Qianlong: Qing Dynasty?What about my Daqing?

Chapter 252 Everyone Holds a Gun, Everyone Is Equal

Chapter 252 Everyone Holds a Gun, Everyone Is Equal


East Borneo, east of Jifeng County, Landong Prefecture, Lanfang Province, Ming Dynasty.

The last territories of several sultanates in Borneo, and also the most advanced battlefield of the Lanfang Governor-General of Ming Dynasty.

Because the forest is too dense, it is very difficult to completely wipe out the local aborigines, even if the Japanese samurai army under the command of Da Mingzi is brutal.

"Chenzhi County, is our information accurate? Why do I feel something is wrong?"

At the edge of the forest, behind a mound, a slightly stiff Chinese voice sounded, the tone was a bit strange, but it could be heard clearly.

"Old Tian, ​​don't worry, according to the information above, there is a group of remnants of Bander Sultanate trying to raid Jifeng County today, so we can just lie down here!"

The person who spoke was a young man with dark skin, short stature, black gauze on his head, a short jacket, a musket in his hand, and a pair of cowhide boots on his canvas trousers.

If Emperor Zhu was here, he would definitely be able to recognize him. This person is Chen Zhongliang and Chen Xiucai who were executed in Panyu County to drag the head to Lanfang.

Chen Xiucai, who was handsome at the time, now looks similar to the shorter, darker-skinned, darker and thinner Tian Shanyue, the squadron leader of the Japanese Armed Forces Corps in Jifeng County, next to him.

It seems that the water and soil in Borneo can transform people.

Tian Shanyue was also holding a musket, lying on the back of the mound, with a leaf hammer and a few grenades hanging on his waist, and a rattan card woven with old vines on his back.

Chen Xiucai had long suspected that Tian Shanyue was a "fake warrior".

Otherwise, why would a good Japanese samurai not use a samurai sword, but a hammer and a rattan shield instead.

No matter how poor a ronin is, he must at least have a samurai sword on him.

However, Chen Xiucai didn't bother to expose Tian Shanyue - even the surname "Tian" might have been taken by Tian Shanyue himself.

Because Chen Xiucai heard that in Japan, only the upper-class Chinese have surnames, and ordinary people do not have surnames.

But in fact, some of the more than 4 Japanese samurai regiments under Emperor Zhu's command were counterfeit samurai—that is, farmers who could not survive in Japan. After serving as a soldier, he came to apply for the draft.

Fortunately, the emperor of Ming Dynasty did not test swordsmanship when he recruited warriors, but only his physical condition.

That's why "fake warriors" like Tian Shanyue can join the army smoothly.

But after becoming a member of the Japanese Armed Forces Corps of Da Mingzi.

If Tian Shanyue returns to Japan, no one will dare to say that he is not a samurai—he is a samurai loyal to the Emperor of Heaven. If you dare to humiliate the samurai of the Emperor of Heaven, wouldn’t you dare to challenge the majesty of the Emperor?

Therefore, becoming a soldier of the Armed Forces Corps of the Emperor of Heaven has become a rare upward channel for those lower-class Japanese people who have no hope of getting ahead.

In addition, the level of acceptance or fanaticism of the warrior class for the "yellow and white racial competition theory" propagated by the Emperor of Ming Dynasty far exceeds that of the Confucian scholars and bureaucrats in the Ming Dynasty!
Coupled with the opportunities brought about by foreign wars, it is also fatally attractive to those warriors who take one life with one knife.

Now Da Mingzi has become the collective idol of the samurai class and the lower class businessmen and peasants in Japan.

Warriors dream of fighting and making great achievements.

Some of the lower elite who did not have the status of warriors saw the hope of rising from the armed forces of the Son of Heaven.

The Tokugawa shogunate also cooperated with the Ming court very well. After all, for the Tokugawa shogunate, the biggest threat to the rule of the shogunate was the hundreds of thousands of warriors!
Everyone from top to bottom can benefit from the recruitment of the Son of Heaven.

If Emperor Zhu is willing, he can even expand the size of the Japanese armed forces at any time.

At this moment, the counterfeit samurai Tian Zhongyue suddenly raised his head.

"Attention to all!!"

He suddenly ordered loudly.

There is a squadron of Japanese soldiers under his command, that is, 200 people.

Under the command of Chen Zhongliang, the magistrate of Jifeng County, there were 100 guard soldiers recruited from Jifeng County.

Now crouching behind this small hill there are three hundred musketeers equipped with only muskets, and there is no heavy firepower-this is because the artillery is really inconvenient to transport in the dense forest, and Chen Zhongliang and Tian Shanyue actually have some guns on hand. A few bottles of small-caliber mortars, but the shells were all consumed in the battle of the previous two days.

So now everyone can only rely on the muskets in their hands to fight.

In terms of equipment, some people have Guangfu two-year-style rifles in their hands, while others have smoothbore guns.

Since the large-scale production of the Guangfu two-year-style rifle developed by the Lantau Armory, this kind of firearm that uses a large amount of cheap steel and wood materials, pulls the rifling, and uses cardboard fixed expansion ammunition (Mini ammunition) has become popular on a large scale. The low cost brought about by industrialized production began to completely replace the smoothbore guns in the Ming army.

