Qianlong: Qing Dynasty?What about my Daqing?

Chapter 348 The Thanksgiving Chapter of the Chinese in the New World

Chapter 348 Chinese Thanksgiving in the New World
outside Paris.

The sun gradually rose from the east, and on the emerald green land, teams of cavalrymen continued to gather from the north.

Soon, Napoleon had only 5000 cavalry around him, but quickly strengthened to more than [-] people.

"Marshal! The Paris Garrison has been fully controlled, and the [-]st Grenadier Regiment of the [-]th Infantry Division has controlled all roads to Paris!",

An officer had just come on horseback, with his head held high, he looked at their commander proudly and said.

"Good job!" Napoleon nodded, and then stood up on his stirrups, looking at the knights gathered from the troops stationed around Paris, with a smile on his face.

The consuls in Paris were unaware of such a large-scale military mobilization.

France, led by these fools, will sooner or later fall into the abyss.

"Everyone, please follow me and go to Paris together!"

Napoleon said loudly.

"Marshal! Let's go to Paris together!!"

Thousands of knights chanted collectively.

Napoleon waved, soon. , a team of thousands of fine cavalry headed for Paris mightily.

Paris has been completely controlled, without encountering resistance, the army holding the banner of Napoleon's Marshal entered the city of Paris.

The soldiers of the Paris Garrison shouted when they saw the marshal's banner.

Many people even carried weapons and followed behind.

When Napoleon entered the city of Paris.

There are more than 2 people behind him.

It's so vast that you can't see the end from the beginning.

in history.

I am afraid there has not been such a blatant and aboveboard coup.

When the French soldiers and the citizens of Paris shouted "Long live the Marshal", they followed Napoleon to the Directory.

Soldiers of the newly formed French National Guard also defected en masse.

"Your Excellency the Consul! Napoleon is back!"

Someone broke into the Directorate, and the panic was still kept in the dark, and the consuls of Louisiana, who were obsessed with seizing the New World, were dumbfounded.

"Where is he now? In Italy?"

Someone asked in horror.

"No, he's in Paris!"

"Quick, quick, let the National Guard take over the defense of Paris."

"Your Excellency, it's too late!"

"What? He has already entered the city of Paris? Hurry up! Pack up your things." All the consuls panicked. Paul Ballas shook his head slightly and closed his eyes in pain.

Do these idiots really think Napoleon is an honest man?

"He's right outside the door!" exclaimed the official who came back to tip off the news.

The voice just fell.

The door of the Directory was slammed open.

A group of soldiers in colorful military uniforms squeezed in through the gate.

Judging from the military uniforms worn by these soldiers.

They came from many French armies.

There was the Paris Garrison, there were the [-]st, [-]nd, [-]rd, and [-]th Infantry Divisions.

There were Northern Defense Corps, and there were Italian Corps.

In short
Almost all soldiers of the French Field Force can be seen.

This also means.

The entire French army has turned against them.

And the consuls were completely unaware of this.

The gleaming bayonets flickered in the Directorate Council Chamber.

The soldiers stood against the corner of the wall, their heads held high, staring at the consuls who were corrupt and scrambled for power after gaining power through the Great Revolution.

Just now.

Their commander, Napoleon, walked in with his head held high, as a victor.

Behind him are the military officers of various troops stationed around Paris.

Baro Ballas couldn't help but feel a chill when he saw this scene.

No matter how many intrigues and tricks, in the face of such a situation, they will not be able to use them.

When someone has the power to break any rules.

Conspiracy, just a joke.

"I now declare that I am the dictator for life of the French Republic. Who is for and who is against?"

asked Napoleon.

Chengdu, Sichuan.

Holding on to the hemp rope, Xu Fugui carried a tattered bag full of patches, and supported his wife, followed by his stupid son and ugly daughter. The family of four, tied like this, walked from Luojiang to Chengdu together.

Arrived in Chengdu.

We will be able to board the ship.

It is said that the destination is Shanghai. After arriving in Shanghai, I will change to a sea ship. After walking for more than a month, I will be able to reach the legendary new continent full of gold.

clap clap clap!
It was the sound of a whip beating against the bluestone floor.

The sound sent chills down the spines of many Sichuan farmers who, along with Xu Fugui, were going to the New World to make a living.

The road from Luojiang to Chengdu can be said to be a journey of blood and tears.

The vicious yamen servant didn't beat anyone much.

