Qianlong: Qing Dynasty?What about my Daqing?

Chapter 216 Emperor VS Heavenly King

Chapter 216 Emperor VS Heavenly King
"Barbed wire, Emperor Zhu has so many tricks."

Liu Tianwang muttered in a low voice.

He was right.

Originally, there are so many tricks in the war in this land of China.

As a result, Emperor Zhu came.

First, what kind of wooden shells were used, and then what rifles, steel-cased rifles, grenades, and barbed wire were produced.

Zhuge Wuhou is not as capable as him.

"Heavenly King, the barbed wire fences of the Ming army are too insidious. They can't be knocked down continuously. If you send people to destroy the barbed wire fences, you will have to face bullets. Just these two wire fences, I don't know how many people will be sent to fill them up."

Ran Tianyuan smiled wryly.

In front of Liu Tianwang is a wire brought back from the battlefield.

Liu Tianwang slashed with his saber a few times and finally cut it off.

But he knows.

This is because his own sword is sharp enough, and at the same time, the barbed wire was cut off when it was placed on the table with enough force points. If it is pulled up in the air, it can only cut a dent when it is cut with a knife.

It is okay to destroy the barbed wire fence if you are determined, but as Ran Tianyuan said, it will take a lot of human life.

There are few people going, and they may be solved by the Ming army's rifled guns on the way.

If there are many people going, it will be filled with human lives.

"It's okay, the Wanming army in front of us is just a bait to catch the big fish of Emperor Zhu."

Liu Zhixie showed a confident look on his face, as if everything was under control.

But I always muttered in my heart, this Wanming army is so difficult to chew.

Even if Emperor Zhu is surrounded in the future.

Can you chew it off?

"Have you detected the movement of the main force of the Ming army?"

Liu Zhixie asked.

Zhang Hanchao on the side said: "The scouts reported back just now, and found that the Ming army brigade had crossed the Weihe River, and should have arrived at Damingfu City by now!"

"Daming Fucheng?"

Liu Zhixie turned his head to look at the map hanging on the large tent of the Chinese army.

"It's coming so fast!"

"Heavenly King, Emperor Zhu's guard regiment has a total of 7000 people. There is a cuirassier brigade, two cavalry infantry brigades, and an artillery brigade. They are equipped with a large number of mules and horses. Almost two horses can be allocated per capita. The marching speed is very fast." Ran Tianyuan said enviously.

Emperor Zhu's guard regiment was not a full cavalry group like the usual Mongolian herdsmen.

His guard regiment is a completely mule-like army realized on the basis of possessing a large amount of heavy equipment.

His artillery brigade alone has 26 four-inch large-caliber howitzers. In addition, each brigade also has professional artillery battalions equipped with mortars as front-line support firepower.

"We have to move now." Zhang Hanchao said, "Emperor Zhu has 7000 people under his command, and the Ming Army has 1 people in the Luo Dingshan Department. The Ming Army was originally small in strength, but now it is divided into two. It has been said that if we divide our strength, we will be lazy, we can use a partial division to stare at Luo Dingshan, and the main force will go south to fight against Emperor Zhu!"

"Will it be fought in the field? Where will it be fought?" Liu Zhixie said, staring at the map.

"It's better to be at the intersection of Zhangshui River and Weihe River, Nanguan Tao Town!" Zhang Hanchao said, "The Ming army is stationed in Daming Mansion today, and it will take two days to arrive here at most. Duhe in Guantao Town is the best choice.”

Liu Zhixie immediately saw this small town between Daming Prefecture and Guangping County.

Zhangshuiwei River flows from south to north, and meets at the junction of Zhili and Shandong. The terrain is flat and open, and there are rivers flowing through it, which is suitable for large troops to station and long-term battles.

A battle of hundreds of thousands of troops.

Usually, the winner will not be decided in a short period of time, so the location of the battle must also be particular about, and the place where the camp is stationed must have a flowing water source.

Moreover, this place is also close to Quang Binh, the terrain is flat, and it is convenient to dispatch the army.

"Then here it is!" Liu Tianwang took a deep breath, "The survival of the kingdom of heaven is at stake, don't worry about the Luoding Mountains, just dig trenches to surround them, and the rest of the army will all go south. Friend of the guards!"

The intersection of Zhili Daming Mansion and Dongchang Mansion.

Nanguantao Town is at the junction of the two provinces.

To the east is Guantao County, Dongchang Prefecture, Shandong Province, and to the west is Yuancheng County, Daming Prefecture.

On the afternoon of January 1794, 1 AD.

The heavy snow on the Great North China Plain has lasted for seven or eight days.

Snowflakes fluttered and fell with the northwest wind, and piled up on the ground, turning the entire plain into a white picture.

at this time.

The vanguard of the Ming army and the Taiping army had already had a small-scale battle between scouts and cavalry.

However, Emperor Zhu did not deliberately hide his tracks.

After arriving at Nanguantao Town, the Dragon Flag of the Great Mingzi Regiment, the Sun and Moon Banner of the Great Ming Dynasty, and the military flag of the Great Mingzi Guards Corps were erected in a big way.

On the endless plains.

Three large flags flying over the military village can be seen ten miles away.

Leading the forward of the Taiping Army to the front line, Hou Ran Tianyuan of Tongzhou was holding up a telescope to check the defensive position of the Guards Corps of the Great Tianzi.

The Guard Corps built fortifications relying on Nanguantao Town.

There are a total of three barbed wire fences on the outermost perimeter, and a trench has been dug. The town behind the trench is blocked by a low wall, so the situation inside the town cannot be seen clearly.