However, rifled guns are currently restricted weapons for export, so anyone who wants to buy a rifled gun must go through "real-name registration" and obtain a gun certificate.

The advantages of rifled guns in range, accuracy, and even shooting speed naturally prevented the Ming court from allowing this weapon to "proliferate on a large scale."

So now although the people can buy the Guangfu two-year rifle.

But the price is very expensive.

And among the 300 people in the team, there were almost 200 people equipped with Guangfu two-year-style rifled guns.

Only some Japanese samurai who were digging and searching were still carrying the old muskets issued by the Ming court before. The more generous Japanese samurai paid for their own money and replaced them with rifled guns.

In fact, these 300 people are not poor ghosts.

Everyone has at least thirty or forty acres of paddy fields.

Once the land here in Borneo is developed, it is extremely suitable for growing rice. Moreover, the river network here is dense, and the climate is warm, humid and rainy all year round.

Rice can be grown three times a year.

Just buying rice these years has made these Japanese samurai and guard soldiers who migrated from Guangdong, Jiangxi, and Fujian rich.

Of course, some people look down on the three melons and two dates of farming.

Instead, he was looking at the reward from the Ming court—if he could successfully ambush the local indigenous army that was trying to plunder Jifeng County and complete the combat mission issued by the General Staff of the Governor's Mansion, he would get a collective merit.

There are at least a dozen Ming Yuan distributed to each soldier.

That's the way to get money.

"Here we come!" Chen Zhongliang also pricked up his ears to listen to the movement in the forest, and stared at the forest ahead with his musket in his hand.

Who would have imagined that Chen Xiucai, the genius of Panyu County, was originally a scholar with no power to restrain himself.

Now he looks like a veteran.

And if it is in the mainland, who would dare to imagine.

The dignified magistrate of the magistrate would be dressed like this, not wearing an official uniform, but wearing a military uniform similar to that of ordinary guards. If it weren't for the black yarn on his head, no one would think that the dark-skinned young man in front of him would be Lan The magistrate of Jifeng County in Dongfu.

Speaking of it, Chen Zhongliang also regretted it.

Why did you take this job in the first place?

This time is fine.

After sending a group of people to Lanfang, they were detained by Lanfang Governor Ye Daoqi and could not leave.

However, Chen Zhongliang was not the only one who was detained.

Most of the officials from the mainland were "seconded" by the Lanfang Governor's Mansion.

The reason is also very simple.

Lanfang had few people.

However, as the Jiangxi War produced a large number of refugees, leading to an influx of tens of thousands of people, Lanfang lacked capable officials, so the governor of Lanfang, Ye Daoqi, sent a large number of secondment applications. All the talented officials from other places who sent people to Lanfang were detained.

Unfortunately, Chen Zhongliang stayed in Lanfang.

Now he is sent to the front line of Jifeng County as a county magistrate.

in the Mainland.

The prefect magistrate has a great style.

After all, the Ming Dynasty is now a semi-feudal and semi-capitalist empire with incomplete revolution.

Although the court has abolished kneeling and worshiping, the county magistrate no longer has the right to spank people casually.

However, how can the thought and tradition of thousands of years of local parental officials acting as emperors and herdsmen be changed in just a few years?

Therefore, being a county magistrate in the mainland is not as straightforward as it was in the Qing Dynasty, but there are too many rules, too much management, and the pressure on performance (tax collection) is also great.

But at least it is still difficult for ordinary people to talk to the magistrate, and if they can talk, they dare not be careless.

But it is different here in Lanfang.

There are troublemakers everywhere!

And what's more.

The troublemakers all have guns in their hands.

It happened before that a local magistrate was shot black because he offended the settlers.

Being the county magistrate here is not only about taking care of these troublemakers who are all armed with guns.

It is also necessary to organize civilian bravery to expel and clean up the aborigines in the jurisdiction area.

Therefore, it is impossible to play the prestige of parents.

Because parents and officials have to rely on "gun-wielding troublemakers" to complete the above tasks.

And the "thugs with guns" are also aware of it in the process.

The gun in his hand can make the county magistrate speak politely.

Naturally, the prestige of the magistrate, the magistrate of the local parents and officials is much less.

Being a magistrate here is really not comfortable.

To say the biggest feature here.

It is the loss of dignity and inferiority, and no ups and downs.

How can it be so easy for everyone to hold a gun and walk on the evil path of equality for everyone?
In order to be able to mingle with these "gun-wielding gangsters".

Chen Zhongliang is such a fine-skinned, tender-skinned, well-spoken scholar.

Now when I open my mouth, I greet women in various ways.

"Master Zhixian, it seems wrong!"

At this time, a "gun-wielding gangster" came over.

"Old Li, what's wrong?"

The magistrate asked politely.

Old Li is an old local hunter.

A native hunter.

He squinted his eyes, staring at the forest in front of him and said, "The number is wrong! There must be more than 500 people! This movement is probably no less than [-]!"

Chen Zhongliang's face changed when he heard the words, and he immediately cursed: "Mother who lost the cupboard! The people in Jinyiwei eat dry food! Hurry up! Dig a hole! Defend! Send someone for help!"

If there are only 300 native soldiers on the opposite side, then the [-] people he has on hand are enough to take care of him.

But if it was two thousand, then he wouldn't dare to launch an attack just like that.

I can only stick to it and wait for help.

(End of this chapter)

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