Spark 2003

Chapter 95 Black Technology Shopping Mall?

Chapter 95 Black Technology Shopping Mall?

In fact, although in the eyes of Chu Junhao and Wang Junling, Chen Nian seemed to be a serious, heroic, and mysterious character, but he himself really didn't think it was that exaggerated.

The life of study and research is indeed hard, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't leave any time for himself to rest.

There is still entertainment, but his entertainment does not conform to "indulgence" in the secular sense.

I didn't buy a car, I didn't buy a house, I didn't spend a lot, and I didn't have a young model in a club.

It's not that he doesn't have worldly desires at all, it's just because...he has too many.

In fact, since the No. 22 project entered the later stage, the resources he can mobilize have reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

Needless to say, money is just a number to him. If necessary, there may even be billions or tens of billions in his account out of thin air.

As for those enjoyments that others can only dream of?
Ordinary fun really didn't catch his eye.

If he really wanted to, he could do whatever he wanted, not to mention going to Zhuang Yan like Luo Ji, even if he said he wanted to find a grandmother with cat ears and white hair, maybe the authorities would have to grit their teeth and do it for him.

But that doesn't really mean much.

It's really interesting to build your own vision with your own hands, and then watch it come true bit by bit.

The latter is what Chen Nian is doing through learning and using the system, while the former is his entertainment.

For many nights after obtaining the system, Chen Nian built a whole set of technological development paths bit by bit. On this path, there are top civilian and military technologies, including quantum communication, chip technology, giant computer Control nuclear fusion, battle mech, space carrier, water droplet, sophon
Etc., etc.

But many times, he still feels that his imagination is a little lacking.

After all, with the system in hand, it means that as long as it is something you can think of, as long as you have enough source points, you can create it in reality sooner or later.

Therefore, there are only two things that restrict the upper limit of civilization development:

Your own life, and your own imagination.

There is no way to solve the problem of lifespan for the time being, so Chen Nian put his mind on imagination first.

In this way, his greatest form of entertainment has been determined.

That is:
All kinds of forums and websites squeeze the imagination of netizens and use their brains to work for themselves.

This kind of entertainment is really healthy and interesting, but it is indeed a bit cramped in the eyes of others.

Chen Guo told him more than once to let him put down the computer and go for a walk. If he wants to travel or do things, he can arrange it.

But Chen Nian was completely unmoved.

What a joke!
You're bored because you watched it just for fun, but I can really turn fun into reality!
In essence, this is no different from girls who love to go shopping.

What they look at is shoes, clothes, luxury bags, and what they look at is the orbital gun Death Star Star Destroyer.

Both have one amazing thing in common:
I can't even afford it, so I can only look at it first, and get addicted to my eyes
On this day, Chen Nian finished his 12 hours of study and research, and returned to his small residence.

He turned on the computer as usual, intending to see what cool ideas the netizens contributed.

The post on the forum "If you were single for a lifetime to exchange for a sci-fi item, what would you choose" is still active, and it has only been 20 hours since Chen Nian refreshed it last time, but there have been more than a dozen new posts about dry goods. strip.

Chen Nian immediately became interested, he quickly clicked into the post, and read the replies one by one.

The forum is still in an extremely primitive state these days. There are no pictures, let alone upload videos, so everyone's replies are basically typed out word by word.

Although the words are thin, many times, the things revealed in these words are not that simple.

"LZNB, if you can figure out this kind of problem, I don't ask too much. Give me a training warehouse that can make clones. If you have this thing, who needs a wife?"

"LSSB, it's all said that you are single. Isn't it a loophole in the rules that you want to clone people? Why don't you have a wife? Don't keep pretending to be men and women in your mind. Let me tell you, if you can change everything, give it to me. I'll have a Dyson ball."

"What about the Dyson ball? Are you not greedy enough? If it can be changed, I want to change it to a quantum chip. This thing is at least a bit reliable."

After reading several posts in a row, Chen Nian didn't find anything interesting. Besides, everyone speaks in a proper manner these days, and there is no such fun atmosphere as on the post bar later.

This made Chen Nian a little disappointed. It seems that today's shopping mall trip will end early.

However, just when F5 was pressed to refresh at the end, a reply with an astonishing length suddenly appeared.

"The ideas upstairs are all good, but they are a bit too wild, and many of them are even pure fantasies that have been proven unfeasible. This is not in line with the 'science fiction items' that LZ said."

"Sci-fi science fiction, it must be a scientific fantasy, there must be a certain basis, otherwise science fiction will become fantasy and fantasy?"

"I'm not talented, I'm a bit humble after reading so many replies from everyone, and I'll tell everyone."

"I think the problem we humans face is actually a problem of resources in essence."

"The problem of resources, in the final analysis, must return to the problem of food."

"So when it comes to food, most of the staple food of our Chinese people is starch, and what is starch? Carbohydrates."

"Speaking of which, everyone should be able to guess what I'm going to say."

"Carbohydrates! Carbon! Water!"

"Isn't this exactly the same composition as carbon dioxide + water? Then if there is something that can be used as a catalyst to directly reduce carbon dioxide into starch, our food problem will be completely solved soon?"

There are a lot of replies to this post, most of them are mocking the whims of the boss, and some people give him the concept of popular science energy conversion ratio. practical ideas.

But Chen Nian was different.

He could see his heart beating wildly.


This brother actually predicted the scientific and technological achievements 20 years later!

The use of carbon dioxide to make starch has actually become a reality in the time when he traveled back, and, from the experimental results, the energy conversion ratio of this preparation process is extremely amazing!
Normally, the process of producing starch from carbon dioxide is first to generate hydrogen by electric hydrolysis, and then use hydrogen to reduce carbon dioxide to methanol through a catalyst.

During this process, electrical energy is converted into chemical energy stored in methanol, and its energy conversion rate exceeds 10%, far exceeding the energy utilization efficiency of photosynthesis!

Then, the most critical part arrived.

We need a suitable enzyme catalyst to convert methanol into starch.

It took Huaxia's scientific research team seven years to find this catalyst, and it was a less efficient version.
But the point is, this thing can really be made!
Moreover, there is only one core technical difficulty!
That is how to find the correct catalytic enzyme formula from the vast sea of ​​random options!
This process is difficult, just like alchemy. If you are unlucky, you may not be able to find it no matter how much manpower and resources you invest.

But the problem is, randomness does not exist for Chen Nian
Chen Nian immediately became excited, and he immediately wrote a few large characters on the paper.

"Efficient catalytic enzymes for the conversion of methanol to starch".

Then, he mobilized the system and scanned the entry in front of him.

[Analysis requirements: 1.5 source points]


Chen Nian bounced directly from the chair.

This thing actually only needs 1.5 source points? ?How simple is its chemical formula? !

Before he had time to think about it, Chen Nian yelled the words "analyze immediately" almost in a roar. Then, after a short period of calm, a series of information flowed into his mind.

Only then did he discover that the chemical formula of this catalytic enzyme is really not too complicated
Therefore, the energy and time of the previous research team were indeed spent on alchemy.
However, in any case, getting the formula by myself means that there is an additional way out for food security issues.

If it continues to develop, as long as there is enough electricity, there will be enough food!
(End of this chapter)

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