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Chapter 105 The Golden Crowbar

Chapter 105 The Golden Crowbar
Going to the front desk to get the room card, Qiao Ji took a brochure of the hotel to see what fun things they have here.

Come out to play, of course we need to find entertainment.

Money has to be earned, houses have to be rented, criminals have to be cracked down on, and entertainment has to keep up. After all, I have come all the way to Yujing, how can I not enjoy it.

I kind of want to go fishing, but Lin Mengfu probably won't like it.

Qiao Ji thought this way because most of his fishing friends in his previous life were men, and they were basically not interested in asking girls to go fishing, saying that they didn’t want to bask in the sun and feed mosquitoes.

About archery has been successful a few times.

The duo went upstairs without any luggage, found the adjacent room number, and Qiao Ji handed over the room card, "One room per person, rest for a while, have dinner at six, and then go out to play, is there any problem?"

Lin Mengfu shook her head, "No problem."

Qiao Ji arranged it very well, and she had no objections.

"You can see what you want to eat. I can eat anything anyway. If there is no one, I will just choose it."

Qiao Ji also plans to discuss tactics with BT, and needs some private space, but it doesn't feel good to leave Lin Mengfu alone in the room, so let's find something for her to do.

Finding dinner should be a good thing.

Speaking of this, Lin Mengfu's eyes really brightened, "Then I'll take a look on my phone first. I heard that there are many restaurants opened by famous chefs with supernatural powers in Yujing. I've wanted to try them for a long time."

"A supernatural celebrity chef?"

Qiao Ji felt that the meal might not be easy to eat.

"It's okay, but I don't know if these stores are good for reservations."

It is difficult to estimate, and it is definitely hard to find a restaurant with those famous chefs.

There is no shortage of people in Yujing, and there is no shortage of rich people. No matter how high the price is, a good restaurant will be robbed of its seats.

"Okay, I'll sleep for a while, I didn't sleep much last night." Qiao Ji opened the door first and went in.

"I see."

After all, he was asleep on the plane.

Lin Mengfu muttered in a low voice, then entered her room with her mobile phone.

After a few seconds, she ran out again and knocked on Qiao Ji's door, "Qiao Ji, Qiao Ji, give me the charger."

Qiao Ji, who just took out the iron pilot's helmet and was about to go to the training ground, heard the knock on the door, and almost threw the iron pilot's helmet out.

Flower Q!


"Then, the tactics are probably like this, tsk, it still feels unsafe."

[In the absence of sufficient information, this tactic is already quite complete, Iron Pilot, you don't need to pursue perfection too much. 】

"I just don't want to make mistakes. These are all pests and must be cleaned up."

[Under our tactics, the probability of their escape is less than three in [-]. 】

"That's how it is. It's almost five o'clock now. I'm going to test the ability of Calabash King Kong. BT, help me record it."

【Received, Pilot. 】

In the room area, Qiao Ji shook off his shoes, took off his shirt and put it aside.

Take a deep breath, then squat down slightly.

A red light flashed across the necklace around his neck.


As if a cannon was fired, Qiao Ji's body soared into the sky, drew an arc, and landed on the side of the runway directly across a distance of several hundred meters.

Dong dong dong

After landing, he rushed out several steps in a row, with each foot making a hole.

【Tieyu, your physical fitness has undergone a huge change. I can't judge the specific situation for the time being, because there is a lack of data. 】

"BT, let your clone attack me."

Jumping hundreds of meters, Qiao Ji probably had an understanding of his current strength.

This is the power of the big baby, the power is infinite.

【No, I won't attack my pilot. 】

Joe laughed, took off the pilot's helmet and put it on the ground.

Then his belt suddenly snapped, his trousers were torn, and his figure rose in situ, and the shadow under his feet quickly grew in size without activating the Shadow Escape ability.

In just a few seconds, a 30-meter-high giant appeared beside the runway.

Qiao Ji raised his foot, a huge shadow crossed the runway, and stepped across.

"BT, do you think you can hurt me?"

The sound was like thunder, Qiao Ji walked towards BT step by step, and the huge shadow completely covered BT.

The vanguard titan BT-7274 and its replica partners, in front of Qiao Ji at this moment, are like toy models.

