Anti Qing

Chapter 18 Woman

Chapter 18 Woman
Geng Zhongming was frightened and sweated profusely.

The muscles on his face were tense, as if he was frozen, but he didn't even dare to shake his huge body.

Liu Zongmin frowned, stood with the saber pressed, the corners of his mouth turned up, and his eyes were full of murderous intent, like an evil ghost in the underworld.

The two Shunjun looked at each other and stepped out together.

Geng Zhongming was spinning in his head, and was kicked to the ground, shaking uncontrollably all over, as if standing in front of him was a shadowy ghost like dust and smoke.

When the cold light suddenly appeared, Liu Zongmin drew out the Yanling Saber with a bang.


Li Zicheng swung his whip down and let out a roar.

Liu Zongmin was about to swing down the Yanling Saber in his hand suddenly, but paused slightly when he was about to touch the back of Geng Zhongming's neck.

With a knife, blood splattered everywhere.

Geng Zhongming lay limp on the ground, blood seeped into the ground under his feet, he could only whimper intermittently, and his body twitched non-stop.

Liu Zongmin was born as a blacksmith. He has been fighting for many years, and the lives of hundreds if not thousands of people died in his hands. His sword skills have already been perfected.

He sneered, then swung the bloody Yanling Saber and chopped it off twice, before completely cutting off the head.

For Liu Zongmin, Geng Zhongming, a dog traitor from the Qing Dynasty, is not worthy of such a happy death by beheading.

Cutting like this is the most torture.

The heads of the people in the courtyard trembled, shouts and applause resounded in bursts, deafening, the atmosphere was blazing, and there was a turmoil of people's voices.

The bitter cold wind of the winter moon could not freeze the high spirits of the soldiers of Dashun. Everyone danced with excitement and their morale was high.

Liu Fangliang stared at the head that rolled to the ground, his face was flushed, his brows were knuckles, and even the veins were clearly visible.

Li Zijing put his hands on his chest and leaned against the pillar, watching all this with cold eyes.

Perhaps because he had just experienced the baptism of battle, Li Zijing, who watched such a bloody execution scene up close for the first time, did not feel any fluctuations in his heart.

Dashun's banner fluttered with the wind at the top of Jindouguan City, making a sound of hunting.

In Guancheng, more and more Shun soldiers gathered.

"This is King Huaishun who built slaves!"

"One nose, two eyes, and the head was chopped off by myself!"

The soldiers of the Shun Army spontaneously moved out of the way, and Liu Zongmin held Geng Zhongming's head around in front of their eyes.

As night fell, the lanterns leaned against the city wall, revealing a dim light.

Li Zijing lazily leaned against the pillar, staring intently at the direction of the Qing army camp, when his confused thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a voice.

"It's nothing to look at. The last general should take Little Chuang Wang to familiarize himself with the front camp."

Li Zijing also felt bored, nodded and stood up, walking side by side with him.

Liu Fangliang gritted his teeth and said with a sigh.

"In May of this year, after the former battalion general Gu Kecheng led the army to break up, he was caught and hanged by Wu Sangui on the way in."

"Brothers from the former battalion fought against the Qing captives and suffered heavy casualties. Generals Guoyi Zuo Guangxian and Tian Hu are both missing. Today, there are only less than [-] veteran troops who are still with His Majesty."

After being beaten so badly, isn't the establishment of the front battalion basically abolished?
Hearing this, Li Zijing was also taken aback.

"The front battalion is now demoralized and there is no capable general in charge. Your Majesty originally intended to send King Xiao Chuang to replace Gu Kecheng. I never expected General Quan to be so opposed."

"General Quan always says what he thinks and says, and I hope King Chuang doesn't take it to heart."

Li Zijing walked aside, staring at the top of the city.

It was night, and the thick shadows covered everything, which could not be cut by a knife or pierced by a needle.

Near the Xiongguan Mountain, there is no sound of wind or insects, and the extreme silence in the deep mountains is like a moment of light before the rolling black clouds strike.

The scattered lights under the city walls are like the phosphorescence of the seabed, dim and lifeless.

For Liu Zongmin's rude behavior, Li Zijing felt very uncomfortable, but it was far from holding grudges.