It just kept urging everyone to hurry.

There is not much time to eat on the road.

"Hurry up! What are you dawdling about? You guys know how much you have to pay for delaying Lao Tzu's time! If you delay a day on the road, I will pay for an extra day when I go back!"

Of course, it is impossible to lose money.

Now the royal consortium is leading the establishment of the New World Development Co., Ltd., attracting a large amount of private capital.

The income is the future mining rights of the New World and the exclusive purchase rights of agricultural products.

There is an example of the Northeast Development Corporation in the front.

The recruitment of original shares of Newland Development Company went very smoothly.

The recruitment of the first phase of 3000 million Mingyuan original shares will be completed soon.

Under the leverage of 3000 million original funds, Daming New World Development Corporation quickly became a super company capable of leveraging hundreds of millions of Ming Yuan funds!
have money.

The large-scale immigration plan to the New World can be carried out smoothly.

The immigration plan of the New World Development Corporation is of course to cooperate with the local government.

Local governments are responsible for recruiting migrants.

The Newland Development Company provides subsidies on a per-capita basis.

This subsidy covers the cost of recruiting and transporting immigrants.

Like in Sichuan, Guizhou and other places.

The population is dense and there is no way out at the same time, the local county magistrates are very keen on organizing immigrants to "make money".


It is to make money.

Take Luojiang County as an example.

Luojiang County is a county on the edge of the Sichuan Basin.

There is a large population, but there is no other income except farming.

Business people are also less likely to invest in Luojiang County.


The New Continent Development Corporation's immigration plan is Luojiang County's means of making money from county magistrates to ordinary government servants.

For example, Xu Fugui, if you send Xu Fugui from Daqiao Town, Luojiang County to the immigration recruitment office of Newland Development Company in Chengdu, you can get travel expenses and food expenses, which is about ten yuan per head.

And this yamen servant from Luojiang County escorted more than 100 people on the road. When they arrived in Chengdu, once they handed over the people, the remaining food expenses would naturally fall into their own pockets—of course, most of them belonged to the county magistrate, and they went up and down. Everyone will eat this meal.


this way.

These new immigrants can be said to have suffered enough.

In order to save food expenses, the government servants did everything possible to deduct money along the way.

So here it is.

Many people were too hungry to walk, so the yamen servant had to take out his whip to drive them away.

really bitter
Xu Fugui, who was a little dizzy from hunger, was in charge of the old wife, pulling the silly son, and the ugly girl behind her was carrying two quilts—these were the most valuable belongings of Xu Fugui's family.


"Hurry up and go! When you arrive in Chengdu, the people from the Newland Development Company will fill you up. They are very rich, and they will cost hundreds of millions of dollars if they make a move. Are you still short of this little food?"

"Also, to go to the New World is by boat, and to go to the Northeast is by foot. Whether it is hard to walk or take a boat, you can decide for yourself! Don't think that going to the New World is far away. In fact, the journey is only a month. It takes no more time than How long would it be to go to the Northeast! And the New World is so good, it’s a territory comparable to Jiangnan! There are enough bison in the wild to feed them for many years!"

The yamen servant twitched his whip a few times.

It turns out that no one moves forward at all.

He also knew that it was impossible to frighten people with a whip.

Not everyone wants to recruit people from Newland Development Company.

If someone was beaten and found out on the road, then the lawyer of the Newland Development Company is not a vegetarian.

So this whip can only scare people, and dare not really hit people.

Can't scare people anymore.

The yamen servant had no choice but to say that he had started painting cakes.

They're all urban legends.

Anyway, I don't know if it's true or not.

It seems that the land is so fertile that no one has ever cultivated it. The local aborigines even have very few iron tools, and they are very backward.

Anyway, they are all good words to attract people.

But Xu Fugui and others don't believe this at all now.

They heard the yamen servant say so.

Someone said loudly: "Don't worry about what happened to the New World, if you don't give food, you won't leave!"

"That's right! If you don't give me something to eat, I won't leave!"

"Don't leave, don't leave, just kill me."

"Have the ability to chop off my head!"


A group of Sichuan farmers shouted one after another.

The yamen servant couldn't help but have a headache.

In the end, there was no other way.

He had no choice but to say loudly: "Go another 10 miles, and there is a government immigrant hostel in the town ahead, let's go there to eat!"

In order to encourage immigrants, the Ming court also worked hard.

