Spark 2003

Chapter 498 Fault

Chapter 498 Fault
At the end of the class, according to the plan that had been made long ago, Chen Nian was supposed to have a symposium with the students in this class as a "superior leader".

However, both Chen Nian and Chen Guo felt that such an activity was more formal than substantive, so they simply canceled the symposium and instead randomly selected a few students for interviews - or in other words, in fact, the level of small talk was still small. higher.

Of course, Chen Nian still consciously asked about the use of Spirit Eyes during the conversation, but what surprised him was that this thing did not actually bring about a particularly big "repercussion" among the student group.

In other words, just like the multimedia and smart blackboards they used before, Osmo is just a new teaching tool for them.

They don't care about this teaching aid, but the problem is that even this state of "not caring" can actually significantly improve the teaching level of the entire class.

This point exactly illustrates the merits of Spirit Eyes.

If this thing really allows "people who know how to use it to improve faster," then Chen Nian will stop the project without hesitation.

Because that will undoubtedly further widen the gap between the so-called "geniuses" and "mediocrities" and completely bury the problems of imbalanced allocation of educational resources and imbalanced educational efficiency into the abyss.

But fortunately, judging from the current situation, this thing is still very useful.
At least, when Chen Nian sat opposite a boy who looked carefree and tried to communicate with him as an "equipment maker", what he showed was not "disdain", but admiration.

"This thing of yours is quite useful. To be honest, I admire you scientists the most."

"Those Internet celebrities and celebrities, I don't think they can compare with you."

"I know my own business. We are just sewer rats. No one cares about where we are going in the future."

"Some people came to our school before to shoot videos, deliver supplies, and expose educational injustices. It's all nonsense."

"To be honest, you are the first ones who really want us to get better."

"Although the good things are limited. Sorry, we are not born to study. No matter how good things are given to us, they will not be of much use."

Hearing this, Chen Nian couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"Don't you know that your level is improving? Don't you know that the overall score of this class is at least 30% higher than at the beginning?"

"I know."

The boy shrugged and replied:

"But what's the point? To be honest, each of us has a terrifyingly low starting point. Let alone a 30% improvement, what will happen even if it is a 300% improvement?"

"We can't compete with those young masters and geniuses. A pair of glasses is very good, but it cannot fundamentally solve our problems."

The boy's narration was very clear, which made Chen Nian feel a little suspicious:
If his thinking logic can indeed reach the level where he can fully express what he wants to express, then why did he "fall" to this school?
A somewhat cruel but realistic situation is that there is a lower limit to the capabilities of individual human beings.

He may be far from reaching his potential due to various external factors, but at least it is impossible to fall below the bottom line drawn by the lower limit of his own abilities.
Thinking of this, Chen Nian asked:
"So how do you think your problem should be solved?"

"That's really complicated. Uncle, you'll know just by visiting our house."

"I know you must think that we are like the migrant workers in the past, living in a dilapidated board house, and my father works outside, my mother is bedridden, and there is a younger sister at home who is in elementary school."

"But actually, that's not the case at all."

A joking smile appeared on the boy's face, and after a moment of pause he said:
"The Internet celebrities who came to help poverty alleviation thought the same way before. They sent a lot of rice, flour, grains, oils, etc. to our family, and even shortbread - it's quite funny, we didn't finish it for three months. , threw away most of it.”

After saying this, the boy's expression began to look disappointed.

"We are really not short of money. It can even be said that as a construction worker, my dad has reaped the dividends from the infrastructure construction in recent years."

"Our family's life is still very good - I'm talking about material life."

"But, his life is all about the construction site."

“Even my life revolves around the theme of ‘construction site’ all the time.”

"Because this is the field my predecessors are most familiar with."

"How is this possible?" Chen Nian interrupted the boy and then asked:
"How could your father not want you to get out of this industry and develop in a higher direction?"

"If you say that, you're sort of making an excuse for yourself to give up on yourself, right?"


The boy shook his head solemnly and replied:

"Of course he wants me to leave this industry, but I just want to ask, uncle, you are engaged in smart devices. If I ask you questions about nuclear fusion, superconductors, etc., can you answer them? ?”

“Can you know what industries these technologies will spawn and what jobs they will create?”

"You can't?"

"This is based on the fact that you already have a very high vision and a wealth of knowledge."

"Ten years ago, my dad was a construction worker who didn't know a few words. Do you think he could understand?"

The boy's topic hit Chen Nian hard, because he really understands nuclear fusion and superconductors.

However, Chen Nian completely understood what the boy meant.

This is a huge gap caused by the failure of talent development to keep up with technological development.

The associated consequence of this fault is a serious lack of family education, or even serious mistakes.

The group of people who can quickly adapt to technological changes will become stronger and stronger, while the group of people at the bottom who do not have the "foundation" to adapt will become weaker and weaker.
If we follow the normal development path of technology, this problem will not be so serious.

However, the technological progress led by Chen Nian is precisely abnormal and goes against objective laws!

"I understand what you mean"

Chen Nian nodded slightly, acknowledging the boy's opinion.

But then he asked again:

"So if you think this problem caused your failure, then there must be a specific manifestation, right?"

"Macro issues won't directly press on you. No matter how much he doesn't understand, he can't stop you from learning, right?"

"That's certainly not the case."

The boy shrugged again and then replied:

"Others don't know it, but me. I am the product of being cut from a leek."

"When nuclear fusion became popular, my dad enrolled me in a youth nuclear energy interest class; when superconductors became popular, he enrolled me in a superconducting experimental group; when artificial intelligence became popular, he asked me to learn programming."

"Didn't I tell you that he doesn't know anything, so he wants me to try everything."

"Uncle, you think it's strange that I can learn well in this situation, right?"


Chen Nian sighed deeply.

This boy's experience is indeed a bit tragic, but also a bit funny.

However, his special and ridiculous experience was actually just a small fluctuation on the periphery of a huge system.

It seems that to truly solve educational problems, a pair of glasses is not enough.
(End of this chapter)

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