After all, from the very beginning, Li Zijing never thought of being a general.

After giving Liu Fangliang a reassuring look, Li Zijing walked forward on his own.

Liu Fangliang was relieved a lot, and even secretly surprised at the mind of this little king Chuang.

The two left along the city wall and headed for the former battalion's station.

Along the way, Li Zijing tried his best to recall the situation between the two sides at this time in his graduation thesis.

Today is December 17th of the [-]th year of Chongzhen, and Duoduo's reinforcements will arrive on the ninth day of the first month of next year.

At that time, the Qing army can use Hongyi cannons to bombard the city wall of Tongguan from Yuanwanggou, and then they can only be controlled by others.

If I remember correctly, the Qing army has tens of thousands of reinforcements on the road, and they also carry many long-range firearms and shield vehicles including Hongyi cannons.

After fighting fiercely all day and night, Li Zijing was exhausted physically and mentally, and he didn't want to go out to fight again.

Just now in the military discussion, I heard that Li Zicheng's idea was to rest for a few days before going out to fight. Li Zijing recalled, and there were lights in his eyes that kept flickering.

It was only the last ten days before Duoduo's reinforcements arrived on the ninth day of the first lunar month, and it was too late to rest.

So many people have died, the battle of Tongguan can no longer have the same ending as in history, and we must take the initiative to attack.

After walking along the official road for a long time, the two came to a camp in Tongguan. Looking up, a big black banner was waving in the wind.

Along the way, Li Zijing carefully observed the camps of Liu Zongmin's Central Army and Liu Fangliang's Zuoying.

Both battalions had quite a number of people, and Liu Zongmin's Chinese army had the largest number of people. Apart from the many people who watched the execution, the camp was still full of people coming and going, and the gongs and drums were loud and noisy.

Liu Fangliang's left battalion was not as numerous as the Chinese army, but the army was disciplined, and there was not much noise. There was another sentry post at the camp gate, surrounded by guards from time to time.

When they came to the front camp, it was extremely quiet.

This is also reflected everywhere in the camp. At a glance, the tents standing in the front camp are less than one-third of the number of the central army.

Compared with the din of people in the Chinese army, this place is really deserted.

Li Zijing followed Liu Fangliang into the camp and looked around, but he didn't see a single soldier walking in the camp.

When he came to the middle of the two camps located on the west side of the middle, Liu Fangliang stopped, turned around and said in a friendly voice.

"The people in the former battalion are scattered, and the capital is less than 250. This second battalion is the capital of Xiao Chuang Wang's subordinates, with a total of [-] people."

"Little King Chuang will live here for the time being, and when His Majesty speaks about the power general in the future, he will bring Little Chuang to live in the Central Army at the end."

"If King Chuang needs anything, he can send someone to Zuoying to convey it. He will be entrusted by His Majesty and will do his best to help."

Following Liu Fangliang's gaze, there was indeed a large black tent standing in the middle of the front camp.

This tent was the largest in the camp, with several flags hanging around it, and an old infantry man in black arrow clothes standing guard.

In today's troubled times, human life is like nothing.

During this day and night fierce battle, the two sides' [-] troops slaughtered loudly, and only a few people got the credit in the end.

Most of the others were just cannon fodder who rushed forward to die, and no one died.

After Geng Zhongming was arrested, he was tortured in Shunjun and died of humiliation.

If he was captured by Duoduo as in history, as Li Zicheng's third younger brother, his fate would only be several times more miserable than that of Geng Zhongming.

At first Li Zijing's vision was very simple, only two words, alive.

But in this chaotic world where human life is like nothing, how difficult it is to survive.

If you don't kill, you have to wait to be killed.

Li Zijing also saw clearly that if he wanted to survive, he had to kill more people, strengthen his power, and climb to the top step by step.

Only by holding the knife in your hand tightly can you scare others and save your own life.

The head of the department is just the beginning, and these two hundred people are far from enough to give Li Zijing the strength to protect himself.

Just as he was thinking, Li Zijing's eyes froze.

From the tent beside him, a woman's cry could be heard faintly.

 This chapter is an update for the rudder master in this world, and there is another chapter today.

(End of this chapter)

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