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Chapter 461 9 times the power

Chapter 461 Nine times the power

Lin Mengfu looked at the colorless crystal coin in her hand with some disbelief, which was slightly larger than a one-yuan coin. Just such a small thing, could a person's number of superpowers increase to 36?

You must know that she only has 3 kinds of powers now. More people only have one kind of power. This is the result of the popularization of power implantation during this period. The country requires ordinary people to try their best to implant the most basic comprehensive physique. Strengthen special abilities and greatly improve residents' physical fitness to cope with possible crises.

As for the crisis, it was caused by several countries that caused trouble in the spiritual realm.

For example, Neon next door had an accident while exploring a spiritual realm, but the dimensional imprint of the spiritual realm they obtained was a little bit incomplete, and they made up for it themselves.

But there is a problem, but if there is a problem with the coordinates of the spiritual realm, they have to go there forcefully, because the spiritual realm represents huge profits.

As a result, a crisis emerged.

The defective dimensional imprint caused the portal to open, but not correctly. Some space cracks that were so subtle that they were invisible to the naked eye appeared densely near the coordinates of the predetermined passage.

And the environment in that spiritual realm is not very friendly to humans. A special kind of energy has penetrated into the earth through those undetectable space cracks.

It is said that humans who have been exposed to that energy have mutated and become half-human and half-monster beings. There is an appropriate name on the Internet called weirdos.

The Neon government has been in control for several months, but because the space crack spreads over a large area and the alien energy leaks out, it is extremely difficult and costly to stop it.

In other words, it is very likely that the whole world will be affected by this alien energy and be in danger in the future.

In the past, not many people came to promote the implantation of superpowers, but now they are rushing to do it, for fear that the alien energy from the neon side will float over and turn them into monsters.

Because data shows that people with good physical fitness will not mutate under the influence of superpower energy, that's why the general public is seeking comprehensive physical enhancement, the most common superpower.

Most people only have this ability.

And now, the crystal coin in Lin Mengfu's hand can give her 36 power slots!
This is simply unimaginable. How did Qiao Ji do it?
"How do I use this?"

"Paste it on the forehead, pull it with mental force, or drip blood directly."

The use of dripping blood is a specially designed method of use. After all, many people may not even be able to separate their mental power from the body, so they cannot use the mental pulling technique.

Of course, Lin Mengfu could do it. She put the crystal coin in front of her forehead, wrapped it with mental power, and turned it into a colorful light and integrated it into her mind.

In an instant, high-frequency vibrations appeared in her consciousness. Her aura, which is the spiritual world where spiritual matter and supernatural powers reside, became blurred due to the high-frequency vibrations, like an afterimage of the world. The shadow fell downward, but not from the bottom of the body, but from deeper in time and space.

Constantly vibrating, the dimensions of the spiritual world are resonating, and afterimages are separated, one afterimage, two afterimages, three afterimages...

It wasn't until the afterimage of the ninth layer of spiritual light appeared that it finally stopped. Lin Mengfu was surprised to find that her own spiritual light had penetrated into the depths of time and space layer by layer, turning into a special overlapping structure.

Nine levels of aura, nine times the power!
Moreover, even Lin Mengfu's initial spiritual space of aura has expanded and turned into a round space, far larger than before, which can accommodate at least one more superpower.

No wonder there are 36 superpower slots. It turns out that the perfect aura spiritual space can accommodate at least four superpowers.

"You can choose any ability you like, without considering the suitability, and your other abilities can be enriched first and then enriched later, and they will improve very quickly." Qiao Ji said at the right time.

If the adaptability is low, the improvement will be slow.But the round aura spiritual space created by the nine-fold aura structure is very adaptable to any superpower.

Just like when Qiao Ji was tested, his adaptability shocked the people who tested him.

But now, with Angel's technology and painstaking research, it is finally possible to reproduce this perfect aura model for others.

"That's too great."

There are 36 superpower slots, so you can choose whatever you want. Most people don't even have the energy to cultivate so many superpowers.

But as Qiao Ji said, in terms of superpowers, higher-level superpowers can drive lower-level superpowers.

Having the spiritual power to reach the earth level, and then implanting a spiritual power, it will naturally improve very quickly, and it will not take long to catch up to the earth level.

"By the way, that's not what I'm talking about. Have you seen the wedding process? Do you have any suggestions?"

Although they have been delayed for some time due to work, Qiao Yao and Lin Xingying are also getting married.

Qiao Ji immediately connected the device spiritually, and checked the wedding process recorded in the Skynet system.

"Well, that's fine. Let's proceed like this. But if you don't watch the news for a while, what's going on over there in Neon?"

Only then did Qiao Ji notice that something was going on over there.

It's not a small mess that netizens can see, but the truth is not hidden. Some super powerful race has come to the earth. In order to deal with it, many earth-level superpowers have been killed in Neon, and all their wealth has been taken away. , and then reluctantly suppressed it.

"It's quite chaotic over there. An energy creature has come over. It can attach to the human body and cause the human body to mutate in a roughly fixed direction. Its strength has been greatly improved and it is quite troublesome to deal with. It has been talking to us about purchasing recently. thing."

Lin Mengfu is now considered to have Earth-level+ combat power, and many things that were previously inaccessible are now open to her. Through the Skynet system, the information that can be learned daily is different from what others can learn online.

Qiao Ji called up the content and virtually projected some video images.

In the video, ordinary human beings suddenly began to tense their muscles, roared and growled, their veins burst out, glowing blood gradually flowed through their bodies, and their skin gradually changed to dark purple.


This thing is recorded in the angel's database. Similar to angels, it has evolved into a special energy creature.

However, unlike the angels, who all have high-end combat capabilities, they have many earth-level miscellaneous fish, which turn into a puff of energy and look for creatures to possess. When possessed, they will transform the opponent's physique and abilities, creating A mighty demonic army.

The combat effectiveness of this demonized army is much higher than that of the undead army. They are particularly good at biological transformation technology. They can put together the limbs of demonized creatures, even those of different races, and turn them into giants. A giant monster, the kind that would make you lose your sanity at a glance.

There was a long war between this thing and the angels, and then it was almost destroyed. The strongest gods were all killed, and they disappeared and became an existence in the records of the civilization of the gods.

Unexpectedly, it appeared again.

(End of this chapter)

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