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Chapter 437 Thunder Array

Chapter 437 Thunder Array
Wearing strong and sharp, it looks very bluffing, just like these undead monarchs who pile up their heights to the sky.

But if the strength is strong enough and there are enough treasures, there is no need for such a huge skeletal body, and even a too huge body will be troublesome.

"How powerful is the Dragon Clan?" Qiao Ji asked.

The power of the dragon clan seems to be still fighting against the undead, and I don't know what to do.

"The most powerful force of our clan is in the middle of this world. This is just a corner in the east, where demons are suppressed. It is usually inaccessible. The undead army has been sending troops for so many years. In my opinion, the situation should still be deadlocked." The old man Dragon King said.

They are here, and every few years they can sense that there is an army of undead landing, going to the depths of the dragon's spirit, which shows that they are still sending troops to support the front line. From this point of view, their dragon clan should still be fighting the undead.

"But the worse thing about the situation now is that we should be behind the undead territory, no, it should be said that it is inside the encirclement. They should be surrounded soon after they get the news." A scale flew out of the old dragon king and turned into a ghost. Map, projected in the air.

"This is a map of the world, and here we are."

He pointed to a small dot on the right side of the map and said, "This is where we are."

Qiao Ji and other earth-level power users were looking at the map given by the old dragon king, and one of the earth-level power users asked, "The scale of this map seems to be..."

"Yes, in terms of the land area of ​​our world, it is more than seven times larger than the earth." The old dragon king nodded, "The sea area is the opposite of the earth's situation. It is much smaller, but there are many lakes in the interior. But let’s talk about geography. This book of landforms is hundreds of years ago. There should be no war in recent years, and we don’t know what it has become. We still have to consider the upcoming danger."

Xia Xingzhong thought for a while, and asked: "This sealed place, you can't leave it no matter what?"

The old Dragon King's huge head nodded, "That's right, my family will defend it to the death."

Xia Xingzhong exchanged glances with the others, feeling a bit troublesome.

After all, it's a bit silly to stick to one place and confront the undead head-on. In the current situation, it's the best choice for them to leave with the dragon clan, and then take advantage of the advantage of being able to travel between the two worlds at will.

And if the Dragon Clan wants to stick to this place, they will be very passive.

Qiao Ji glanced at him, and then said, "What if I ask you to leave?"

The old dragon king was taken aback.

The ancestors were guarded here by the order of the gods, so they would rather die than leave.

But what if the gods asked them to leave?
Xia Xingzhong also said: "Yes, since the things suppressed here are very cruel, let them come out and bite dogs with undead dogs."

But the old Dragon King shook his head, "I'm sorry, if the things suppressed here are released, I don't know what will happen to the undead, but my world will definitely be devastated. At the beginning, many gods worked together to suppress them. It's easy to let them out. How to clean up the mess?"

The old Dragon King was unwilling.

"Forget it then, and think of other ways." Qiao Ji didn't force them either.

The gods are probably sky-level supernatural beings.

They all have to join forces to suppress it, which shows how brutal the things below are.

Even the undead overlord saw the situation here, and asked people to protect these guarding dragons with the Yinfeng Hell, unwilling to release the things inside.

"In that case, should we leave first and rebuild the black prison?" Xia Xingzhong said.

After all, it is still a bit difficult for them to confront them head-on in the hinterland of the undead army, and there was no such plan in advance.

If they were withdrawn and the dragons were left to stay in the black prison, the undead would not ask for trouble and kill the guarding dragons.

"Or are we going to defend here?" Xia Xingzhong obviously felt that this was not a good idea, "Although we also have the idea of ​​immediately building a permanent fortress, we will build it in the enemy's hinterland..."

Generally, they will choose a hidden place for exploration in the spiritual realm, build an exploration base, and develop slowly. If there are many local forces, they will choose the edge of the two forces.

It is unwise to open a base directly in the hinterland of a power like this and be beaten from all sides.

"There is no time to build it, not to mention the follow-up defense, it will take time just to build the base fortress."

"We can lay minefields. I have created a lot of nuclear bomb drones, covering hundreds of miles. It should be able to buy us some time."

Qiao Ji felt that it was not impossible to drive a nail down here, so don't underestimate his developmental snowballing ability.

With the frying pan in hand, the portal opened, and thirteen rows of white drones came out one after another, each flying to a different direction.

Once you fly, you can't stop.

Looking at the moth drones flying out like an assembly line, Xia Xingzhong secretly said "I rely on it", and then went to discuss with others about the establishment of a permanent fortress in the spiritual realm here.

Someone sent it back soon.

When I came back, the sky suddenly opened, a gray vortex with a diameter of more than 30 meters opened, and a bronze dragon chariot slowly drove out.

The old Dragon King looked at the dragon chariot, feeling a little emotional, "I haven't seen it for many years."

This dragon chariot was originally given to a human emperor by him. It is convenient to enter and leave the two worlds, and can directly open up material channels.

This thing is one of the treasures left by the gods.

Their family does not belong to the mainstream of the Dragon Realm, apart from the independent group of dragons, it seems to be forgotten, guarding here, and no one comes to visit them.

Therefore, we can only deal with the human race who came here by chance. There are also some things left by the gods on the human race. Probably for this reason, they will teleport here every time.

Seeing it again now is really touching.

It's a pity that things are different and people are different. The clan was considered prosperous at the beginning, but now there are only a few old dragons guarding it, and the rest have been slaughtered by the undead.

The material portal opened, and the materials prepared in advance were delivered immediately, and the relevant personnel began to build the permanent front-line fortress according to the plan.

Qiao Ji moved the portal of the training ground to the side, so as not to hinder their work, and then said: "I'll take a look around", then disappeared without a trace.

Xia Xingzhong: ...

You can't wave.

But without Qiao Ji, they would not be willing to build a permanent fortress under such circumstances.

The eternal fortress has a good name, but it has not been broken. The previous addresses were carefully selected. What about this time?Take root directly in the heart of the enemy.

Courage is all given by Qiao Ji.

He looked up and looked at the drones in the sky that were running in all directions. It had been more than ten minutes, and these drones hadn't stopped flying out, so he didn't know how many were inside.

(End of this chapter)

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