i have a cos system.

Chapter 28 Subduing

Chapter 28 Subduing
The body of Bai Hao, the chief priest in blood, froze immediately, and Li Bencheng pierced the grimace with a blade transformed from spiritual power, cutting off something like a scalpel.

At that moment, a certain connection broke, and the grimace became agitated, looking at Bai Hao and roaring silently.

But in the next moment, Bai Hao's mental power spurred a bloody mist to corrode Li Bencheng's spiritual blade, and then immediately dragged him back with a grimace.

Although he was only distracted for a moment, a row of gel pens flew towards him, and he couldn't dodge one of them, piercing his shoulder.

A salt water bottle also came at him a little slower, and Bai Hao, who came back to his senses, tilted his head slightly to avoid it.

But he suddenly felt wrong, because there was a different color in this salt water bottle.

A special color that can only be seen by people with spiritual abilities of the mysterious level and above, and this one belongs to the power of thought.

In the salt water bottle, the compressed thoughts suddenly expanded.

The glass bottle exploded, and the glass flew out like fragments of a grenade, piercing the side of Bai Hao's face, and even his left eye was pierced by the broken glass.

It's a pity that it didn't go deep, and there was still a certain gap in the power to catch up with the grenade fragments.

The face was injured, and there was an unwilling roar in his head, which caused a mental shock. Bai Hao groaned, lost control immediately, and fell out.

Lin Mengfu strode forward, her eyes were bloodshot, and the veins from her temples to her eyeballs were hideous.

She raised her hand, and the ceiling above her head collapsed.

She tore off the sharp piece of plastic with her thoughts, gave it strength, shot it fiercely, and pierced Bai Hao's knee like a dagger.


That layer of bloody clothes, flowing slowly and viscously, does not hinder the real thing, it seems to only target the spiritual power.

As Lin Mengfu walked by, the aluminum alloy frame in the ceiling was pulled out and twisted into a spiral spear shape by invisible hands, the lampshade collapsed and turned into pieces, and the tiles on both sides cracked into long and sharp shapes.

They turned into odd-shaped daggers, which were thrown by Lin Mengfu using the mental power technique she had learned, and pierced through Bai Hao's body one by one, palms, soles, arms, thighs, shoulder blades...

Avoid the vital points, pierce his joints and muscles, and make him unable to use mana all over his body.

Lin Mengfu stitched him to the ground.

Bai Hao just stared at her, without saying a word, the bloody clothes on his body were retracted into his body.

Normally, the police would not be so ruthless.

Unless it is helpless.

Feeling weak, her body swayed and she almost fell.

Only then did Lin Mengfu stop, nosebleed dripping down her chin.

Looking at the twitching humanoid figure on the ground, the energy in Lin Mengfu's heart finally vented.

This is what I did?

Although she has received a lot of training, this is the first time that she has used the violence of telekinetic powers on other people.

Attacking a living person and a target are completely different feelings.

She was a little pale, but she was still able to stand, just to support the wall.

"This time... the ability to go berserk... it's a bit serious..."

It was not like this before, and it was easily resolved, but this time it was so serious.

She slowly sat down against the wall.

The fighting time was not long, but she had no strength left, even speaking was struggling, and her head hurt.

The power that had just exploded and was stronger than usual was fading like a tide.

Li Bencheng: ...

Ah yes yes yes, it is a bit serious.

Because this is not a power runaway at all.

Ordinary patients, they have learned about their abilities in detail, and have prepared a treatment plan for their rampage, how can it be like this.

This time, it can be said that there were heavy casualties, and almost the entire Ability Department fell down.

"how do you feel?"

"Xiao Wang Xiao Zhao, hurry up and take a look, don't support me."

Li Bencheng himself just lost a lot of blood, and he still has mental strength, especially in the sneak attack, which hurt the enemy one thousand and self-damaged eight hundred.

