i have a cos system.

Chapter 378 Appearance

Chapter 378 Appearance
Lin Mengfu put the shoes at Ao Ling's feet, seeing that they were the right size, she nodded, "I'll take you to wash them first, then put them on before you can go."

Ao Ling looked at Qiao Ji, then raised her short legs at [-] degrees, "I'm very clean."

Lin Mengfu quickly pressed down on her, "Why are you raising your legs so high?"

"I'll show you the soles of your feet."

"But you can't do this in front of boys, understand?"

Ao Ling didn't understand very well, so she could only ask Qiao Ji with her eyes, Qiao Ji nodded and she said: "Understood, but I am very clean and don't need to wash."

Qiao Ji explained, "Her ability can keep her whole body clean."

Lin Mengfu was a little puzzled, and put the shoes in front of Ao Ling, and before she could say anything, Ao Ling put them on by herself, the size was just right.

It's quite beautiful, especially when paired with Ao Ling's dress. The white is simple and elegant, and the gold is noble. I don't know which brand it is. Lin Mengfu really wants the same dress after seeing it.

After putting on the shoes, Ao Ling took two steps in place, feeling a little unaccustomed, and looked at Qiao Ji for help:
Can I not wear this?
Qiao Ji pretended not to see it.

Lin Mengfu kept the question about the brand of clothes in mind, and then asked Qiao Ji, "Then what is her supernatural ability? She can defend herself against bullets and keep her body clean. Is it the same as me?"

What is the ability of the little dragon girl?
This can be listed in a catalog. The abilities of the Dragon Clan are quite a lot, like a skill tree with many branches.

"Dragon transformation can also control the weather to a certain extent, such as wind and rain, can absorb and control lightning, but it cannot breathe fire."

Lin Mengfu:? ? ?

Is this a little outrageous?
It seems that the little loli who went to elementary school the most has these powerful abilities?

Why are there so many European Emperors in this world, and I even met them all, did they come to beat me on purpose?

"Ao Ling, you are really powerful, unlike me, you only have mind power."

"I can give you part of the power of the bloodline, so that you can have the same ability as me."

There is such knowledge in Ao Ling's memory. In the past, her elders also distributed some human blood power to help them fight for hegemony.

Because they suppress things in the sea, they can't leave at will, so they are relatively scarce in resources. This is a mutual benefit, and they can exchange some things from the human world. This habit has lasted for thousands of years.

"Blood power?" Lin Mengfu thought, Ao Ling's ability must be some kind of special prop, is it related to Qiao Ji?

"Her abilities are inherited from the family, and she can distribute some power to others, but she is still young, so it is not recommended to do so."

Ao Ling's strength, if not relying on that dragon scale armor, can be regarded as the threshold of the prefecture level.

But if you want to gain power in this way, you must find the powerful old dragon in the Yinfeng Hell, who can ascend to the sky and reach the earth level in one step, but she is still too weak.

Lin Mengfu was shocked, "Does the ability still have family inheritance?"

"Of course there is."

The dragon's family is also a family.

Perhaps it is more appropriate to say racial inheritance.

At this time, Yu Luoluo sent a message, saying that she and Xu Zhuo had arrived at the station, and asked Qiao Ji if they had gone out.

Qiao Ji replied 'immediately', and then put away the phone: "Okay, let's talk about this slowly when we get back, it's time to go out."


Shuying would always accurately appear next to him, Qiao Ji, Lin Mengfu, and a little dragon girl walked out of the shadow that expanded to the wall next to it.

Yu Luoluo and Xu Zhuo dressed up like dogs today, especially Yu Luoluo, who wore a pair of heart-shaped sunglasses, a pair of binoculars around his neck, a fancy shirt and shorts, and a straw hat. It's like going to the beach to see beautiful women.

Xu Zhuo is a little more normal, with overalls and tactical shoes, a double belt with a pocket, a breathable foreign brand training jacket, and a third-level bag on his back. You can go to a war-torn place to take a late summer job, and your life will be complete.


Qiao Ji originally wanted to complain about how they were dressed like Mengxin, the boss of the game—Yu Luoluo was dressed as a boss, and Xu Zhuo was Mengxin—but the words came to his lips, and it still became: "Other classmates Woolen cloth?"

"It's too early, they are not so fast."

"That's right, Dong Ni's performance is in the afternoon, so many people probably won't come until the afternoon."

"I'm bored at home these days, but the good news is that I've finished my homework." Yu Luoluo said proudly, "Qiao Ji, it's up to you for the rest."

This was the platform near his and Xu Zhuo's house. After all, there was Qiao Ji, a humanoid express vehicle, so they didn't think about going to meet them by car, and waited directly at the platform in front of their house for Qiao Ji to pick them up.

"Okay, let's go."

The Escape Shadow bus departs!

Under the monitoring of BT, a hacker who stole the chat records of the communication software was at the headquarters of the communication software company. After seeing the news of Qiao Ji and the others, he immediately forwarded the content to his benefactor.

He's a hacker, but what's the best way to get in without being detected?

The answer, of course, is physics!

So he bought some small props, successfully sneaked into Huaguo's largest communication software company, and temporarily replaced the identity of a worker, so that he could steal the information needed by the patron.

It's just that the work intensity of this broken company is a bit heavy. He has only been here for a few days and works overtime every day, feeling that his liver is about to be overwhelmed.

Fortunately, the content that the employer wanted has been stolen. According to the contract, as long as he persists until 22:[-] tonight, he can complete the task and receive the final payment.

I feel that we should ask for more work injury compensation.

However, is such a high-priced job just monitoring the chat content of a few students?
The only requirement is that it must not be discovered, oh, the money is really easy to earn.

The message was sent to a man dozing off in a vehicle.

He opened the car door, looked at the huge billboard of 'Future Sound Concert-cum ** Music Festival' in the distance, sneered, straightened his hat, took off his coat, exposed his overalls, and hung a badge on the On the neck, walk towards the inside.

"Pay attention, the target has appeared, don't show any flaws, I am searching for the other party's security personnel."

The voices of teammates came from the earphones.

But after a while, the teammate made a puzzled voice, "It's strange, I didn't find that there were security personnel around the other party."

"Could it be that the other party's bodyguard is also at the prefecture level?"

"Not sure, I'll take another look."


Qiao Ji and his friends came here. In the field of vision of his nano glasses, there are surveillance cameras around, installed lighting equipment, etc., and there are identifiable signal sources on them, all of which are nano equipment that sneaked in and ambushed in advance. .

And beside his ears, there was also a clear voice of dialogue, and the other party's every move was under his monitoring.

However, he said it was also at the prefectural level?That means that there is at least one prefecture-level person among the people who came, and it seems to be very important.

Is it necessary to use force?
Well, it seems unrealistic. After all, although I have displayed some high-tech equipment, it is not worth putting on such a big battle. From their point of view, it is impossible to take them away. I don't know my own strength.

So where do they want to start?
No matter where he starts, I hope that the undead spy caught this time can open a space channel.

(End of this chapter)

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