under his command, and he is likely to control many miraculous buildings that recruit behemoths."


This is not easy to handle. Tang Qi also has several behemoths under his command. Knowing how powerful they are, the title of King of Land Warfare is not for nothing, and there must not be only a few of them who can be called legions.

"Lord Earl, this is the biggest force in the wasteland right now."

"Well, what about the east, isn't there any decent force in the east?"

"The power in the east is not comparable to them, but you should pay attention to the Kirby tribe. Although they are not strong, they seem to be connected with the power of the ghost fox."

"Okay, thanks Roy the wise man, this is where I need your help."

"Of course, Lord Earl, this is also our cooperation, isn't it?"

"Of course, Roy the wise, I will keep my promise."

"I believe in the Earl!"

"Oh, by the way, which one is the biggest force in the East at present?"

"The Luenst tribe, they also have Behemoth Behemoths, and they also have an army of Cyclops."

"Okay, thanks Roy the wise man!"

"You're welcome, Lord Earl!"

"My lord, Lord Mocott has sent someone!" Krutch came in at this moment and said.

"Old Mo? Why did he send someone here?" Tang Qi asked curiously.

He didn't understand that he had always been the only one looking for Mocott, and it was rare that he could take the initiative to send someone to look for him.

"Respected wise man Roy, please go ahead!" Tang Qi said.

"Okay, Lord Earl, we will meet later!"

"Elder Hart, long time no see!"

"Yes, my lord count!"

It was Hart, the elder of the Thunder Tribe, who rode the Storm Griffin King and brought a small team of Thunder Griffin Knights.

"I don't know why Mocott asked you to come to me?"

"Lord Earl, Lord Lean asked me to tell you that many unidentified heroes have appeared in the territory recently!"

"Oh! I see. You go back and tell Mocott I'll be right back."

Counting the time, now the second batch of players has basically entered the strategic map. After the game is fully opened, the difficulty of talent trials has been reduced a lot. Many of these players have completed the trial and entered the strategic map.

"My lord, let Sator escort you back!" Huck said.

"Okay, I'll leave it to Mr. Harker here!"

Roland Bert Tang Qi had already asked him to go back first. This guy's top priority now is to raise his strategic level as soon as possible.

The strength of Tang Qi's men should be sufficient to deal with possible dangers, but it would be safer to have Shator together.

Tang Qi also wanted him to go to the City of Darkness to increase the power there, but the strength of the Emerald Fortress was too weak, so Tang Qi didn't let him go.

From time to time, some players fell into the map he occupied, this is not acceptable, Tang Qi does not allow other players to peep into his secret.

Mocott has sent out all the heroes and troops he can use, and is going all out to search for traces of players that may appear in the occupied map.

With the opening of the game, the difficulty of talent tasks is also decreasing. It is easier for players to obtain their own talents and come to the strategy map. Relatively, the strength improvement in the battle map is not so much.

The strength of the new players is not strong, without the strength of the previous bosses, of course, their oil and water are not as powerful as the bosses.

The heroes Tang Qi recruited from the tavern, leading a team of Tier 4 units, can deal with most players who just came to the strategic map.

But there are also special circumstances. According to the feedback from the elite thieves, there are two teams facing each other in front of them.

The group of players is not a casual 1st team 4th-tier unit that can handle it, so Tang Qi plans to go and see for himself.

This was still on the Luotak wasteland, Tang Qi was only surrounded by Shator and his 50 vampires, but it was enough to deal with the players in front.


Let's fight, I'll clean up the mess after the fight, so as not to bother you.

The advantage in vision allowed Tang Qi to observe them from a distance outside the battlefield.

The two sides didn't fight right away, but you were chatting with each other one by one, but Tang Qi could only hear their yelling and cursing, there was no way, their voices only became louder when they were yelling.

"You guys are fighting, don't you know there is a saying that the villain dies because of talking too much?" Tang Qi was worried for them, and couldn't help but complain.

"No, there's an ambush!" The players on the crowded side shouted loudly.

Tang Qi was also surprised, they could have discovered this, it shouldn't be!

