i have a cos system.

Chapter 315 Women's Armor

Chapter 315 Women's Armor
Lin Mengfu came home with a big bag of things. After school, she went to the supermarket to buy ingredients, and she didn't know if Qiao Ji was at home.

But as soon as she opened the door, she heard voices inside, so she asked, "Qiao Ji, are you home?"


Qiao Ji was tinkering with something, Lin Mengfu heard some kind of friction sound, it was difficult to reconstruct what it was with imagination and memory.

She went to the kitchen first, put the things down, and then asked, "Are the shadow soldiers free now? They won't be still working, right?"

"Of course I'm free, I'm not a black-hearted boss."

In fact, there are enough black shadow soldiers now, and there will be no shortage of manpower.

"That's great, Shadow Soldiers, come out and help."

Her order took effect again, and the shadow soldiers appeared from the shadows, took the things in her hands, put them in the refrigerator, put them in the refrigerator, washed them, they worked very consciously.

"Want to eat ice powder? I bought it, you can make it."

"Okay, but come here first, I have something for you."


What Qiao Ji said yesterday immediately came to Lin Mengfu's mind.

Well, it seems that he still decided to give it. He must stabilize his mentality and absolutely not show any embarrassing expressions such as surprise and shyness because of the strange shape of the gift.

Yes, it is like that!

"Okay, what gift is it?" She pretended not to think of it.

"it is this."

Qiao Ji pointed to the coffee table in the living room. On it was a polygonal object that was bigger than Lin Mengfu's palm. It had a metal frame and transparent parts emitting light. It was a strange device.

Lin Mengfu didn't recognize this thing at all, and it didn't look like she could wear it.

Or, is this a uniquely shaped box that glows?
Lin Mengfu reached out to grab this, and found that the weight of this thing was much lighter than expected, and even a little flimsy.

She looked at the side and wanted to open it with her hands, but she didn't find where the mechanism was.

"How do I open this?"

"Put it on your chest first."

"Is that so?"

Lin Mengfu put the nano-core on her chest, but girls' chests are not as flat and easy to fit as boys' chests.

However, it is large enough that it can be placed directly on top.

"Inversely, the side that glows is on top."


Lin Mengfu pressed the nano-core to her chest, and then felt a suction force, fixing the box on her body.

"and then?"

Is it just a glowing decoration?
"You can transform by tapping the blank part in the middle twice with your finger."

Lin Mengfu looked at Qiao Ji puzzled, "Transform?"

What does it mean to transform?
Is it the kind of transformation that a beautiful girl transforms into?
But the finger obediently tapped twice in the middle of the nano-core, the command activated the nano-component, the order was executed, the nano-material flowed out of the core like a stream of water, instantly wrapped the whole body, and turned into a battle armor.

"Jojojojojoji, it melted!"

Lin Mengfu didn't use her thoughts to directly blow this thing away, subconsciously she wasn't afraid of what Qiao Ji gave her, but she had never seen metal that would flow like water.

The nano-armor possessed very quickly, and she was dressed in an instant. The nano-armor with blue as the main color had already been put on Lin Mengfu.

What she saw with her eyes, coupled with the all-round perception of mental power, Lin Mengfu knew that she was wearing a set of sci-fi style armor that had never been seen in movies.

She was a little excited, "Qiao Ji, this is..."

"The nano-armor is for your safety. You should just carry it with you. I originally prepared other props for you, but after thinking about it, it's not very good, so I replaced it with this one. How do you feel?"

I always feel that it is a bit perverted to give girls safety pants. The nano armor is more normal, and it is also a clothing decoration. Wearing the outside and wearing the inside is not the same concept.

"I... I'm not very good at using it."

Lin Mengfu looked at the interfaces in front of her, and her mind was a little confused, which was much more complicated than the dashboard of a car.

Energy, this should be battery power, flight attitude, flaps, thruster output power, weapon output power... basically wherever she moves her eyes, more sub-menus will be displayed in detail, making people dazzled.

"It doesn't matter, just practice more, there is a smart assistant inside, you can call Cangjie and he will appear."

Qiao Ji also thought of this, "In addition, I have prepared a chair for you, you can use virtual reality for training."

This is the function of the Titan cockpit. After the neural connection is made, soldiers can be trained in the virtual reality. Soldiers will conduct the "Pilot Trial" in the virtual reality. If they pass, they can become the Pilot.

Of course, Qiao Ji didn't ask Lin Mengfu to become an iron pilot. It's just that she can't even drive a car. If she wants to fly and maneuver in a battle armor, she still needs to go through training. Otherwise, it's better to let her use her mind to fly, at least not prone to flying accidents.


Lin Mengfu called softly, and the voice of BT immediately sounded in the armor.

"The biometric verification information has been recorded, and the neural connection is in progress... the connection is completed, student Lin Mengfu, I am Cang Jie, the intelligent assistant of Warehouse No. [-], and I am very happy to serve you."

Qiao Ji warned: "If you encounter any danger, remember to notify him as soon as possible."

Notified BT, even if Qiao Ji is not around, he can tell Qiao Ji immediately that at the speed of Qiao Ji's teleportation, he will arrive in the next second. This is an insurance measure, and the insurance does not lie in the armor. Defense, but it was able to notify Qiao Ji.

"Then, how do I take off this nano armor? I can't wear this to school, right?"

"Just think about it. There is a neural connection device inside, which can receive your consciousness signal. As long as you think about it, you can give orders to the armor."

Just think about it?

Lin Mengfu gave an order in her mind to put away the armor, and the next moment, all the blue armor was recycled into the nano-core, and disappeared in less than a second, revealing her surprised little face.

Has the current technology developed to such a terrifying level?

Why haven't you heard of it at all?

It seems that what is said on the Internet that Hua Guo likes to keep a hand is true, and all good things are hidden.

"Do you like this color?" Qiao Ji asked.

In addition to the classic gold-red color scheme, the default color is this blue-silver color scheme, which Tony Stark prepared for his wife.

Qiao Ji didn't design a new color either. When she saw this template in the database, she used it directly for Lin Mengfu. If she didn't like it, she could ask BT to make a new one.

But I didn't expect that Iron Man also understood the principle of red and blue CP since ancient times, and even made a couple outfit.


Simply love it!

(End of this chapter)

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