Anti Qing

Chapter 27

Chapter 27 Sending Them Home

"Little King Chuang, look."

Liu Fangliang stared closely at the Shenhang hangar. In that direction, hundreds of soldiers of the Shun Army in blue arrow uniforms were transporting out a pair of Shenxing Fierce Breaking Swords.

The cyan arrow suit is Liu Zongmin's Chinese army.

Liu Fangliang spat down, with contempt on his face.

"This Liu Zongmin, with his central army, occupied the magic hangar from the very beginning, and shipped out thousands of knives. It's really deceiving people too much."

"Give it all to the Chinese army, what else do we need?"

Li Zijing also looked over and said quietly.

"Let him go. The Chinese army is going to attack the Duduo camp head-on. The casualties are the heaviest. He should take more."

As he spoke, Li Zijing's eyes rippled slightly, and he immediately got on his horse.

"Okay, leave him alone, we have more important things to do."

"I'm going to board the Jindou Pass to investigate the surrounding terrain. Will General Liu Zhi go with me?"

Seeing Liu Fang lighten his head, Li Zijing swung his whip and rode away.

Liu Fangliang also got on his horse closely, one in front of the other, followed Li Zijing and galloped towards Jindouguan.

More than a dozen fine riders from Zuoying and Qianying Dashun, each dressed in black and white arrow suits, mounted their horses one after another, their whips raised, their hooves churned, and smoke and dust billowed up.

Not long after, Li Zijing stopped at the gate of Jindouguan, handed over his mount to the soldiers guarding the stables, and slowly climbed up Jindouguan from the side passage with a whip in his hand.

Climb up the enemy tower and look around.

On the vast Pingchuan in front of Jindou Pass, the wind rolled up yellow sand all over the sky.

Li Zijing took out the binoculars from his arrow jacket, looked in the direction of Niutouyuan, his expression gradually became serious.

Judging from the situation observed in the binoculars, the Qing army has completely shrunk to the vicinity of the camp. After the last battle, Duoduo is not idle at all.

Overnight, the Qing army camp was almost built into a series of barriers.

Many armored, ant-like Qing soldiers are holding sharp knives, urging many strong men captured along the way to work as labor, carrying various goods for them, and building fortifications.

Obviously, until Kong Youde's reinforcements came, Duoduo would never go out of the camp again.

Underneath the originally spacious Niutouyuan, after one night, the defeated Qing army after the war had dug full of gullies, and these ravines were directly connected to Niutouyuan from the Qing army camp.

The Qing army behind the camp can safely lead to Niutouyuan through winding ravines.

In order to prevent the Dashun army from scrambling for the ravine, low mud walls were built along the way, and horses were erected at the intersection of the low walls, and many Qing army archers were standing behind, ready to fight.

In yesterday's battle, Li Zijing also discovered the difference between Qing army archers and Dashun archers.

Most of the Dashun archers used Kaiyuan bows captured from the Ming army in the Central Plains. They mainly used projectiles.

So in the last battle, there were almost no Qing troops shot by Dashun archers. In most cases, the rain of arrows was used to disturb the morale and sight of the troops.

In contrast to the Qing army, the Eight Banners of Manchuria almost all used hard bows.

Li Zijing hadn't figured out exactly what kind of bow it was, but he already understood that the Qing army's bows and arrows were not conducive to projectiles, and they mainly focused on direct shooting within a hundred steps.

In this way, the method of defense is much simpler than projectile.

In this battle, Liu Zongmin's Chinese army carried more than 8000 shields to guard against the direct fire of the Eight Banners of Manchuria.

Without a shield, even an ordinary Shunjun soldier with an arrow jacket and cotton armor lined outside, will inevitably be injured by armor piercing and lose his combat effectiveness instantly if he is directly hit within a hundred steps.

The veteran soldiers lost their combat effectiveness, which affected a dozen or even twenty ordinary soldiers of the Shun Army around them.

