i have a cos system.

Chapter 427 Production Requirements for New Equipment

Chapter 427 Production Requirements for New Equipment
In addition, he also told Qiao Ji not to go to the spiritual realm represented by the silver crown. It is too dangerous there. Step in easily.

Because it is completely unnecessary, the benefit is unknown, and the cost is very high.

If there are manpower, it is better to invest in those spiritual realms where the situation is relatively clear and suitable for development.

Among other things, the spiritual realm is more suitable for cultivation than the earth, and some stable spiritual realm base cities are the cradles for them to mass-cultivate earth-level supernatural beings.

Otherwise, do you think there are a few prefecture-level supernatural beings in a small country, and they have thousands of prefectural-level supernatural beings, how did this gap come from?

It was cultivated by fighting for territory in the spirit realm and competing with creatures in the spirit realm for those blessed places.

Countries and forces without the ability to establish a territory in the spiritual world can only maintain the status quo, but they are really snowballing.

A few decades ago, the number of prefecture-level supernatural beings was less than a thousand. Now, counting all of them, we went straight to the [-] mark.

This is the importance of the spiritual realm.

It's just that these facilities were only open to internal personnel in the past, but now, they are planned to be opened to more people, and the first to enjoy them are students from some key schools.

Not only universities, but also high schools have places.

And Yulian University Affiliated High School is undoubtedly the first batch of high schools to get this quota, and they have the best quality students.

"You're talking about cultivation in the spiritual realm. Now the school has started two days of supernatural power training every week. Only those with the best test scores will get places. If you don't come to school again, you probably won't have a chance."

Lin Mengfu was talking about things at school.

She herself is very competitive, and it is difficult for students in the same grade, or even the whole school, to compete with her.

But Qiao Ji didn't even come to school these days, and usually scored all 0 eggs, so how can he get a place.

She really wanted to go with Qiao Ji. You know, even Yu Luoluo, who is usually the least diligent in exercising her abilities, is getting ruthless. She seems to be turning into a sleepless, restless, bloodless, and tearless person who can practice non-stop as long as she drinks water. Practice machine.

"I heard from the teacher that this opportunity is rare, what if you miss it..."

She was thinking about remedies, to see if Qiao Ji's grades could be improved according to the scoring standards of the training camp, and reached the standards.

Qiao Ji smiled, "I see, let's go to school in a few days, I still have something to do these two days."

Isn't it just to go to a special facility in the spiritual realm to practice. Now in the domestic spiritual realm, Qiao can go wherever he wants.

But these days, we still have to wait for the exploration team of the Dragon Spirit Realm to finish their preparations.

Due to the open supply of supernatural materials, a batch of equipment tailor-made for the exploration team is still working overtime.

Although there are props provided by Qiao Ji, this batch of equipment is also a good thing with a lot of weight, not to be missed, so I waited specially.

Qiao Ji also listened to them, since he had a lot of things to do anyway.

There are a lot of things going on at the Antiquity Society, and the matter of changing the vanguard-level Titan into a supernatural mech, the identification of various magic weapons, and the sorting out of knowledge, all of which will take time.

It took him a lot of time just to teach BT some basic knowledge of immortality, and he finally established a theoretical model of formation for BT.

In addition, at the supernatural beast breeding base, he has also contributed a lot of chakra recently, so that they can do research freely.

Speaking of which, with the two cos props of Naruto and Sasuke, he can completely play Yin Yang Dun, but recently he has not spared time to study it.

Ao Ling stood behind Qiao Ji's sofa, holding the sofa with both hands, wagging her dragon's tail like a cat's tail, watching the two talking.

"I see, you are a busy person, so why did you come back for so long today?"

Lin Mengfu hooked her fingers and flew out a few bottles of drinks from the refrigerator. It has to be said that her mind power is becoming more and more proficient.

She took one bottle and handed it to Qiao Ji, and the other to Ao Ling.

This little dragon girl likes drinks with high sugar content very much. Unfortunately, the sugar content of drinks on the market has become less and less these years, probably because people's sugar intake is a bit too high.

"In order to build a piece of weaponry for you, you can choose this time. What style do you want?" Qiao Ji gently wiped the water vapor on the bottle.

It was Qiao Yao who reminded him to get a protective tool for Lin Mengfu.

If Qiao Ji lacked materials, he would definitely not talk about it, but Qiao Ji has a lot of earth-level souls, not bad for those few.

Both Qiao Yao and Lin Xingying have a sword and props, and their strength has jumped from ordinary people to prefecture-level clubs. If there is such a good thing, we must also think about the poor left-behind child at home.

Yes, Lin Mengfu is now a left-behind child, accompanied only by a pet and a few shadow soldiers.

Lin Mengfu was a little surprised when she heard Qiao Ji's words, "Hey? Can I still choose this time?"

"Yes, this time it is made of a special material, so you can choose it. The power of the weapon will be relatively large, allowing you to enter the threshold of the prefecture level, and this material also has a feature that the weapons and equipment made can be transformed Make energy or a period of mental power into the body." Qiao Ji explained.

Of course, the raw material this time is also those precious materials obtained from the underworld, and the power is stable above the general earth level, allowing her to protect herself enough.

"Hmm..." Lin Mengfu hesitated for a while, and then said, "If it's so powerful, don't use it for me. I'm still in school, so I should need it more in other places, such as those who fight monsters."

Qiao Ji smiled and said: "You can only choose the style, and the rest is not up to you, so choose quickly, weapons or equipment, accessories, etc., are all fine."

If there are good things, it is better not to, how can there be such a silly child.

"It seems to be..."

If the parents are doing some important research, the protective measures for themselves are of course decided, and it is their turn to distribute them.

I can only think about what kind of weapons to use, but she uses mind power, and the panacea power of mind power will be fine as long as the level is raised.

Lin Mengfu took a sip of the honey tea, and then said, "I can't think of it either, it's fine if I think it can strengthen my thoughts."

After hearing this request, Qiao Ji thought for a while and asked, "Enhance the power of thinking... What do you think of the gloves?"

"Gloves? Of course, but to what extent can it be enhanced? I feel that my mind power is more than flexible, but its power is much worse than other destructive abilities."

Lin Mengfu recently watched some videos with her classmates, all of which were circulated from the Internet, about the undead in the underworld.

It is said that it was taken by a strong man in the underworld when he was fighting with the undead, and he brought back the loot, which was auctioned for a very high price.

But the specific situation was not mentioned in the news, and the news media all over the world did not report it, only some "insiders" revealed the news.

These videos are also circulated by them.

Seeing the huge undead lord and even the monarch, Lin Mengfu felt that her thought power, which was very useful, was no longer good.

With such a huge body, my mental power can't hurt it in the slightest. If the army of undead really came to the earth, with my little mental power, let alone deal with those big guys, how many can I kill even ordinary undead?

It will soon be submerged in the black tide of undead.

Therefore, she wanted some more powerful abilities.

"In terms of power, it's quite impressive." Qiao Ji already had some ideas about Lin Mengfu's props.

"Can you deal with the undead?" She asked quickly.

Now in school, the ability to deal with the undead is the master of human beings, and everyone is very concerned about the current situation.

Qiao Ji thought about it, "Hmm... those with the light attribute should be considered to be more restrained against undead."

"That's good, I want this!"

Lin Mengfu made a decision immediately.

After the videos circulated on the Internet, the students in the class couldn't help but think about how to deal with the undead if they encountered the undead.

If it was the ability to restrain the undead, she would of course want it very much.

These days, who doesn't want to be an undead killer?

(End of this chapter)

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