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Chapter 121 Self-Introduction

Chapter 121 Self-Introduction
Walking through the tree-lined avenue in the school, we arrived in front of a new teaching building. In the distance, we could see a new green playground surrounded by a plastic track.

They went up to the third floor and saw a middle-aged male teacher wearing glasses.

"Teacher Qian, I brought him here."

Qian Bolin looked at the two students. That girl was surrounded by a layer of powerful thought power, and her mental power penetrated her body. It seemed that she could not control this growing power very well. It was in line with the information that she had just been promoted to the mysterious level. describe.

And this male classmate...


His enhanced intuition retracted as if electrocuted.

This ability, when it is not used in combat, was developed by Qian Bolin as an auxiliary ability to guide students' ability training and development, and to assist judgment through mysterious intuition, which is why he can serve as a special move in Yulian University An important reason for the class teacher.

But his enhanced intuition seemed to be afraid of the boy in front of him.

"Welcome, students Qiao Ji and Lin Mengfu, I am Qian Bolin, the head teacher of Class [-] of Senior High School."

He didn't show any surprises, after all, his job was to educate and guide these children with extraordinary talents.

"Director Huang, leave them to me."

"Okay, I'm sorry to trouble you, Teacher Qian."

Sent here, his task is basically completed.

In the classroom of Grade [-], the students were whispering, and someone had already discovered the conversation in the corridor outside.

bang bang

Qian Bolin knocked on the open classroom door, "Teacher Qin, please excuse me."

He talked to the math teacher who was in class, and then walked in with Qiao Ji and Lin Mengfu.

"Students, there are two new students in the class today, welcome."

The enthusiastic applause was also mixed with shouts.

"Wow, there are beauties!"

Lin Mengfu was a little embarrassed, but she also felt that she hadn't prepared in vain today.

"Okay, everyone be quiet, let the two new students introduce themselves."

When introducing herself, Lin Mengfu couldn't help but look at Qiao Ji first, implying who would come first.

Qiao Ji didn't care, took a piece of chalk and wrote his name on the blank space on the blackboard.

"Hi everyone, my name is Qiao Ji, I'm from Tong City, Sichuan Province, and I've awakened my abilities for two and a half years."

He just opened his mouth to talk nonsense.

"I usually like fishing, archery, fighting, and radio. If you have the same hobbies, you can communicate. Please take care of me in the future."

This self-introduction made Qian Bolin glance at Qiao Ji in surprise.

It's not like Qiao Ji's hobbies can't appear in high school students.

One of them is normal, but there is something wrong with all of them. How colorful is your junior high school life?

Qiao Ji stepped aside to give Lin Mengfu the position C, and his self-introduction was over.

There was Qiao Ji making a sample, and Lin Mengfu also took chalk to write her name on the blackboard, but at this time someone shouted from below, "Qiao Ji, what is your ability?"

"Yes, the self-introduction should introduce the ability."

This is a special talent recruitment class, which one is not talented?Ordinary people with supernatural powers can't get in here.

How can I introduce myself without introducing my abilities?Ability is one of our calling cards!

Qian Bolin didn't object, and Qiao Ji said, "My supernatural ability is spiritual manifestation."

"Psychic manifestation?"

"What kind of power is this?"

"I've never heard of it."

A short girl in the first row muttered, "Psychic manifestation? Does this kind of ability really exist?"

In the back row, Ran Dongni, who was yawning, looked at the boys on the podium, feeling a little familiar.

But Qiao Ji recognized it at a glance, this is the supernatural singer who harassed him by singing Lin Mengfu, unexpectedly she was a classmate.

She looked a little sleep deprived, and asked the broad-shouldered boy at the front table, "What is spiritual manifestation?"

"It is said that it is a supernatural ability that can turn imaginary things into reality." The boy at the front desk replied.

"Can food be realized? Then he must not be short of food."

"Well, it's the real thing, not the food to eat. Simply put, he can turn the fake into real."

Ran Dongni woke up from her drowsiness, "Is there such an outrageous ability? Can gold and diamonds be realized?"

"Who knows, but since he dared to say it, it proves that he passed the ability test, and it should be true."

The boy at the front desk sighed, "I thought my ability was very powerful, but I didn't expect there to be even more powerful."

Another student who wears glasses also joined the topic, "I have seen the projection ability, which can project the things I have touched or seen. It can only last for a short time, but it is already incredible. If it is directly manifested... ..."

The classmate with glasses shook his head, "It's a little hard to imagine that this ability really exists. Is he the reincarnation of the Creator?"

Seeing that the students were talking a lot and the discipline was chaotic, Qian Bolin raised his hand, "Okay, everyone, be quiet."

Then he said to Lin Mengfu, "Let's get started."

"Hi everyone, my name is Lin Mengfu, and I'm also from Tong City, Sichuan Province. I've awakened my ability for eight years, and it's the ability of mind."

eight years?

The students under the podium and Teacher Qin at the side all simply calculated in their minds, so didn't you awaken your supernatural ability at the age of seven or eight?

Awakening powers at the age of seven or eight is early enough. You must know that powers are usually awakened during puberty.

Qian Bolin, who has read the information, knows that Lin Mengfu is already a mysterious-level supernatural being, because he awakened early and progressed much faster than other students.

As for her aura value, a value of 1.1 is not bad, exceeding the standard of ordinary people.

But the level of the special recruitment class is still a little lower. After all, the special recruitment class is all prefecture-level reserves.

However, Qiao Ji's talent was so good that he directly led her into the special recruitment class.

After all, Qiao Ji's aura value is ridiculously high. He has been teaching for more than 20 years, and it is the first time he has seen such a talented student. Let alone a Lin Mengfu, even a non-natural ability dragging bottle will do.

If Qiao Ji can reach the prefectural level before the age of 30, Qian Bolin might see Qiao Ji come back as the principal.

"I usually like to study power fighting, and I also like to read mystery novels, thank you everyone."

Lin Mengfu's introduction was also very short, following Qiao Ji's template.

"You guys take the two seats at the back first. The seats will be adjusted in two days. Okay, let's go to class."

Qian Bolin left and gave up the space to Teacher Qin who taught mathematics.

The seats in the last row each had a brand new set of textbooks, and the desks were wiped clean.

Qiao Ji first chose a seat by the window, after all, basking in the sun is very comfortable for him.

The math teacher's teaching time was delayed for a while, so the get out of class bell rang within a few minutes after Qiao Ji and the others got to their seats.

But even though the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Teacher Qin was still unsatisfied. He performed a two-and-a-half-minute procrastination for two new students, Qiao Ji and Lin Mengfu, when they met for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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