Spark 2003

Chapter 13 Alive

Chapter 13 Alive
Seeing that the two groups of people were about to come to the brink of fighting, Chen Nian couldn't just sit idly by. He stopped in front of Li Xiang and asked the young man:
"You keep talking about how you are in the United States here, do you know the United States?"

He didn't want to let the matter develop into a fight. Although there is no such thing as a slap to pick up the car, the fight will still be recorded.

So, since this person likes to be provocative and verbal so much, then I should directly defeat him in his field.

It would be better if he was provoked and let him do it first.

"Hehe, do I know America? I watched Die Hard when I was three years old, and I read On the Road when I was nine. It is no exaggeration to say that the United States is my spiritual hometown."

"Do you know what a hometown is? Forget it, people like you won't understand it. The brainwashing is too thorough."

Chen Nian nodded and continued:

"I don't understand, so tell me, what's so good about America?"

"Freedom! Freedom is everything. In a country without freedom, you will know the value of freedom."

There was a yearning look on that person's face, Chen Nian had seen this kind of look a lot in his previous life.

Whether it's the speech sister with sweet air, the diary sister with a speck of dust, or the foot-washing sister who immigrant workers, they all have this look on their faces more or less.

The more you are lacking, the more you can only see what you want to see.

"Oh? Where's the freedom?"

"Second Amendment, residents can bear guns!"

"Very good. There are 6000 shooting deaths a year, and there should be an increase in the last two years. Free America, gun battles every day."

".Anyone can own their own land and buy and sell it freely!"

"The Indians gave you a thumbs up. They even transferred the land for free --- oh no, it's a scalp. By the way, most of the land in the United States is in the hands of farmers and capitalists. Don't talk about people like you in the past. The land is gone, and you can’t even get into the graveyard.”

"Will you try again?"

"What's the matter, do you want to do it? Didn't you just talk about it just now? I don't think you know much about the United States."

"Okay, I'll argue with you today! Come on, I won't bully you, I don't talk about technology, I just talk about the cultural system! Americans have medical insurance, and medical treatment is free, free, understand?"

Chen Nian couldn't help laughing.

"You kid is still playing with puns, right? Have you ever been to the United States to see a doctor? If you don't treat minor illnesses, you can't treat serious illnesses. Try it?"

Before the man could refute, Chen Nian continued:

"Don't talk about freedom with me, you don't understand the concept of freedom at all."

"You think we are not free, but it's just that the freedom we understand is different from the freedom in the United States."

"What we have always said is the freedom of natural persons. You can do whatever you want, play whatever you want, and you can even go out to visit the night market at 12 o'clock—of course, it is still a little dangerous now, but it will be in a few years." Become reality."

"Try it in the United States? One shot did it for you!"

"The freedom in the United States is the freedom of legal persons. Everyone is an aggregate of legal person organizations. The guns you mentioned, land transactions, and even medical insurance that will never be used are all manifestations of legal person freedom."

"In other words, this is a kind of freedom for the strong."

"Okay, let me ask you now, do you want the freedom of natural persons, or the freedom of legal persons?!"

"Do you want all the weak to have the same right to survive, or do you want to actually enter a society where the weak prey on the strong?"

"You think that if you go to the United States, you will be a master, are you worthy?"

A series of questioning directly confused the young man.

As a top student in the Department of Computer Science of Western Polytechnic University, his knowledge of the outside world is indeed much higher than that of his peers, but the only problem is that most of what he sees has been screened.

Although there is no so-called big data algorithm yet, for Chinese people, the West has a more efficient means of propaganda.


When accessing the external network and the screen is full of English, if a Chinese message appears, the reader's attention will naturally be attracted.

It was a common tactic, and judging by the young man's reaction, it worked.

It is also relying on this information that he has a sense of superiority most of the time.

But unfortunately, today he met his opponent.

Chen Nian has the experience of his previous life, he has seen and experienced too many things.

Moreover, these intuitive experiences are obviously much more intuitive and convincing than the information obtained by the other party from the Internet.

Therefore, for a while, he didn't know how to answer at all, so he could only stammer and say:

"You are purely absurd! Isn't it true that the United States is stronger than your country?"

"I'm still in your country, and I don't say anything to make you immigrate. Anyway, I hope you won't be embarrassed when you think of your speeches 20 years later."

After finishing speaking, Chen Nian stopped talking nonsense to him.

The opponent's aura has been completely suppressed, and it is basically impossible to have any more conflicts.

The only thing that makes Chen Nian regret is that he is at this level, and he doesn't feel good about it at all.

In a word, before the aggression is pulled up, it is a white flag.

The two men in Chinese tunic suits sitting at the next table also relaxed a little.

Their duty is to keep Chen Nian out of danger, so there is no need to worry about this kind of verbal dispute.

For young people, it is normal to take detours in thinking, and the facts will prove everything sooner or later.

But what Chen Nian said just now touched them a lot.

Natural persons are free, and legal persons are free.

It's a concept they've never heard of, but when they think about it, it's true.

Speaking of which, the freshman in front of him is not only far ahead of his peers in academics, but also makes others hard to come by in terms of depth of thought.

Is this the world of genius?
The man sighed quietly, feeling inexplicably lucky.

Count the romantic figures, and look at the present.
After eating, Chen Nian and his group strolled back to the school. Cai Kun hadn't spoken much since the conflict. When he was approaching the school gate, he suddenly caught up with Chen Nian who was walking in front, and said :
"Chen Nian, I think what you said makes sense."

"Actually, I have always thought the same as that person --- I can't say the same, of course I won't say anything about immigration, but I always feel that the United States is indeed freer."

"But the concept you mentioned today, I have thought about it carefully, and I think it is right."

"The system of this country is built on the basis of civilization, and the basic point of our civilization, how to say it?"

"It's survival and continuation."

"That's right!"

Cai Kun nodded sharply.

Chen Nian smiled and continued:

"I don't know if you have read the literature of other countries. I read a joke before that said this."

"American literature is, I die for freedom; France is, I die for romance; Russia is, I will die; Japan is, I want to die."

"Do you know what China is?"

"What is it?"

Li Xiang came over and asked curiously.


(End of this chapter)

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