Grain depots have been established everywhere to sell food to passing immigrants at very favorable prices.

This is also due to the great development of Nanyang and Northeast China.

Both of these places are good places to grow rice.

The efficiency of large-scale agricultural production may not be comparable to the intensive cultivation of small households.

However, the output of commercial grain production will far exceed the intensive cultivation of small households.

Therefore, in recent years, the price of grain in the Ming Dynasty has continued to decline.

On the contrary, the phenomenon of people starving to death is much less.

Hearing that there will be food in the town ahead, everyone hurriedly cheered up.

"Hurry up and follow."

Xu Fugui turned his head to look at his stupid son and ugly daughter and said in a low voice.

Waiting for them, do not know what kind of unpredictable fate.

At this moment.

The first stronghold in the New World of Ming Dynasty.

Jinshan Governor's District.

Along the eastward direction of the big river named Jinsha River, four Dazhais rose from the ground.

The Jinsha River is the Fraser River of later generations, and the Fraser River is also known as the mother river of BC.The water source comes from the thousands of years of snow in the Rocky Mountains. Its catchment area covers a quarter of the land in BC, provides 80% of the province's production value, houses one-third of the people's residences, and irrigates and nourishes people on both sides of the river.

The lower valley of the Fraser River is flat and fertile, coupled with a mild climate, it is very suitable for agriculture and rich in products, driving the rapid development of Vancouver and surrounding cities.

The Fraser River is named after Simon Fraser, a famous American explorer and businessman in the 19th century.In order to expand and open up trade routes, Simon Fisher led 1808 people in 23 from Fort George on the upper reaches of the Fraser River, that is, Prince George (Prince George), and went down the river, overcoming many difficulties and obstacles, until they reached the mouth of the sea.

But there was no Vancouver at that time, and there was only a virgin forest and swamp at the mouth of the sea.

And now.

There is no Fraser River in this world.

Only Jinsha River.

And the plain area at the mouth of the Jinsha River will become the settlement point for the first batch of immigrants from the Ming Dynasty.

As the river with the most salmon return in the world.

Every year at the end of September and the beginning of October.

Dense salmon will flow upstream from the ocean along the mouth of the Jinsha River.

At this moment.
It will be the most exciting time for fishermen.

And in fact.

These migratory salmon also made a significant contribution to the first batch of immigrants from the Ming Empire.


At this time at the mouth of the Jinsha River.

On the open space in front of the first built Dazhai.

People built a salmon statue and named this Dazhai Salmon Village.

At the same time, at the end of September and the beginning of October every year, it is also a festival commemorated collectively by Chinese people in the New World.

The name is also easy to remember.

It's called Thanksgiving.

It's pretty much the same thing as white people's Thanksgiving on the other side of the continent.

It's just that the white people are grateful to the Indians, and they almost killed the Indians.

What the Chinese people are grateful for is the salmon that brought the first food to the Chinese immigrants who first came to the Jinshan Governor's District, and in later generations, in response to the fact that the Chinese people ate the migrating salmon in the Jinsha River and became extinct, the textbooks of the Europeans said that every day Mention, every day.

It seems to be a crime to eat salmon and make it extinct.

Bigger than scalping an Indian.
These Dazhais all look like military bastions.

The future Jinshan City will be based on the four large villages that are distributed in a square shape, and the construction of the city walls will be connected, which will be the basic scope of the inner city of Jinshan City later.

Now there is no city wall connecting these several Dazhai, they are independent of each other and also serve as horns of each other.

There are [-] strong men stationed in each Dazhai.

The first group to come was two thousand strong men.

There are no women, nor old and weak.

I thought that the first batch of pioneers who came here needed to complete the most dangerous and hardest work.

Build a stockade, open up wasteland, and find out the surrounding conditions.

The building materials used in this village are also very primitive: the most common logs in the surrounding forests, thousands of logs, tied together with wire, the smaller half buried in the soil, the larger half buried in the ground, two rows The rammed earth is filled between the logs, and a platform is built on it, and the paint mixed with shell powder and yellow mud is painted between the outer walls for fire prevention.

Very strong.

It is no less defensive than a city wall covered with bricks and soil.

Outside the walls.

A trench was dug.

Two feet wide and one foot deep.

Forts were installed on the walls.

The Great Tomorrow Sun and Moon Flag flutters high above the city wall.

At the same time, several hot air balloons were flying into the sky, watching the movement around them all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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