Chapter 34 Christmas

School started shortly after returning to Dallas, and Locke's life went step by step. He had already begun to study university subjects by himself, including not only mathematics and physics, but also chemistry, psychobiology, psychology and so on.

He will not specialize in these latter subjects when he is in college in the future. He has decided to focus on mathematics and physics in college.

The main purpose of learning this is to enrich one's own knowledge base. With Locke's current IQ, even if no one advises him, as long as he has read enough books, his knowledge will be no worse than those of those specialist doctors, or even worse.

Rock participated in every game of the school baseball team, but the ordinary training was rejected. With him as a pitcher, the school baseball team also became famous in Texas, and even many professional baseball teams came to him. Invite him to join.

Locke rejected these invitations. After all, the route he arranged for himself was not to become a sports star.

This year's Olympiad competition was held in Los Angeles. Like last year, the team led by Locke won the championship medal once. After the competition, Locke did not return to Dallas with the school team. Stay for a few days.

It was Jennifer who invited Locke to stay. She was going to college in Los Angeles. After hearing that Locke had come to Los Angeles, she invited Locke to ride the rocket together.

The Christmas holidays in the United States are slightly different from state to state, but most of them are from December 12 to January 22. Many people like to take their annual leave together.

Locke has been staying at Jennifer's house for the past few days. She found an internship job in a company in Los Angeles through her senior sister's introduction. The income is much better than working in a restaurant.

For the convenience of work and life, Jennifer rented a one-person apartment near the school, and Locke lived here these days until Christmas.

She is thousands of miles away from her family, and she is usually busy studying. The salary of the internship is good, which is also related to the evaluation of the company. She wants to take the opportunity to build a good relationship. She has the opportunity to join the company after graduation, so she has no choice to return to Texas.

Jennifer's father originally promised to come and spend Christmas with her, but he didn't expect to receive a temporary job. It was an urgent job from a regular customer, and the price was tripled, so he had to miss the appointment.

Disappointed, Jennifer invited Rock to spend Christmas with her in Los Angeles.

"I know Dad. Locke just came to Los Angeles to participate in the game. I invited him to stay with me for a few days. Do you have four more days over there? Sure enough, it won't be in time for Christmas Eve.

It's okay, I can work with Locke, you should pay more attention to your body when you are working, don't rush too much..."

After Jennifer hung up the phone, Locke said, "He won't be here until next week?"

Jennifer nodded: "Yes, the money is not for nothing. Amy's father only helped me pay for one year's tuition, and I have to find a way for the second year's tuition."

Opening his mouth, Locke finally didn't say anything about helping her pay her tuition. This kind of topic is still somewhat taboo, especially among friends. If Jennifer doesn't speak up, if Locke takes the initiative to mention it, it may hurt Jennifer's feelings.

At this moment, he could only chuckle, got up from the sofa and rubbed her head: "Okay, can we eat?"

Speaking of this, Jennifer's mood finally improved. She lived with Locke for the past few days. She has seen Locke's cooking skills, which are much better than her own cooking, especially many of Dongguo's special methods.

"What do you think of the roast chicken I made yesterday?"

Recalling the taste of roast chicken yesterday, Jennifer nodded again and again: "It's delicious, do we still eat this today?"

"I changed the way, today is my exclusive honey grilled chicken."

"But I think what I did yesterday was great!"

"Did I have a good night?"

Jennifer gave Locke a supercilious look. Locke has been tossing her every day for the past few days, which made her legs weak every morning when she went to the internship company. Many colleagues thought that she was too tired, but her face was rosy and her complexion was rosy. very good.

When Locke got out the honey-roasted chicken, Jennifer swallowed frantically, the sweetness mixed with the smell of meat, it was really wonderful.

Locke's so-called exclusive honey-roasted chicken is actually a chicken made with char siu sauce. The sweet aroma of the bright red roast chicken is absolutely mouth-watering.

"Well, the taste is not bad, but the chicken breast is still a bit woody. Next time, don't cook the whole chicken together. The requirements for heat and technology are too high."

Locke, who has more than half of his intermediate cooking experience, commented on his cooking, not particularly satisfied.

Jennifer ignored him, and gnawed wildly while holding the pistol leg. One person ate one-third of the amount. Compared with her previous appetite, it has exceeded the standard by a lot.

After Jennifer finished eating, she complained in front of Locke that the cooking was too delicious, and she would gain weight before long.

Glancing at Jennifer, who was focusing on the boring soap opera on TV, Locke thought to himself that after you digest for a while, I will pull you to do exercises, which will definitely make you consume all the calories you eat.

Watching the performance on TV, Jennifer suddenly sighed. In fact, she had thought of becoming a star before, and she was also confident that her appearance and figure were better than the actors on TV.

But recently she was an intern in the company, and she met a senior female executive of the company, who seemed to take care of her, so she wondered if she could also work in finance.

Young people at this age are mostly in a state of mind. Hearing Jennifer's narration, Locke didn't comment much. In fact, in his opinion, with Jennifer's mathematical talent, it is estimated that it is impossible for Jennifer to become an elite in finance in this life.

But she is still young, and no one can stop her if she wants to try this path. He is not qualified to give pointers on such topics involving life choices and future plans, and at most he can only give suggestions.

Locke has also considered taking the financial route before, and he is no stranger to this, but only made some suggestions based on what he knows.

After listening to Locke, Jennifer realized that it was not easy to take this path. After thinking about it, she was unwilling to give up, so she could only put it aside first, and said:
"By the way, the company is going to hold an internal company reception on Christmas Eve. I will also attend it then. Would you like to come and see it?"

"No problem." Locke agreed straight away. He guessed that Jennifer, as an intern, could not be formally invited. In the past, she was mostly responsible for serving dishes and delivering wine.

He didn't say that, and he hasn't seen Jennifer for several months. Since Jennifer and the others graduated, Locke has changed two girls as friends to hang out with in his spare time, but they are a little less interesting than Jennifer.

It's been a while since I saw him, and Locke still misses him very much, otherwise he wouldn't have stayed in Los Angeles.

(End of this chapter)

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