The blood loss and continuous loss of mental strength made him weak, but there was no danger. He usually exercised, and his physical fitness was still good.

Just a little thankful.

Two young doctors came over, but they were riddled with holes. Bai Hao, who was nailed to the ground, suddenly snorted and spit out a mouthful of bloody foam, which scared the two of them back three meters away.

Lin Mengfu was not afraid at all. Although the bloody coat on the other party had the ability to corrode mental power, it seemed that he could not leave the body. Now that he was nailed to the floor, his mutated muscles could not be used.

You can wait for someone to clean it up.

The old man's method is very effective. Stimulating the acupuncture points of the body with the power of thoughts can activate the body's potential in a short period of time, strengthen the physical fitness, and at the same time increase the mental power explosively.

Just now, Lin Mengfu clearly felt that the power of her thoughts has increased a lot, but now the side effects are coming, her whole body hurts, and the joints of the bones seem to have a small person on the small hammer buckle of '44 Ten'.

There is a sudden pain in the temple, as if a little person hit the wall with the sledgehammer of '88 Ten'.

Li Bencheng is also relieved, it seems that his bold plan is no longer needed.

He observed the blood-clothed priest, and there were two groups of spiritual forces fighting in his mind, and that grimace was suppressed by his blood-clothed power and his own spiritual power.

Both are very strong, both of which are mysterious-level high-level spiritual abilities.

Could it be that that grimace was the original blood-clothed officiant he was talking about?

"I caught a big fish this time, the leader of the Original Sin Cult, tsk tsk."

Li Bencheng talked to Lin Mengfu, but found that she had fallen asleep, her breathing was fairly steady, and her mental strength was a little weak, but fortunately, the light of the soul was stable, so there should be no serious problems.

"Put her on the hospital bed and wait for someone to clean up."

Obviously only a short time has passed, but Li Bencheng feels like a few hours have passed, and he feels tired.

He looked at Bai Hao, the guy who claimed to be the officiant in blood, and said with a smile, "So you even stole your psychic powers, you're really amazing."

When he made a sneak attack, he felt more clearly. That grimace was clearly another soul body, but it was controlled by mental power, and he could use it to use supernatural powers.

After being attacked by him with that knife, now the whole person's mental strength has been sluggish, and he spent a lot of energy to suppress that grimace.

It seems that crooked ways are still not good enough.

With a regular background like me, it’s okay to spend so long with you. It seems that I can boast about drinking in the future.

Whoops, I'm a little dizzy, I'll find a place to sit for a while.

Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh, the blood-clothed priest of the Original Sin Cult stared fiercely at the two people passing by.

The two young doctors saw that Lin Mengfu had inserted him into a hedgehog and he was so vicious, so they taunted him, "It turns out that you stole all your supernatural powers, and turned into a monster."

"Fucking bastard, you can handle such a small child."

Dr. Zhao, who had been silent all this time, scolded.

Because it was a relative of his family, after the child's awakening ability had a problem, he contacted him, but now...

It has been integrated by him, he said before.

Doctor Xiao Zhao clenched his fists tightly.


Bai Hao looked at Dr. Zhao, smiled strangely, his mouth formed an O shape, and then spit out a smoke ring.

Where did he get the cigarettes?

In the smoke ring, there is a vague shadow of a familiar little boy.

Doctor Xiao Zhao was stunned.

Afterwards, the big scarlet tongue rolled and swallowed the shadow back, its canine teeth intertwined, as if grinding it to pieces.

Even though this action affected many wounds on his body, all of which burst open and spewed blood, Bai Hao still smiled strangely, and said in a rough voice:

"Hey hey, the taste is very good..."

"I'm fucking your mother!"

Doctor Xiao Zhao beat the blood-clothed officiant like a madman, and Doctor Xiao Wang next to him hurriedly stopped him.

"Brother Zhao, forget about Brother Zhao. There's no need to argue with a dead person. People like him will definitely be shot."

(End of this chapter)

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