Anti Qing

Chapter 30 Crowd

Chapter 30 Crowd
"Ga, ga, ga!"

A few crows flitted in the air, their mournful cries were like howling for the dead soldiers.


"Da Shun will win!!"

On the horizon, the veteran soldiers of Dashun with large shields marched forward with heavy drumbeats and shouts.

Stepping into the distance of hundreds of steps, the sound of heavy drums suddenly accelerated, the sound of rumbling footsteps became more and more dense, and a cannon sound came from the rear, and many officers immediately shouted.


Immediately there was a roar of shouts like a tsunami, and many veteran soldiers with waist knives suddenly rushed out from behind the large shields lined up, and rushed to the front of the Qing army with an indomitable momentum.

There was a sound of breaking through the air.

Countless long spears shot out from the gaps around the large shield, passing over the heads of the charging Dashun army.

Some Qing soldiers couldn't dodge in time, they were directly pierced and fell backwards, and some were even nailed to death on the earthen wall behind them.

Wails and shouts of killing were intertwined, and banners engraved with the word "Da Shun" were raised everywhere, one after another crazily shaking, surrounding the big blue banner in the middle, the cries shook the heavens and the earth.

Located four miles away from the camp, the Han Army's Zhenglan Banner Meler Ezhen Li led [-] Qing troops to guard here, and it was the first barrier before heading to the Qing Army's camp.

The Dashun army came like a tidal wave, and the crowd in the rear was so overwhelming that the rolling smoke and dust blocked the sight, and it was impossible to know how many people there were.

These green battalions of the Qing army who were originally the Ming army, even though they stood behind the horses and the low wall, and there was a gully as a barrier, they still couldn't hide the horror on their faces.

With one thousand soldiers, it will reach the sky completely, and with more than ten thousand soldiers, there will be no boundaries.

"Don't mess up!"

Li Shitai brandished the Yanling Saber and roared loudly.

With only 3000 people, it is impossible for Li Sutai to withstand the attack of the Dashun Army, which is tens of thousands of people.

Duoduo was using them to delay the Dashun Army, so that he could calmly arrange in the rear.

But what's the use of knowing it? In Dodo's eyes, everyone except the Eight Banners of Manchuria is just cannon fodder.

Going back is a dead end, and there may be a glimmer of life in a deadly battle.

In Li Shutai's line of sight, the Dashun army that was charging in front of them gradually became clear, everyone's faces were fierce, and their helmets were pierced.

"It's an old bandit!"

"The ones who come are all old bandits!"

Li Sutai's eyes suddenly tightened, and he saw a bearded general who was personally leading a team towards him.

Most of the Qing army used to be the Ming army, and many of the frontier troops from the Ming Dynasty surrendered. They have very rich battle experience.

Even so, some people were still trembling uncontrollably after seeing such a big scene.


"Bang bang bang!"

Just when Li Sutai's heart was ashamed, there was a frightening scream behind him.

To the Qing army's ears, these voices urging the Dashun army charging ahead were like the sounds of nature.

Li Shitai turned his head and looked, dozens of projectiles had passed over the Qing army's fortifications, and one after another, they hit the crowd of the Dashun army in front.

On Niutou Plateau, the Qing army's artillery battalion began to spit out flames, and dozens of black-holed cannon muzzles were attracted, aiming at the large formation of the Dashun army.

The Dashun Army team that was charging was like a gray-black belt, meandering in Sichuan, and was suddenly cut off in the middle!
Dozens of large projectiles scattered above the heads of the Dashun Army, and instantly turned into countless small projectiles, and the screams overwhelmed the shouts of charging for a while.

Every time a shell hits, it plows a bloody ravine in the crowd.

Facing the projectiles of these shells, not to mention the veteran soldiers of Dashun wearing cotton armor, even the Manchurian guards surrounded by three layers of heavy armor could hardly resist.

The blow to morale caused by the artillery salvo far exceeds the real casualties.

But fortunately, the veteran soldiers of Dashun who are now at the forefront are all desperadoes who traveled all over the world in the past, and they have long been accustomed to such bloody scenes.