However, after careful observation, it was discovered that the direction of defense of the side with more people was not his side, and only then did he know that it was his false alarm, and another side came to reinforce him.

But the strange thing is that the other side also set up a defensive posture in the direction of the incoming people. Could it be their reinforcements.

Depend on!Could it be that the confrontation between two corners will develop into a love triangle? This is not a good sign.

Sure enough, when the third party approached them, both sides of the duel turned most of their attention to them.

Because the people who came here are stronger than them, the 1st team is the 5th-level tauren of the dungeon race and the 2nd team is the 4th-level Medusa. The strength of the other two is not weak. The Tier 1 troops should have no problem dealing with them, so they can't help being nervous.

"Did you come to the big fish?" Tang Qi became a little interested. The player who just arrived is strong enough, so he should not have been born in Tang Qi's sphere of influence, otherwise he would have been discovered long ago.

But Tang Qi didn't know where he came from, the wasteland was too big, even a kobold didn't know everything.

What's more, where they came from is not important to him, just send them all back to the battle map.

The third party didn't attack them immediately, but formed a triangle to communicate something.

This is the general way of the big guilds. Being under the advantage does not mean that you don’t want to eliminate the other party, but the relationship between the big guilds and other people is complicated. alliance relationship.

Tang Qi didn't have this scruple, and he would attack anyone who was easy to bully, as long as he didn't expose himself.

The negotiations between the three parties did not seem to be going so smoothly, and there was a faint tendency for the two weak parties to unite.

Resources are limited. Players from different guilds will not unite unless necessary. Resource sharing will only make both parties vulnerable.

Tang Qi wished that they would fight quickly, so that he would not waste time and energy to do it. Praying mantis stalks cicadas, and the oriole is behind. The hunter takes a gun and aims for a while before making a move. This is the correct process.

But it's not good for you to just talk and not practice, he doesn't have much time to spend with them.

Seeing that the state of war was becoming peaceful, Tang Qi decided not to wait any longer, and packed up together to catch up with the next round.

Shator, who is at level 15 in strategy, has 50 teams of 600 vampires, and his talent is to increase the blood-sucking effect and life value of vampires, so he has no problem dealing with them.

"Who?" The leader looked in Tang Qi's direction, as if he also had the skill of reconnaissance.

Now that he had been called to break Xingzang, Tang Qi didn't intend to wait any longer, and immediately ordered Shator and his vampire troops to rush up.

The bats covering the sky flew towards them, and the leader ran away without turning his head.

But how could the ground troops outrun the flying units, and they were soon overtaken.

It has to be said that the tauren are still very capable of fighting. Their morale is always high and they are not affected by Tang Qi's talent. Other players' evil camp units have been affected and start to flee in fear.

Since the player's hero character is not killed, the evil faction units under their command will not surrender.

There is no suspense in the battle. Without Tang Qi participating in the battle, Shator's army is enough to destroy them.

Tang Qi couldn't help feeling a little disappointed when packing up the loot. There were only a few thousand gold coins and nothing of value.

"Bah! Pretending to be such a big 13, I didn't expect it to be a bunch of poor ghosts, what the hell!" Tang Qi couldn't help but complain.

Without the explosion rate of the first batch of bosses, the wealth of the second batch of players like Tang Qi is simply incomparable with them.

I thought this guy was also a big fish, but I didn't expect him to be poorer than him, what a waste of expression.

After cleaning up this group of unexpected players, Tang Qi returned to his territory and started a comprehensive cleaning work.

After a round, the number of heroes found and eliminated reached 38. On average, there are about 3 heroes in each of the [-] maps on the ground that he confirmed to occupy, and this does not include the underground passage of the dark city quantity.

There is nothing in most of the maps that needs to be kept secret. The only one is that Luoyue Village in the Bei-1 map was violently posted on the Internet. In addition, the Liya Legion's Green Dragon and Phantom Shooter troops also shocked people on the Internet. call.

Tang Qi didn't have enough gold coins to upgrade Luoyue Village. It was still a level 1 village, so it didn't attract the attention of all parties.

The battle was over, but Krutch sent someone from thousands of miles to say that someone was spying on the Emerald Castle, which made Tang Qi nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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