Qianlong: Qing Dynasty?What about my Daqing?

Chapter 3 A Little Artillery Graduate

Chapter 3 A Little Artillery Graduate

Immanuel Kant, the founder of classical rationalist philosophy, is considered to be one of the most influential thinkers in the West after Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.

This position is placed in China.

Not to mention being comparable to Lao Tzu and Confucius.

At least he is also a powerful figure of Zhu Xi's level.

Zhu Daohua often heard the name of this great god when he was studying in Germany.

It is said that even the thoughts of the two sages of scientific socialism, Max and Engels, were deeply influenced by him.

So after arriving in Europe, Zhu Daohua took the initiative to write to contact him.

Zhu Daohua is well-known in Europe—Europeans in this era, whether they understand it or not, at least clearly show that they advocate science.

This is true from the feudal aristocracy to the new bourgeois nobility.

And after Kant communicated with Zhu Daohua in letters, he was amazed by some of Zhu Daohua’s thoughts—could he not be astonished? The point of view is not difficult at all.

Between correspondence.

Kant actually cited Zhu Daohua as his confidant—I don’t know if future generations of students will read texts similar to "The Great Philosopher Kant and His Friend Zhu Daohua"
And another Major Bonaparte.

It was Napoleon who had just graduated from the Artillery School of the Military Academy in Paris, France, and was attracted by the idea of ​​​​the French constitutionalists to join the constitutionalists. After being expelled from the army by the French Bourbon authorities, he returned to his hometown in a fit of anger to start the Corsica independence movement. Bonaparte.

in later generations.

Napoleon Bonaparte stared at a lot of shocking names.

The founder of the First French Empire, the Consul of the First French Republic, and the Emperor of the First French Empire.

Great 19th century military strategist and statesman.
But the current Napoleon Bonaparte is just an officer who has just graduated from the military academy and is wanted by the authorities of the Bourbon dynasty.
Zhu Daohua seized this opportunity.

The one who fooled little Bonaparte into the East.

"Mr. Kant, your complexion is much better."

Zhu Daohua opened his arms and smiled after hugging Immanuel Kant.

"I finally recovered. To be honest, if it wasn't for your invitation, I really wouldn't have the courage to travel thousands of miles to this far east."

Immanuel Kant said with a slightly pale face, and forced a smile on his face.

"You won't regret this trip. Eastern society and Western society are quite different in structure. If you deeply study the social structure of China, North Korea, and Japan, I believe it will have a very important impact on your theory."

Zhu Daohua finished speaking.

He looked at Napoleon.

"My most trusted army general adviser, how are you thinking?"

Zhu Daohua blinked at Napoleon Bonaparte.

Because if you want to go back to rebel, you will definitely use military talents, especially military talents from the army.

In Zhu Daohua's opinion.

Is there a greater general in this era than Napoleon?

"Your Highness, to be honest, the weapons you gave me are completely capable of overturning the rules of the battlefield in this era!"

Napoleon said quite excitedly.

His words made the other two not far away look sideways.

"Subverting the rules of the battlefield? Just you, a recruit who has never been on the battlefield?"

The voice of a middle-aged man with a low voice sounded.

"The rules of the battlefield are typed out, not written in books."

said another.

As they spoke, they took off their hats and saluted Zhu Daohua.

Zhu Daohua responded by bowing his hands.

"Mr. Ambassadors."

Zhu Daohua nodded.

They were envoys to the King of England and the King of France respectively.

Georges Macartney and Ragu Bourbloom.

Macartney was the British envoy to the Qing Dynasty in history.

But at that time he did not get any benefits from Qianlong.

The British Empire really opened the door to this ancient country, relying on military power
But now Britain does not have the guts to go to war with the Qing Empire.

This is mainly because of a war that happened years ago.

The Qing army defeated Gurkha very quickly, which greatly shocked the British entrenched in India.

Gurkha is the modern day Nidal.

However, Nidal in this era is not a small country, but a country with considerable military strength in South Asia.

The British East India Company launched several wars against Gurkha, but all failed.

Therefore, the army of the Qing Dynasty was able to quickly defeat Gurkha and force Gurkha to surrender and pay tribute, which shocked Britain a lot.

It was also because of this battle of Gurkha that Britain temporarily gave up its plan to knock on the door of the Qing Empire by force, and instead sought diplomatic mediation.

It is against this background.

Britain sent George Macartney to the East with Zhu Daohua's fleet.

Macartney will serve as the special envoy of the British king. After crossing the Strait of Malacca, he will go all the way north to Guangzhou to submit the credentials of the British Empire.

I believe that with the news of Zhu Daohua.

This time Macartney will meet Qianlong relatively smoothly.

With the same purpose as Macartney.

There is also Ragu Bourblon, the special envoy of King Louis XVI of the Bourbon dynasty of France.

It's different from the UK.

France and the Qing Empire have maintained contacts since the Kangxi era.

Qianlong himself even had correspondence with Louis XVI for many years, and there were several missionaries from France in Qianlong's palace.

In fact, many of the Western objects in the Old Summer Palace were built because of Qianlong's interest after seeing the portraits in the Louvre.

and so.

Later, Louis XVI was sent to the guillotine, which greatly shocked Qianlong.

It also made Qianlong more determined to implement the policy of closing the country to prevent the ideas from the European rebels from "pollution" to the obedient citizens of the Qing Empire.

The envoys of Britain and France looked at the young Bonaparte.

They didn't understand why this young man was so valued by Zhu Daohua, and even directly appointed him as the general adviser of his army. Although Zhu Daohua didn't have many troops under his command, they all knew that if Zhu Daohua, who had more than 300 officers, wanted to expand the army is very easy.

Don't say anything else.

The munitions carried by this fleet are enough to equip tens of thousands of people.

As long as there are weapons, officers, and money.

Armies are easy to organize.

The young graduate of the Artillery Academy of the Military Academy in Paris.

Soon he will become the actual commander of an army of tens of thousands of people! !

This made Ragu Bulblom's face a little ugly.

Zhu Daohua reused an opponent of the Bourbon dynasty.

This made Bulbron very unhappy.

But he had no other choice.

He couldn't offend Zhu Daohua because of this little graduate of the artillery department—this is not in the interests of France.

(End of this chapter)

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