Spark 2003

Chapter 47 The Bottom Line

Chapter 47 The Bottom Line
While Chen Nian was finalizing the data of the F119 engine, an EP-3E reconnaissance plane was quietly crossing the sky above a certain sea area in the south, flying towards the distant land .

The 24 people on the crew were operating at full capacity, and all the electronic detection equipment had been turned on. Even the co-pilots, who were usually carefree, put away their cynical expressions.

The reason is very simple, this is not a simple investigation task like before, but an extremely dangerous temptation.

The plane climbed to an altitude of 8000 meters and began to fly around 40 nautical miles from the coastline on standby. Taking advantage of this short gap, the main pilot Lyons took a deep breath and turned his face to the co-pilot Wei S said:
"I really don't know what they think about entering the sensitive area at this point in time, will we be shot down directly?"

Weiss on the side shook his head and replied:

"That's not the case. They will definitely not open fire on us, because that would mean a direct war."

"However, not daring to fire doesn't mean they won't do anything."

"Our intelligence shows that the opponent has already started to practice the roller maneuver, and it is said that a certain flying brigade is still learning the case of the Barents Sea scalpel."

"They are not weak opponents, especially the front-line pilots."

"Compared with us, their equipment is backward, so many times they want to use their lives to make up for the gap."

"As long as there is a slight mistake, it may lead to mutual losses."

"So be careful and keep an eye on the radar. If there are more than two fighter jets, immediately slow down and descend to get out of the danger zone."

Hearing Wes's words, Lyons nodded slightly.

As the captain, his experience in crisis response is naturally no worse than Weiss's. He actually knows all the things the other party said.

It's just that in such tense moments, no one can maintain complete calm and restraint. Instead, they always hope to find some comfort from others.

And a strong teammate is undoubtedly his greatest reliance in the face of danger.

The plane was still flying smoothly. Lyons notified all the crew members to check the equipment for the third time, and then said:
"Everyone check the self-destruct device. If there is an accident, I ask you to destroy all confidential data before the plane lands, understand?"

"The situation last time must never happen again. If they get the data again, the electronic system of this plane should be given to them directly!"



"Don't worry, they won't catch us this time"

There were chaotic replies on the radio, and at this moment, Lyons received the "mission start" signal.

He gave Weiss a look, then turned the nose of the plane, and after a sharp turn, the plane began to descend.

It has been down to about 6000 meters before the descent process stops.

At this time, the EP-3E was only 100 nautical miles away from their target.

"Attention, intercepted communication activities of the Huaxia Fleet, location judgment, Lingshui Airport."

"Intercepted communication activities on the sea surface, the location information is as follows."

"Radar detected no air targets."

"Communication activity signal enhancement, start signal environment record analysis."

Lyons became more and more nervous as the reports were broadcast one by one.

These are just some routine actions. If it is normal, even if the opponent finds out his own actions, there is a high probability that they will not take the initiative to attack and drive away.

Because apart from loitering records, one's own side will not make any offensive attempts.

But today is different.

My task today is not to stay within a range of about 70 nautical miles from the target position for reconnaissance as usual, but to continue to move forward and advance to a range of 40 nautical miles.

Although this distance still does not enter the territorial waters of the opponent, it has already entered the coverage of shore-based radar.

In other words, if a conflict occurs, the opponent's shore-based air defense firepower can directly hit you!

Lyons felt cold sweat break out on his head.

At this moment, a new broadcast suddenly came from the earphones.

"Two aircraft are found ahead, the Chinese are coming!"

Lyons' heart tightened, and he immediately ordered:
"Lower altitude, lower speed!"

He secretly prayed in his heart that the two fighter jets on the opposite side must not take radical actions, otherwise, it would be a trivial matter if the mission could not be completed, and if they could not return, it would be the end of it.
Just a few minutes later, two khaki-colored fighter jets passed over the EP-3E, and then the calling of each other came from the public communication channel.

"This is the Huaxia Navy training area, you have entered our training area, please leave immediately, please leave immediately"

Weiss on the side looked at Lyons and asked:
"How to do?"

Lyons turned his head and looked through the porthole at the fighter jet that kept shuttling and accompanying him on the left, with a serious expression.

As the speed of the EP-3E further decreased, the two J-[-]s were clearly unable to do what they wanted.

Moreover, they did not take more deterrent actions as soon as they met as they had expected.

Does that mean that I can continue to challenge?

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and answered:

"Leave them alone, slow down and move on!"

Weiss looked at him in surprise, and asked in disbelief:
"Lyons, are you sure you don't want to return?"

"No return! Weiss, look, they dare not do anything to us!"

"It's not just us who are afraid of them, they are also afraid of us!"

"We are afraid of losses, and they are also afraid of causing further conflicts, because they have no strength to fight us now!"

"So, they can only keep retreating, and now they have no bottom line!"

"This is the real intention of the base. They just want us to keep lowering the bottom line of the Huaxia people!"

As soon as these words came out, Weiss immediately understood the situation.

He didn't hesitate anymore, and directly turned off the public communication channel, and cooperated with Lyons to continue to control the plane to lower its altitude.

After just 10 minutes, the two J-3s were completely unable to follow the accompanying flight, and could only shuttle around EP-[-]E continuously.

And such a shuttle does not pose any threat to EP-3E.

"Hahahahaha, Lyons, they really dare not do anything to us!"

"These Chinese people, they can't fight us at all!"

Wes laughed triumphantly, and Lyons also showed a smile on his face.

"I should have guessed it. Well, I admit I was taken aback by what happened to Bruni earlier."

"But now I understand."

"This is not an invasion of airspace. How can a country that has not even established an air defense identification zone pose a threat to us in public waters?"

"No matter how we toss, their reaction is limited to this."

"Go ahead. We will definitely not see their warships today."

"However, as long as we lower their bottom line one step at a time, maybe one day, we can actually fly over the tourists on their shores."

Weiss nodded in agreement, and then asked with some concern:

"But we don't have any weapons."


Lyons' tone was mocking.

"We don't have weapons, don't they?"

"Look at those two antique fighter jets, they are just toys at all."

"Their J-[-] is also a toy. With such a toy, what can they do to us?"

"What's more, the base behind us and the country behind the base are our real weapons."

(End of this chapter)

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