I became a god after resigning

Chapter 28 Happy New Year, everything goes well!

Chapter 28 Happy New Year, everything goes well!
"Eat, eat, grandma said to eat."

Nuan Nuan rushed out of the kitchen, interrupting everyone's conversation.

"I ate such a big steak at noon, you should eat less meat and more vegetables at night." Song Ci got up and hugged Nuan Nuan to the chair.

"No, I'll eat all the big steaks for you." Nuan Nuan immediately said dissatisfied upon hearing this.

"Then you can't blame me, it's just that you can't eat it yourself."

"I can eat slowly." Nuan Nuan patted her belly, very unconvinced.

The steak at noon, the price is between [-] and [-], which is not expensive, but Song Ci still didn't want to part with it, so he only ordered a pasta for himself.

And she couldn't finish the Nuannuan steak, so he ate the rest.

"Should you eat lunch for dinner? Be careful the boss kicks you out."

"Then I... then I... will take it away." Nuan Nuan thought for a while.

Before Song Ci could speak, Kong Yumei, who was walking by, said happily, "Yes, just pack it up. Our Nuan Nuan is really a good boy who knows how to save money."

For people of their generation, when they go to a restaurant to eat, as long as they have leftovers, they will definitely choose to pack them up and not waste a bit, unlike now, young people are thin-skinned, no matter how much they have left over, they will not pack it up and just waste it.

The meals at grandma's house are always the most sumptuous, as if to serve everything that can be eaten.

In addition to a few dishes cooked by myself, sausages, salted duck, bacon and other edible salty goods were served.

This can make Nuan Nuan happy.

"Eat less, it's very salty, and you'll know you're thirsty later."

"Drink water when you're thirsty." Nuan Nuan replied instantly.

It caused everyone to burst into laughter. With her, even if this family is not complete, it is still full of laughter.

While eating, Kong Yumei suddenly said, "The Chinese New Year is coming soon."

After finishing speaking, he stared straight at Yun Wanli who was sitting across from him.

Yun Shiqi, who was holding a glass of wine for a drink, also looked at Yun Wanli.

Song Ci was also holding the bowls and chopsticks, watching the play excitedly.

Only Nuan Nuan was still holding on to his job, eating and drinking, not knowing what happened.

"Mom, I'm very busy with work now." Yun Wanli sighed.

Kong Yumei's words seemed to be talking about the new year, but she was actually asking Yun Wanli, another year will pass soon, where is his object?
Yun Wanli was married once, but unfortunately because of work, the relationship between the two broke down, and they finally divorced. Fortunately, they have no children and have no burdens.

But the old couple was in a hurry, Yun Wanli's lifelong event became a common concern for them, so this was also the main reason why Yun Wanli didn't like to go home.

"No matter how busy you are, can you still live for others? If you want to say that, I'll talk to your leader."

When Kong Yumei said this, she looked at Yun Shiqi next to her, and Yun Shiqi nodded silently.

Before Yun Shiqi retired, his position was not low, and he had a lot of contacts. To put it bluntly, many people are now his former subordinates.

"Don't talk about me, Song Ci, what about you? Have you considered finding another one?"

Yun Wanli tried to drag Song Ci into the water and attract firepower.

Sure enough, when he said this, Yun Shiqi and his wife immediately looked at him.

"Don't look at me, I have mentioned this issue before, before Nuan Nuan is not an adult, I will not consider this issue." Song Ci's words are very firm.

When Yun Shiqi and Kong Yumei heard the news, they were both happy and a little guilty.

I am happy because of Song Ci's character and because of my deep affection for my daughter.

The guilt is because I feel that Song Ci has been wronged in this way. After all, Nuan Nuan is at least 16 years away from adulthood, and how many 16 years are left in her life.

Even Yun Shiqi, who has been watching Song Ci's nose is not a nose, and eyes are not eyes, can't help feeling a little bit emotional at this moment.

"If you really meet the right one, don't miss it."

"Dad." Song Ci was very moved when he heard the words.

"If it's inconvenient to raise a child, you can bring Nuan Nuan to us. Your mother and I are in good health, so it's no problem to have a child." Yun Shiqi took a sip from his wine glass and said again.

Song Ci: ...

Fortunately, he was moved a bit. The last sentence must be his real purpose.

In fact, Yun Shiqi and his wife transferred all their love for their daughter to Nuan Nuan, which can be said to be unreserved.

At this time, Kong Yumei also laughed when she heard the words, and said, "Yes, we all like Nuannuan, you can put her here with us, and we will help you raise her."

"I love grandma too, I love grandpa."

Nuan Nuan, who had no idea what everyone was talking about, raised her head and said something, which made the two old people smile.

However, because of Nuan Nuan's interruption, Yun Shiqi and his wife turned their attention back to Yun Wanli, and arranged a blind date for him on this week's rest day.
"I'm home."

Zhao Caixia heard the sound of the door opening and walked out of the room.

"Grandma, I miss you."

Nuan Nuan ran over and hugged Zhao Caixia's legs.

"Where do you think?" Zhao Caixia asked as she picked her up.

"Here... here, and here."

Nuan Nuan stretched out her little finger, pointing at her chest, pointing at her stomach, pointing at random, in short, every organ in her body was thinking.

Zhao Caixia was amused by her and burst out laughing.

"Little sycophant." Song Ci muttered softly.

But Nuan Nuan seemed to hear it, and immediately looked at him.


Song Ci turned his head away as if nothing had happened, not looking at her.

"Hmph." Nuan Nuan looked back complacently.

Then he said to Zhao Caixia: "Grandma, grandma brought you delicious sausages."

"Give me something to eat?" Zhao Caixia didn't know what was going on when she heard the words.

"Hmm..." Nuan Nuan nodded her head.


Nuan Nuan's big eyes began to wander.

Zhao Caixia didn't ask any more questions, but touched her little head and said with a smile: "Then, did you help grandma to thank your grandma?"

"I said thank you."

"You're so good, can you help grandma eat more?"

"it is good."

Nuannuan replied crisply.

Looking at the warm scene in front of him, Song Ci's heart flashed with warmth. Life is hard, but it's worth it.

This is what he has been fighting for and protecting.

Probably because of "running around" outside for a day today, Nuan Nuan who washed up and went to bed almost fell asleep on the bed, and even snored slightly.

But Song Ci didn't sleep, and as he concentrated on the position between his eyebrows, the Sky Swallowing Jar emerged.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Song Ci laughed at himself that he is also a systematic person now.

Will power: 6
Wish: resurrect wife Yun Chuyao (10000)

Originally, he had 8 wish points, but that day he made 2 wishes to the Heaven Swallowing Jar and consumed 2 points. (How to use Liu Yetong and activate Liu Yetong.)
Tonight, Song Ci is going to solve some doubts in his heart by making a wish.

PS: Today is the first day of the new year, and it is also the first recommendation I come here. The results of testing the water are very important. Monthly tickets, follow-ups, and rewards, monthly tickets and follow-ups, I ask for help, if you have any troubles, please support. As for tipping, just tip one or two yuan if you have a loose hand, and don't force it.

In addition, this book continues the style of "Normal" and has a more complete worldview. Once again, I sincerely wish everyone a happy new year, all the best, your wishes come true, and you will make a lot of money in the new year.

(End of this chapter)

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