Spark 2003

Chapter 90

Chapter 90
"J-22? Do you think I'm a fool? This is obviously an F-22!"

"It's fine if the airframes are similar, exactly the same binary vector nozzles, exactly the same air intakes, and exactly the same butterfly wings!"

"Isn't this just copying? I absolutely don't believe there will be such a coincidence in the world!"

"Don't talk nonsense with me! If you say it's a coincidence, come to me and say it to my pistol!"

"Don't you know the level of Chinese technology? Can they make F-22? Can they make vector nozzles? Where do they get the materials?"

"Don't talk about annihilating ten annihilating eight! That's not the same thing at all!"

"Now I want you to tell me what happened to this plane!"

At Kadena Air Force Base, Leon was almost hysterically yelling at the phone in his hand, and on the other end of the phone was Connet who had returned to China.

At this moment, he was in the office of the May Society, listening to Leon's furious voice, while looking helplessly at the several "veteran" experts in front of him. He wanted to speak several times, but he couldn't find a chance to intervene.

Therefore, he had no choice but to face Leon's anger with silence, until the other party had vented, he sighed and said:
"Leon, I understand how you feel."

"Actually, we have the same doubts as you now. Believe me, this kind of doubt will definitely not be less than yours."

"We really don't know how their J-22 was built, but no matter how you think about it, there are only two possibilities."

"Either we have a major leak --- this leak may be structural, leaking all the performance documents, process documents and design documents about the F-22."

"Or, it's really just a coincidence. After all, although this matter is bizarre, it's not impossible..."

"What is a coincidence?! You tell me what is a coincidence?!"

Hearing this, Leon on the opposite side exploded again.

No way, he was too angry.

He had told Connet a long time ago that the opponent was not that simple, but they never listened!

They always think that the other party is just a "weak country" that has just begun to develop, and they always think that the other party will never have the strength to surpass themselves, but now?
Even the most advanced aircraft were copied by them!

And our side doesn't even know how they did it!
Neither how the technologies were leaked, nor how they were made.

You know, if you want to build an aircraft, it is not enough to have blueprints and parameter documents alone. There are many technical difficulties that need to be overcome in the process. If they can be built, it means that they have formed a complete production system.

Even if the scale is not large, after the most difficult step of creating something from scratch, the rest is only a matter of time.

And what is even more frightening is that this system will also form a fission effect, which will be transmitted to the civilian field step by step, driving the development of countless industries and technologies...

Even if he is a military officer, he also knows the importance and scarcity of precision component processing, material processing, electronics, hydraulics, and other technologies required to manufacture such a fighter.

If it is taken out and downgraded to the civilian field, it will bring about earth-shaking changes to the entire market.

At that time, what advantage does he have? !

You know, most of the reasons why your country can live so well are the privileges of technological monopoly!

Now that the monopoly is broken, can the privilege still exist?
Privilege no longer exists, can life be better?
The situation is so critical, and these gentlemen actually said that it might be a coincidence? !
Are you really out of your mind?

Leon secretly clenched his fists.

There must be something wrong inside.

Moreover, to cause such a large-scale leak, the entire team that designed the F-22 project should have been rotten...

Loma?Boeing?Or... the military?
No, the possibility of problems with the military is very small, because they are only the demand side, and most of the technical information is in the hands of Lockheed Martin.

That being the case, the next step is self-evident.

Thinking of this, Leon barely restrained his emotions, suppressed his anger and said:
"Connet, no matter how many differences we had before, our goal is the same anyway."

"Now, the so-called first flight of the J-22 means that both of us have failed. The only thing we can do is to try our best to recover the losses."

"Thinking about it rationally, it is simply impossible for the Chinese to achieve such a large technological breakthrough in such a short period of time. This must be a leak. We must find a way to plug this loophole!"

After listening to Leon's words, everyone in the May Club in the office was silent for a long time.

Yes, in their view, it is almost impossible for the leak that Lyon said would happen.

The reason is very simple, there is no form of leaks in this world that can allow a country to break through to the level of fourth-generation aircraft in just a few months.

There is only one explanation:
They have been working hard for a long time, but they just happened to break through.

No one should be held accountable for this.

However, on the other hand, whether it is the May Conference or the front line represented by Lyon, the pressure on both sides is actually the same.

Obviously, the only way to relieve this pressure is to "plug the loopholes."

As for whether this loophole exists or not

No one will care.

All they need is a scapegoat
A few days later, a shocking news came out:
Lockheed Martin is facing the most serious scrutiny in history, most of its personnel are facing federal judicial inquiries, and a large number of orders have been cancelled.

What followed was a sharp drop in stock prices, a stagnation of business, and a breakdown in the trading chain.

The capital group, which had been planning for a long time, heard the news and submitted subscription applications to the government one after another.

Among the many capitals, a fund registered in the Cayman Islands and owned by a well-known wealthy businessman in Guinea was also mixed in, and successfully obtained 0.4% of the shares.

At the same time, due to major doubts about the safety of the F-22 project, Boeing, which cooperated with Lockheed Martin to jointly implement the project, was also implicated. After the stock price plummeted, another seemingly absurd news broke out:
Boeing is also suspected of having safety problems, and temporarily grounded multiple models of aircraft until NASA completes inspections.

Similarly, the purchase and lease contracts of as many as dozens of aircraft have been suspended, and the situation of Boeing, which was already in financial constraints because of the F-22 project, has become even worse.

But at this moment, a group of receivers with clean backgrounds and good people appeared on the market again.

After multiple screenings, another fund from the Philippines entered the US stock market.

At this time, the regulatory agencies invested a lot of energy and resources in internal review, but relaxed the review of external funds.

They didn't find any abnormality, but they didn't know it. From this moment on, the "leaking secret" that was originally unwarranted was slowly becoming a reality.

Maybe many years later, they will suddenly realize that this situation has already had clues since a long time ago.

At that time, the cunning rabbit had just rejected the AL-31FN and was planning to obtain a full set of technology for Boeing's CMF-56-3 engine.

It was at that time that one white glove company after another was born.
(End of this chapter)

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