Many people also know that artillery salvos take time to reload and cool down, and after the initial disorder, they quickly returned to formation.

More than [-] light cannons lined up on Niutouyuan failed to stop the Dashun army from charging, and the bloody smell filled their eyes, making their eyes bloodshot, making them all look crazy.


The urgent sound of the trumpet came from the rear, and the old Dashun soldiers in the front immediately dispersed, and some Shun soldiers carrying ladders and long wooden boards rushed out from the gap between them.

They have only one task, which is to lay the ladders and planks in their hands on the ravine dug by the Qing army.

Li Shitai could see clearly, so naturally he couldn't just sit idly by and swung the Yanling Saber up and down in his hand, spit even splashed onto the iron helmet of a Qing soldier.

"Fire arrows!"

"Shoot them hard!!"


The location of the gully is within the range of the bows and crossbows held by the green battalion of the Qing army.

The sound of piercing the air swept across from the Qing army formation without hesitation. Those ordinary Shun soldiers who rushed forward to lay wooden planks and ladders wore very low armor and only wore thin arrow jackets.

Continuous clusters of arrows shot from behind the mud wall of the Qing army's front line. The veteran soldiers who were hit were fine, and the ordinary soldiers suffered heavy losses in an instant.

Li Sutai witnessed with his own eyes that a team of eight rogues carrying ladders and planning to lay them on the ravine were hit by arrow clusters, and the whole team was suppressed by the heavy ladders and howled.

Ordinary soldiers' legs trembled, listening to the sound of piercing through the air, afraid that they would be the next one to be shot.

Someone threw down the ladder without hesitation, turned around and fled, but was cut down to the ground the next moment.

"General Quan has an order, whoever takes a step back dies!"

"A shield!"

A head of the Central Army wearing a blue arrow jacket, with blood slowly dripping from the waist knife in his hand, raised his shield to block the ordinary soldiers who were laying ladders.

The veteran soldiers of the department also raised their shields and stepped forward to cover the laying of the ravine.

One after another, from near to far, many veteran soldiers held large shields, forming a large formation from small formations, and it didn't take long to form a defensive formation.

Under the cover of their shields, those ordinary soldiers also roared and rushed forward, braving the arrow clusters flying from the front of the Qing army, and put the ladders and wooden boards on the ravine.

An ordinary soldier was hit by the rain of arrows, without the protection of armor, he fell to the ground and howled.

The screams echoed in my ears, and the formation of the Shun army was like a boulder under the rain, standing still in front of the ravine.

"Bang bang bang!"

Disturbing screams came from the sky again, and the second round of projectiles falling from Niutou Yuan hit the Dashun Army's formation.

The big shield can stop the arrow clusters that are coming at him quickly, but it can't stop the shells.

As soon as a shell came over, the shield formation of the old soldiers was broken up in an instant, and the arrow rain from the Qing army followed closely behind, shooting the ordinary soldiers who were laying ladders behind the shield formation into sieves.

The formation was almost shattered under the continuous long-range suppression. Countless soldiers of the Shun Army spilled blood on the battlefield in order to lay the ladders for the army to move forward.

One after another, the ravines were paved by the rain of arrows and artillery fire, and the slightly shaken hearts were cheered up again.


The veteran soldiers who had been stagnant for a long time held up their large shields, and like a raging crowd, they charged towards the front of the Qing army again.

Liu Zongmin clenched his waist knife tightly and his gaze was firm.

The roaring cannons continued, and the gully had been filled by brave soldiers of the Shun army. Many people jumped out from his side and rushed towards the Qing army one after another.

Accompanied by the sound of fierce fighting, the Dashun army slammed into the front of the Qing army.

Liu Zongmin's eyes moved slightly, and he looked in the direction of Jindouguan. The old soldiers suffered such heavy casualties, and stormed the Qing army's camp regardless of the cost.

There is only one purpose, and that is to attract attention to the excavation of the tunnel. Liu Zongmin's heart is bleeding.

(End of this chapter)

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