Spark 2003

Chapter 71 WS-10 Improvements

Chapter 71 WS-10 Improvements
After confirming the export plan, the three major groups divided into three groups. North Industries returned to Zhongbing with Chen Nian's technical drawings and started the trial production of individual air defense missiles and A-300 rocket launchers. Poly Technology sent people to Saudi Arabia to start Sales warmed up, and AVIC No. [-] Group, represented by Lin Yongming, quickly launched the J-[-] transformation project.

It is gratifying that the optimization project for the J-[-] has actually been in progress, so it is not difficult to temporarily add new design requirements.
Of course, this is not difficult but relatively speaking.

The current J-13 uses the WP-[-] engine, which is completely designed for high-altitude and high-speed performance, and adapted to the J-[-]'s function as an interceptor.

But the problem is that after the era entered the 21st century, the role of interceptors has been infinitely reduced. Not only China, but even some small countries do not need such interceptors.

Therefore, this modification will involve functional changes to the J-[-], the core of which is to replace the turbojet engine with a turbofan engine.

To achieve this, we must first create a usable turbofan engine --- WS-10 project, without delay.

In Institute 606, Wang Xianguo transferred three people from the project team responsible for the F119 engine into the WS-10 project team, bringing them the latest technology and materials.

This time, with the support of the newly arrived hot isostatic pressing equipment, the progress of the WS-10 engine project has been much smoother.

For nearly two months, the project team members digested the technology sent by the No. 22 project or Chen Nian little by little like ants moving house, and then applied it to the WS-10 engine.

With the industrial machine fully turned on, almost every day, the engine that should have been formed is changing.

First of all, the overall blisk design replaces the previous welding and riveting structure, which greatly reduces the failure rate, reduces the artificial tolerance in the assembly process, and greatly improves the stability of the engine.

Secondly, the combustion chamber, compressor, turbine, and fan blade materials were completely replaced, and the fan blade even used a perforated heat dissipation structure.

In this way, the high-temperature performance of the entire engine has been greatly improved, and the high-temperature creep problem that could not be solved after all the efforts has been made. The theoretical maximum thrust of the entire engine has also increased by more than 20%.

At the same time, the problem of optimizing the strengthening structure originally caused by the excessively high compressor pressure ratio has also been fully resolved. The new single crystal material directly solves the problem of insufficient strength, and the weight of the entire engine is reduced by more than 15%.

Finally, the application of TBC and Alloy C coatings completes the last link of the engine's thermal working environment and completely solves the problem of high temperature ablation at the compressor outlet.

After the whole change, WS-10 is still WS-10, because most of the structure has not changed.

However, it is no longer WS-10.

Because this engine is no longer the original WS-10, which is patchwork, extremely poor in technology maturity, failure rate and service life.

It has a new life!

After ground testing, the final rated thrust of this engine reached 13.9 tons, the peak thrust was 15.2 tons, the thrust-to-weight ratio was 7.8, and the total weight was only 1600 kg, which was 31 kg lighter than AL-[-]FN.

Moreover, whether it is high-altitude high-speed performance or low-speed performance, this engine is not weaker than AL-31FN, not to mention the stability.

However, looking at the excellent data, many researchers participating in the WS-10 project have a question:
This engine... is it really going to be sold?

601, in the temporary office of the general manager.

Sitting opposite Lin Yongming, Wang Xianguo and Lei Gang carefully looked at the frowning man in front of them, and no one dared to disturb him.

After a long time, Lin Yongming put down the information in his hand and said:
"Is this the engine you made? Is this your J-[-]?"

"Has the data been verified? Are you sure it's not a false bid for foreign trade?"

"How could it be so high... These data are much higher than we expected. If this happens, I can't sell it out!"

Lei Gang and Wang Xianguo looked at each other with a tacit smile on their faces.

Lin Yongming's tone is like this, then they can rest assured.

Therefore, Wang Xianguo rushed ahead of Lei Gang and said:
"Leader, the current data is indeed a little bit beyond the standard, and the cost is also high, but I promise, it will definitely not delay the export and foreign trade."

"My thinking is that no matter what the circumstances, it is always good to have a technological breakthrough."

"So, in the WS-10 improvement project, I did not limit the performance of the project team. Any new technologies and breakthroughs were directly used, without considering the issue of manufacturing costs."

"However, if we want to export, it is very easy to make a foreign trade version. It is enough to reduce the materials and simplify the process..."

Hearing Wang Xianguo's words, Lin Yongming shook his head helplessly.

"Are you calling it a bit over the standard? Is the thing you have created now the same thing as the WS-10 we originally designed?"

"According to your way of doing things, the cost of a single machine is going to the tens of millions, so you don't have to think about exporting."

"what is it now?"

Wang Xianguo smiled and asked knowingly.

"What else can I do, go to Jianshi! You are waiting for me here, right?"

Lin Yongming replied angrily. Although his face was pretending to be serious, his mouth was almost crooked in his heart.

Well, I just want you to use the leftovers of Project No. 22 to improve an old project that was on the verge of death. As a result, you not only revived this project, but even solved the urgent need for J-[-] not to be able to go to heaven!
Once such WS-10 comes out, what AL-31FN is needed?

Sure enough, Chen Nian's vision of the overall situation is definitely not as simple as he thought.

At first, I thought that he wanted to suspend the introduction of AL-31FN because he was blindly arrogant and ambitious.

But after seeing him take out various technologies of the No. 22 project one by one, my opinion changed again.

At that time, I already recognized that he was a genius, but at the same time he was also a genius who was slightly radical and too keen on taking risks.

For a long time, I still comforted myself in my heart and said, "It's okay to be a genius. You have to be confident. Even if you make a little mistake, it's okay, as long as you guide and care about it in the organization."

But now it seems that my view of Chen Nian is still wrong!
There was no intention of making a mistake at all.

I am afraid that when the No. 22 project was proposed at the very beginning, he had already estimated that the technological evolution would adversely affect the existing WS-10 project, and promote this project to achieve results in a short period of time, replacing the original position of AL-31FN.

Otherwise, how could he be so determined to stop the AL-31FN project?

And how could it be possible that when the No. 22 project was in financial trouble, instead of proposing to share the budget from the readily available WS-10 project, after just sending out a consulting request, it immediately came up with a series of products suitable for military sales? technology?

Lin Yongming never thought that one day he would use such a word to describe a college student.

But what's wrong with that?
It is definitely a great luck to have such a talent.

It can even be said that it is the luck of the country.

(End of this chapter)

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