Spark 2003

Chapter 92 Digital Array Radar Technology Tree

Chapter 92 Digital Array Radar Technology Tree

After the J-22, or the Canglong fighter jet, completed its first flight, the 601 Institute quickly entered the engineering test stage, and their goal was to manufacture 01 and 02 on the basis of the "03" of the No. [-] machine, until hundreds of , Thousands.
At the same time, the J-[-] III and J-[-] reform projects are also advancing steadily, one providing funding and the other serving as a supplement to the fourth-generation aircraft.

Institutes 606 and 601 entered a period of stable development, and on the other hand, Chen Nian also started his new job.

He had to start preparing for the carrier battle group.

To have his own aircraft carrier battle group, he must first take the first step.
Chang'an, in a conference room of the West Research Institute, some experts from the advisory group that had undergone strict scrutiny gathered for the first time and held the first on-site meeting.

And the things they want to discuss can be said to be both simple and not simple:
That is, what is needed to develop a high-performance digital array radar.

Chen Nian sat in the middle of the round conference table. He did not speak, but listened to the scholars in these related fields expressing their opinions sentence by sentence.

". Judging from our current technology accumulation, if we want to directly use the digital array radar, it is actually very difficult."

"This difficulty is not reflected in the digital array radar itself, but in the industrial foundation necessary to create such a thing."

"First of all, in terms of T/R components, what we can manufacture now is only an 8-unit digital beam transmitting array, which is far from the international level."

"To manufacture stronger T/R components, we must have stronger semiconductor design and manufacturing capabilities, but obviously, we are seriously insufficient in this area."

"In addition, we also need high-performance software-based signal processors, VHDL technology to implement field-programmable gate arrays, and high-speed transmission technologies such as LVDS. These are not problems that can be solved in a short time."

"VHDL has extremely high requirements for software engineering, signal processors and T/R have high requirements for semiconductors, and LVDS has high requirements for optical materials."

"So in general, if we engage in digital array radar now, we must simultaneously promote the development of at least three industries."

"That is, the electronic information industry, the semiconductor industry, and the optical industry."

"It's too difficult, the span is too big, and the risk is very high."

The speaker was Lu Shangdong, the most well-known expert in the field of radar in China, who worked at the East China Institute of Electronic Engineering. The 8-unit digital beam transmitting array he mentioned was actually the result of his own work in 2000.

Hearing his words, Chen Nian nodded slightly.

In fact, he had already understood the difficulty of this goal before this, but this would not be a reason for him to shrink back.

Because, from the very beginning, he never said that he wanted to develop a digital array radar in the shortest time, but planned to use this technology-intensive long-term goal as a guide to gradually promote the development of multiple domestic industries in the process of exploration. Slowly form a truly usable industrial system.

Therefore, it doesn't really matter whether it can be made quickly.

The important thing is to try to do it.

Thinking of this, he raised his hand to speak, but unexpectedly, another scholar sitting on his left spoke first.

"I agree with Professor Lu's point of view. It is indeed very difficult and uneconomical to develop digital array radar at this stage."

"But the question is, is our target really this radar itself?"

"I still want to remind everyone that the topic we are discussing today is not 'how to build a digital array radar', but 'the technology tree required to develop a digital array radar'."

"I think everyone can understand the concept of a technology tree."

"Since it's a tree, it starts from the root of the tree—we don't need to stare at the top, the things on the top of the tree, let's sink into the mud first!"

Chen Nian turned his head to look at the person who spoke, and he recognized that this person was Chen Feiyun, a well-known economist in China.

His understanding of the entire domestic industrial layout can be said to be unmatched among the younger generation.

Hearing his words, Lu Shangdong also nodded.

"Feiyun's point of view is correct. If you want to develop terminal technology, you must first solve the basic problems. You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

"However, this is not what I'm good at——if we want to engage in semiconductors, where should we start? Jun Ling, tell me?"

Wang Junling, who was sitting in the corner, raised his head when he heard the words, and replied:
"That's too much."

"If calculated by the high-end semiconductor industry, single crystal furnaces, oxidation furnaces, diffusion furnaces, photolithography machines, etching machines, ion implanters, thin film deposition equipment, cleaning equipment, testing equipment."

"Anyway, judging from the current situation, we don't have the technology needed for this line."

"Some of them can be solved by investing resources and money, but like lithography machines, etching machines, and ion implanters, we can't handle them even if we have money, and it's even hard to buy them."

"Fortunately, if we only want to build a digital array radar, we don't need to pull all these things to the high end for the time being."

"First of all, the lithography machine is not needed in the near future. I think it is enough to solve the single crystal furnace and diffusion furnace first."

Chen Nian nodded slightly, his thoughts coincided with Wang Junling's.

Of course he doesn't need to really complete this industry, because even if he can have enough sources to provide technology, but in the case of an unqualified industrial foundation, blindly developing these technologies will not only make no money, but may It becomes a drag on the economy and has a counterproductive effect.

The best solution is to form a breakthrough in several key areas, and can form a fission effect.

Single crystal furnace and diffusion furnace seem to be an option, but it seems that its long tail effect is still somewhat insufficient.

It can only be used in the manufacture of semiconductor wafers.
"Diffusion furnace is fine!"

The sudden voice interrupted Chen Nian's thoughts, and then the owner of the voice continued:

"Since our goal is to use this long-term goal as much as possible to lay the foundation of basic industries, then choosing a diffusion furnace is definitely not wrong!"

"Because the technology related to the diffusion furnace can not only be used in the semiconductor industry, but also can be used to manufacture photovoltaic cell components!"

"From my point of view, photovoltaics is definitely an important choice for new energy in the future. If we can deploy and accumulate technology in advance at this time, then when the conditions are ripe, we are likely to break through the limitations of traditional fossil energy. Be energy independent!"

Energy independence?

Chen Nian's eyes lit up.

On the surface, the current order of the world is established by economic and military forces, but in the final analysis, it is the control of core resources that determines these two forces.

What was the nature of the two Gulf Wars?
After the Gulf War, what was the nature of the local wars and regional conflicts that the eagle launched?
Isn't it just for oil?

If one day, we can really rely on the first-mover advantage in new energy to achieve cornering overtaking and break the hegemony of resources, then we will undoubtedly be able to reach the peak much faster.

In this way, the long tail effect of the diffusion furnace is obviously enough!

Thinking of this, Chen Nian no longer hesitated.

He stood up and said:
"Everyone, I have finished listening to the discussion just now."

"I think that the diffusion furnace is indeed a good direction, and we will also make efforts in this direction in the future."

"Then, based on this plan, I hope you can assist in outputting a list of key technologies in order to quickly achieve breakthroughs in these technologies"

(End of this chapter)

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