Most of the ordinary soldiers of the Shun Army didn't even have complete armor, and they were almost shot one by one by the Qing army. Without veteran soldiers, they could easily collapse directly.

However, the long-distance disadvantages of the Qing army also have disadvantages. This kind of hard bow requires at least several times the arm strength of the Kaiyuan bow. Generally, only the Eight Banners of Manchuria can have the strength to pull it. It is estimated that there are not many people in the green camp who can pull it.

While Li Zijing was observing, Liu Fangliang was also squinting his eyes to observe, but Jindouguan was at least a dozen miles away from the Qing army's camp, even if he was at a high place, it was difficult to see some details clearly.

This is also thanks to Geng Zhongming. If he hadn't captured such a prisoner of King Sanshun level, Li Zijing would not have been able to get the artifact of the telescope so quickly.

Not long after, when the binoculars were put down, Li Zijing's expression was already ugly.

"How's it going?"

Liu Fangliang couldn't see anything clearly, so he asked hurriedly.

Li Zijing once again looked into the distance through the binoculars, talking while watching.

"Duoduo set up many fortifications three to five miles away from the camp. Even the Niutou plateau has been occupied by the Qing army, and many watchtowers have been built with mud on the plateau."

"The Chinese army is attacking from the front. The inability to spread out the formation is the second. The most important thing is the artillery battalion set up by Duoduo on the plateau."

"The artillery battalion of the Qing army does not have heavy artillery now, but it is located on the commanding heights on the plateau. Even the Hudun artillery can increase the range several times and damage our army at a distance."

"Come and see."

With that said, Li Zijing handed the binoculars to Liu Fangliang.

Liu Fangliang obviously didn't expect this to happen. After a moment of stunned, he took it slowly, imitating Li Zijing's example, and looked out his right eye through the lens barrel.

With just one glance, Liu Fangliang almost dropped his jaw in shock.

"Straight mother thief!"

"What is this thing, I can see it too clearly!"

In the binoculars, the camp of the Qing army, which can't be seen clearly with the naked eye, seems to be right in front of us.

The surprise on his face only lasted for a while, and after a few breaths, Liu Fangliang's face gradually darkened, and he murmured.

"Little King Chuang, you are right. I understand now that I am no longer angry with Liu Zongmin. He should bring more firearms and shields."

"With such a dangerous terrain and a fortification of this scale, every time the Chinese army rushes, they don't know how many people will fall. Are we really going to fight?"

Li Zijing stared into the distance, staring at the terrain under Niutouyuan, with a firm tone.

"It must be fought. If this battle is not fought, there will be no chance of turning around."

When Liu Fangliang heard this, he looked over in astonishment.

After staring at Li Zijing for a long while, Liu Fangliang turned his head silently and said nothing.

The two were quiet for a while, and Liu Fangliang said suddenly.

"I see that the soil on the east side of the Qing army's camp is loose, and there seems to be traces of running water, which is suitable for digging. If the tunnel can be dug through, my left camp will be able to join forces with the Chinese army."


Liu Fangliang returned the binoculars, his eyes were a little gloomy.

"It is most suitable to dig the soil from Jindou Pass. The relevant city is used as a support, but the Qing army's sentries are all over Pingchuan, and there are also traces behind the ditch."

"If you don't have the cover of the Chinese army, if you rush to dig the ground, you will die."

Li Zijing saw the hesitation in Liu Fangliang's eyes, but smiled calmly, with a murderous intent flashing in his eyes, raised his horsewhip with one hand, and pointed directly at the Qing army's camp with the yellow dragon banner flying.

"This tunnel was bought by the brothers in the Chinese army to lure the Qing army with their lives."

"Then we will send these ugly Jian slaves back to their hometown in Tunguska with thousands of catties of explosives, and avenge the tens of thousands of folks in Mizhi!"

(End of this chapter)

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