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Chapter 421 New Products

Chapter 421 New Products

The training ground is a serious closed space. If the portal is closed, the production of the Soul Devouring Blood Clothes will not be successful.

The world that can be connected to both the earth and the underworld, and the world where the soul-devouring blood robe is sacrificed, cannot be connected to the closed training ground, unless the door is opened a little.

And Qiao Ji also needs to connect to the outside world and give BT a signal so that he can find him at any time when he has something to do.

He flew to Heicheng.

I haven't seen you for a week, and the place has changed a lot.

Buildings are growing slowly, and more are still preparing their foundations. Many cranes have been installed in place, and several construction teams are doing their own work in different areas.

Huaguo's infrastructure can be regarded as well-known, and the scene here can be regarded as pleasing to the eye if the money is enough.

Qiao Ji thought of his previous life, when he once went to a friend's place to play and go fishing, but ended up watching others build bridges there.

Probably loving the beauty of machinery is engraved in the DNA of boys.

But he is now the president of the Antiquity Association, and it is not good to squat here and watch other people build buildings and pave roads, so he went directly to Wu Xinfeng.

Wu Xinfeng's work side has not started repairing yet.

Qiao Ji pressed the nano glasses, called up the blueprint, and found that this area was not planned for the new urban area.

The new urban area will be a complete fortress city, urban nuclear power plant, plus the layout plan of the city-level force field barrier generator. After the completion of the first phase of the project, it can accommodate 80 people to live normally.

The subsequent projects will expand like concentric circles, but force field barrier generators must be installed in sections, because they cannot cover such a large area.


Wu Xinfeng is on call, he is in charge of the headquarters, basically there is no situation where no one can be found.

"Are there any bad reviews on our stuff?"

Wu Xinfeng felt that this should be a joke.

After all, this kind of business, who didn't think twice before making a decision before buying, and we don't have an online store, where is the comment section?

"There are no bad reviews, everyone likes our products very much."

"Well, these are a new batch of seeds of original sin, and there are 63 soul-devouring blood suits, some of which are orders." Qiao Ji waved his hand, and a breeze blew, and the things appeared on the ground.

"In addition, there is this."

Qiao Ji took out a cloth bag, which contained a bag of yellow glass beads.

"President, this is..." Wu Xinfeng didn't recognize this either, but it looked a bit like Heart of Stone.

"I improved the Heart of Stone, solved the shortcoming of making the user ugly, and allowed it to attack and defend, but its power is average, and the most important thing is the ability to control the soil. Please contact me to see if there is anyone. want."

Wu Xinfeng didn't expect the president to have this kind of ability. Is he an expert in this field?
Or does he have another research team?
None of these Wu Xinfeng is known. In fact, there is too little information about the Black Emperor, as if he jumped out of nowhere.

It is very likely that the Black Emperor had another name before, even an old antique, active before the maturity of Internet technology, so it is difficult to find news about him.

Wu Xinfeng had tried his best to let people search for it quietly, but he didn't dare to make too much of a move. If someone finds out, it may be found that there is something wrong with the ancient society.

He is still working hard to investigate, but there is no gain for the time being.

"President, how much should we price this new version of Heart of Stone?" Wu Xinfeng asked.

"The cost is an ordinary heart of stone, and about [-] worth of supernatural materials. You can see the pricing."


Wu Xinfeng felt that he had already taken over the power of the undercover organization, and everything had to go through him.

To be honest, during this period of time, so many things are crowded together, and such a large amount of money is involved, and there is no supervision, it is simply——

His greed for a billion can only be regarded as an act of conscience.

With such a good opportunity to make money, it is not impossible to be greedy for tens of billions, but he dare not be so crazy. After all, his mission is not to make money, but to go undercover in the Jianguhui to find out information.

"This new version of the Heart of Stone, you deal with it, and change the name." Qiao Ji obviously didn't intend to name it himself, and then he asked: "It seems that none of the other priests of the Elemental Heart faction handed in their names." The heart of the elements in their hands?"

Wu Xinfeng felt that something was about to happen, it was obvious that the Elemental Heart had a special purpose of making money.

"Yes, after Jin Laobiao's inspection, the way they mastered the elemental heart was judged to be safe and controllable, so they haven't handed it over yet."

"How many elemental hearts do they have?" Qiao Ji asked another question.

Wu Xinfeng can be considered to be very knowledgeable about these things.

I didn't have a chance before, but now I have managed to sit at the top of the Jianguhui. Naturally, I have tried my best to get a clear picture of the structure of the entire power, the power distribution of each faction, and the number of people.

"The number of people in each branch varies. Basically, 40 to 60 core personnel are maintained, and the scale of peripheral members is maintained within 200. The elemental hearts they keep are distributed to all core personnel to carry with them. It will be given when needed, so each of them has at least 300 elemental hearts." Wu Xinfeng replied.

To be more specific, he didn't know, after all, the time was too short for him to dig out all the old people.

"It's too little. Compared with using undead to make elemental hearts, this amount is like playing tricks."

Qiao Ji unsealed thousands of undead from Earthburst Star at the training ground at a time, killing and making Hearts of Stone or Seeds of Original Sin, the amount at one time was comparable to their inventory.

"Because the elemental heart needs to be made by the corpse of a supernatural person, this ability is still in the hands of the priest, so the number of elemental hearts is not large."

The Elemental Heart faction is also the kind of faction that seldom fights in the Jiangu Society, even the Fire Heart and Thunder Heart faction.

The death line can still say that they need death energy, what about them?
Not only did he not have the need to kill, but he even tried to avoid transforming into an elemental spirit. It was too late to hide, so he didn't have a lot of reserves.

Through some files in their respective places, we can find out whether they have hunted a large number of supernatural beings to make elemental hearts. The answer is no, they are all produced in small quantities, and they are very secretive.

"Notify them, send the elemental heart in my hand, I will use the undead to make a batch of elemental hearts of various attributes, and study the mystery."


Wu Xinfeng also didn't know whether Qiao Ji simply borrowed it, would return it after borrowing it, or take it away directly.

In such a situation, he can only be responsible for conveying the news. As for whether the priests of the Elemental Heart faction believe it or not, and whether they will send things over... Well, they had better be aware of it themselves, otherwise the Elemental Heart who has already mastered the details The faction will be delisted.

(End of this chapter)

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