But it is the defensive position composed of three barbed wire fences, trenches, and town walls, and it is not known how many people will die before it can be defeated.

Ran Tianyuan took a deep breath.

Of course he knows the current situation of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

If the army returns to Guanzhong now, I am afraid that the contradictions among the princes will break out due to the barrenness of Guanzhong, and the struggle for territory and wealth between them will be extremely sharp.

in contrast.

Now there are two powerful enemies in the kingdom of heaven, so the princes are temporarily unanimously facing the outside world. Now this battle... no matter if you lose or win.

The Heavenly King Liu Zhixie used this to integrate the armies of the princes. After this battle, the Heavenly King's power in the Kingdom of Heaven will be further improved, right?
Of course.

The premise is that this battle can be won.


I don't even know if I have the chance to be King Pingxi.

thought here.

Ran Tianyuan suppressed the vague uneasiness in his heart, and said to the messengers beside him: "Order all the ministries to dig deep into the camp and continue to monitor the movements of the Ming army."

He turned to look at the three banners in the snow.

Tomorrow afternoon.

The main force of the king of heaven will come
Night falls.

The people in Nanguantao Town had already fled before the war.

Most of them fled south to the state capital controlled by Ming Dynasty.

After all, since the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Wang Shiren, who did not commit any crimes in the Ming army, is considered to be standing.

On the side of the Qing army, there was almost no battle without looting, so there was no need to mention the Taiping army.

As long as the city is broken, all the people will be coerced and all the goods will be gathered.

Only the Ming army has not reported any "bad records" for more than three years.

Of course.

It is impossible to spread such a thing as driving away the bannermen's farm in Liaodong.

After all, the newspapers with the largest sales in China are all media under the control of the Ming Dynasty.

This ability to control public opinion is comparable to that of later Midi.

At this time in Xuzhou Prefecture, the Ming court established a large number of refugee camps.

After the war is over, collective farms will be established in various parts of North China, or they will immigrate to Liaodong and Liaobei.

At this time, candles made of whale oil were lit in the large tent of the Chinese army in Nanguantao Town where the Ming army was stationed, illuminating the large tent of the Chinese army brightly.

"The main force of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom is heading south. Ran Tianyuan's forward [-] men have already arrived. In addition, Liu Zhixie's Chinese army has also crossed the Zhangshui River and is moving southeast. It will arrive tomorrow afternoon at the latest."

"Liu Zhixie transferred all the elites here, and took out all the money. This is really a desperate attempt." Tao Biquan said,

Zhu Daohua smiled and said: "It's good to put all your eggs in one basket. This will make it easier to gather and annihilate them. As long as you win this battle, you can go north to attack Yanyun."

Gather and annihilate them.

This is the most ideal situation.

But as the saying goes, everything is impossible.

In reality, it is very difficult to achieve the ideal situation.

Therefore, if this battle can retain [-]% of the soldiers of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, it will be considered an unprecedented and brilliant victory.

"This Liu Zhixie hit a decisive battle with more than ten times as many troops as me. The numerical advantage is astonishing, but there is a huge gap between his army and my guards, so the key to this battle is not how to win, but how to win." How to win as much as possible, it is best to kill Liu Zhixie, and then let Qi Lin in Guanzhong become King Pingxi"

Zhu Daohua said.

"Your Majesty, Liu Zhixie must also be aware of the huge gap between his army and our Guards. Since he has come, he will definitely not fight step by step, and there must be some conspiracy." Tao Biquan said.

"Conspiracy? Like."

"Like a night attack!" Tao Biquan said, "If it's a dignified battle, their firepower is too weak to fight us, and attacking during the day will cause too much loss, so they will definitely choose to attack at night."

"Night battles, let's fight at night! Order, the army rests in place, and we will wait here for Liu Tianwang's army to arrive!"

Liu Tianwang's army is coming.

Hundreds of thousands of troops marched south with their heads covered.

After walking for several days, they finally stationed at the foot of Goubi Ridge, ten miles east of Nanguantao Town.

It didn't take long to stop.

Liu Zhixie went to the battalions non-stop to inspect, made an official and made a wish, and promised to distribute the Central Plains to the soldiers under his command after this battle.

It raised the morale of the soldiers of the kingdom of heaven to an unbelievable high.

"The heavenly king decreed that the survival of the kingdom of heaven depends on one action. You and other soldiers fought bloody battles and defeated the Ming court and rewarded them for their meritorious deeds. The soldiers from the outer battalion will be given at least [-] mu of land for small meritorious deeds and [-] mu of fertile land for medium meritorious deeds. "

The loud knights on horseback roared over one by one.

Announce Liu Zhixie's reward to the three armies.

"Long live! Long live the heavenly king! Long live the kingdom of heaven!!"


Cheers rang out.

Hearing the cheers, Liu Zhixie couldn't help thinking: It seems that this land still has to be given.

Emperor Zhu's Ming army is so obedient, and they all have real benefits for the soldiers below.

The upper echelon must win over.

But the minions below cannot be ignored either.

The morale of the Ming army has always been so stable, and it seems that it has never been low.

Probably the rewards and punishments are made public.

"After this battle is over, we have to learn from the Ming court, reward the fields, publicize rewards and punishments, and treat everyone equally."

Liu Tianwang said.

"Heavenly King, Emperor Zhu will be stationed in Nanguantao Town ahead now." Ran Tianyuan rushed back from the front line to report.

"Okay! Now that's the case. All the troops have a good rest, and three meals must be prepared for tomorrow, so that the soldiers can eat well, and it will be perfect tomorrow. Then we will have a showdown with the Ming army!"

(End of this chapter)

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