As for the shadow soldiers, they are even smaller.

"Iron Pilot, I'm not sure whether the Titan weapon is completely ineffective against you, and the Titan battery is very dangerous, so I don't recommend you to try it."

Joe is not wearing a pilot helmet, so BT can only talk to him through a megaphone.

"But I'm not bad."

Qiao Ji walked to the edge of the hill next to him. Here, when he used to play the training ground, he would parachute to the top and shoot the players below from a condescending height.

But now, he bowed his waist and lowered his knees, and hugged the mountain with his arms.

But for this mountain bag, he is still a little small, but he will become bigger.

The red light on the Gourd Little King Kong necklace became more intense, and Qiao Ji's size further increased.

"Let's go extreme!"

Then, under BT's one-eye, the ground shook, and Qiao Ji snapped off a whole mountain, pulled it up with a roar, and lifted it above his head.

BT: ...

Its programming is a little bit stuck.

With such a ferocious pilot, what use is the vanguard titan tactics of the Marauder Legion?

It feels like a joke.

The shadow soldiers on the ground were all jumped up by the shock, because Qiao Ji lowered the mountain gently. Although it was light, the movement was not small.

Then amidst the smoke and dust, Qiao Ji returned to his normal body shape.

"Bah, bah, bah... what a big dust, bring me some clothes and pants!"

Qiao Ji wanted to play more at first, and it was great to be bigger.

But it's not good to be naked, this big baby's ability doesn't protect clothes.

Obviously, the big baby in the gourd baby has clothes when it grows up!
The black shadow soldier got the clothes and towels and asked Qiao Ji to clean himself.

However, there was no fresh water in the training ground. He hadn't solved this problem yet, so he simply enlarged the portal that had shrunk to the extreme, and went directly back to the hotel room to clean it.

After cleaning up, Qiao Ji returned to the training ground.

"Bring the gold here."

Among his previous loot were six 1kg gold nuggets.

Gold bricks, such a piece costs about [-] yuan, with some information engraved on it.

Qiao Ji took a gold brick and put it in his hand, and then clenched it tightly with five fingers. The shining gold actually changed its shape in his hand like plasticine.

"Oh, it's hot."

Qiao Ji squeezed the gold with his hands like clay, feeling the rising temperature of the gold, while he was shaping the gold into a stick.

Well, not the stick of the brave.

It's the holy sword of physics, the crowbar!

He took the gold in his hand and rubbed it like noodles, then bent one end, and twisted it vigorously with his fingers to make the front end thinner.

Then, a yellow light flashed across the necklace on his chest.

Sanwa's abilities, copper skin and iron bones, are invincible!
Qiao Ji used his nails to melt the front end of the crowbar, branching it so that it could pick up nails.

In this way, a golden crowbar, which probably looks like a crowbar, appeared, which was warm to the touch.

Qiao Ji put this ordinary-looking but gold crowbar on the table of melee weapons.


【Scan successfully】


I don't know why, but after using the gourd diamond necklace, Qiao Ji has an urge to show his strength all the time.

So, he grabbed the table by one leg, lifted it up with one hand, and turned it face down.

Under the action of gravity, the golden crowbar on the table fell off.

The golden crowbar moved its position, but there was still a phantom of the golden crowbar in place.

When it is completely out of contact with the phantom, the phantom will refresh a new golden crowbar.

And the new golden crowbar will fall to the ground under the call of gravity, and so on.

Whoa, whoa, whoa...

The fallen golden crowbars piled up in a pile in no time.

This scene is like the AKs that were randomly piled together in the movie.

Even if you need so many AKMs, Qiao Ji can do it. At worst, the table will be full of AKMs if you lift it up for another AKM.

"I just said that it is easy to make money with a training ground."

This is also the reason why Joe doesn't care about stolen money. Does he need to worry about money if he has a training ground?
Not to mention being able to refresh gold infinitely, even if it can only refresh instant noodles infinitely, and it is limited to braised beef noodles, this ability is incomparably rich.

Of course, it will be easier to refresh gold infinitely, and it will be more convenient to buy and sell, just in terms of quantity...

A little bit huge.

Come on, I'll sell less.

(End of this chapter)

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