Anti Qing

Chapter 108

Chapter 108
Baoyuan Bureau.

The Baoyuan Bureau was the place where coins were minted in various provinces in the Ming Dynasty, and it was directly under the Ministry of Industry. There are 24 Baoyuan Bureaus in Xiangyang City.

Among them, the official office in charge of the Baoyuan Bureau is located on the Northwest Street of the city, next to Niu Quan's Xiangyang Fuzhi, not far from the Xinchengwan resident.

Wu Zhaosheng brought a team of people to the outside of Baoyuan Bureau and knocked on the ancient vermilion door studded with nails.


The person who came out of the official office was an official from Dashun. He looked at the group of people in front of him with a somewhat surprised expression.

Wu Zhaosheng showed the token of General You Guoyi of the former battalion of Dashun, and said calmly.

"According to the military order of King Xiaochuang, Baoyuan Bureau is ordered to stop minting Yongchang coins and stop all collection of bronze wares by the people."

"Anyone who violates the law will be punished as treason!"

The man was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, but then he was not afraid, with a disdainful expression on his face.

"What's the matter with you?"

"The minting of coins and the collection of bronze wares by the people are the decrees promulgated by the Emperor Yongchang last year. How can they be changed at will?"

Wu Zhaosheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and the soldiers of the former battalion behind him also had a solemn atmosphere, and the armor leaves hit the swords and guns, making a clanging sound.

"Then you are going to disobey King Xiao Chuang's military order?"

The official still didn't take it seriously and sneered.

"It's Dashun's system to mint coins. Even if you want to stop minting, you still have to wait for the emperor's decree from Xi'an."

"Your front battalion is just a field battalion. If you manage the siege of the city, can you manage the minting of coins? This is government affairs!"

Wu Zhaosheng was taken aback, and sneered.

"It seems that you guys don't know yet, King Xiao Chuang is ordered to control the east road and guard Xiangyang, right?"

"The military and political affairs of Xiangyang are under the management of King Xiao Chuang, and he has the right to cut coins first and play later!"

"Do you dare to resist?"

The official obviously didn't know about it, and discussed a few words with the scribes beside him, but some people ridiculed him.

"Emperor Yongchang is far away in Xijing, and there is no imperial decree. In my Dashun, there has never been a saying that a general will lead a province alone."

"Can you manage such a major national event with a single sentence?"

"Yongchang money has been circulated in Huguang. Jingzhou and De'an have a lot of coins. Who can bear the crime if they stop minting rashly?"

Wu Zhaosheng didn't think about it, felt his waist, and found that he was empty-handed, and because he came in a hurry, there was no such thing as Li Zicheng's imperial decree.

At that time in Xi'an, when Li Zicheng issued this order, he only gave Li Zijing a machete that he carried with him.

I don't know what the use of this knife is, can it be more effective than the imperial decree?
Wu Zhaosheng had doubts in his heart, but he also knew that this was Li Zijing's order, especially as a general directly under the former battalion, such an order could never be disobeyed.

Even if there are any consequences, this is not something he should consider.

After thinking for a while, Wu Zhaosheng stepped forward suddenly, kicked open the gate of Baoyuan Bureau, drew out the knife and put it on the official's neck.

Spit flew across the face and sprayed him all over the face.

"I tell you, whoever mints money today will die!"

"Come on, let me occupy the treasure source bureau!"

The soldiers of the front battalion gave an order and filed in through the gate one after another.

Since it was their own government office, the soldiers did not kill them. They just pulled out their knives and guns to control the situation, and immediately stopped minting coins.

But this is only one of the 24 Baoyuan bureaus in the city, and the other 23 do not know the news yet.

Wu Zhaosheng also realized a serious problem from here. After handing over the situation to a captain, he immediately rushed back to the station.

Li Zijing, who was sitting in the tent of the Chinese army, nodded slightly after hearing Wu Zhaosheng's words, while thinking about it.

"From this point of view, I'm afraid that Xiangyang City still doesn't know who its real owner is."

"It's time to show your face. Right now, the movement of the Yunyang Ming army is still unknown, and there can be no more disturbances in the city."

Li Zijing stood up and began to put on the armor with the help of his soldiers.

Not long after, Li Zijing, who was dressed neatly, shook off the dust from the armor on his body, picked up the Yanling Saber on the table, and said calmly.

"Send people to various government offices in the city and tell their officers to come to the Xinchengwan barracks immediately to meet this general."

“Where words are to be brought, so are people.”

As he spoke, Li Zijing stared slightly, with a little sternness in his eyes.

"Even if you tie me up, you have to tie everyone up to me."

Watching everyone leave one after another, Li Zijing slightly pulled out the Yanling Saber from its sheath.

As a standard saber for generals in the Ming Dynasty, the arc of the Yanling Dao is as beautiful as a girl's newly painted eyebrows. The mirror-like surface of the blade reflects Li Zijing's eyes that are tightened.

Li Zijing also realized a problem when he heard Wu Zhaosheng's words, that is, Xiangyang City has not yet completely transformed.

Not everyone knows that the biggest official in Xiangyang City is himself.

What we have to do today is to tell everyone the news and unify the powers in the city.

Xiangyang City now has a new owner, and this owner is none other than Li Zijing.

From today onwards, Li Zijing will no longer allow the failure of orders in Xiangyang City. In the whole of Xiangyang, there can only be one person who keeps his word.

At the former battalion station, people shouted and neighed.

The cavalry of the cavalry got on their horses one after another, and went away amidst the beeping of the horses. The hoofbeats approached the Dashun government offices in various places in the city, and then stopped suddenly.

One after another, the cavalrymen of the former battalion wearing black arrow jackets notified the news to the official office.

As Li Zijing expected, many people only knew that Li Zijing came to Xiangyang with a team of people, and also heard that he controlled the East Road.

However, in the eyes of many civil officials, Li Zijing only controlled military affairs on the East Road, and the government affairs in Xiangyang City were still not under Li Zijing's jurisdiction.

Hearing this announcement, there was a lot of discussion for a while.

But the cavalry and cavalry in the front battalion obviously didn't give them time to think about it, and the choices they gave were nothing more than two.

Expressing their willingness to come, they turned and left.

For those who didn't want to come, the cavalrymen of the cavalry didn't talk nonsense, they directly tied people up, threw them on the horses, and took them to the barracks by force.

All in all, what Li Zijing gave was a death order, and all civil and military officials in charge of real power in Xiangyang City must be present today.

Amidst the wailing, the cavalry returned to the station one after another, bringing with them many Dashun officials who did not want to come.

Many people were also gagged, apparently having scolded some unsavory words.

It's just that after being tied to the camp, someone removed the cotton balls that gagged their mouths, and the group stopped shouting and cursing.

The former battalion garrison now has a chilling atmosphere.

Along with the waving of the banner, the soldiers of the front battalion lined up on both sides, all with sabers on their waists, full of murderous looks.

Among them is a road leading straight to the Chinese military tent.

In front of the Chinese army tent, Li Zijing's big black banner was dancing in the wind, and two standard battalion soldiers in iron armor were staring at them intently.

In such an atmosphere, how dare these local officials in Dashun dare to say anything just for fun.

They all pushed forward, cautiously, for fear of being accidentally scratched by the swords and guns of the former soldiers standing on both sides.

A standard battalion soldier looked at these officials and smiled slightly.

"General Zhi has been waiting for you for a long time, please enter the account!"

(End of this chapter)

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