I'm sanctified in the real world

Chapter 300 Exploration and Sense Restoration

Chapter 300 Exploration and Sense Restoration

It's late at night.

Like the sun falling to the ground.

The fiery white light rendered the sky within a dozen kilometers into daytime.

Even in Kyoto.

Looking from a high place, you can also see the abnormal sky in the distance at a glance.

"There is--"

Li Wuji and Sun Yihe stood on a tall building, looking at the ultimate white light in the distance.

There are several figures standing behind them.

All members of the association.

A group of people were in a meeting to discuss the response plan for tomorrow's international meeting.

But the movement just appeared.

The meeting stopped immediately, and everyone came to the tall building to check the situation.

"what is happening?"

Someone looked at the vision and couldn't help asking questions.

But the only answer to him was silence.

No one knows what happened.

at this time.

Li Wuji and Sun Yihe looked away.

Look at each other.

Both of them had solemn expressions in their eyes.

Naturally, they recognized at a glance that it was the direction of Yihemen.

no doubt.

The white light comparable to a nuclear bomb explosion is definitely not a product of nature.

And can artificially make this kind of movement.

Besides Chen Sheng, they couldn't think of another person.

"I'll go take a look."

Li Wuji had just finished speaking.

Sun Yihe beside him was about to speak.

He was stopped by raising his hand.

"The most important thing now is to appease the people, besides ascertaining the situation, and organize people to start preparing to evacuate underground."

"You stay and preside over the overall situation, and wait for my news by the way."

Speaking of it.

Li Wuji looked back at the members of the association.


"Prepare for the worst."

As soon as this word comes out.

The faces of all the people present sank.

What Li Wuji said.

Naturally, Chen Sheng might meet an awakened celestial being, and the fight between the two would cause such a big commotion.

If there is a heavenly person who wakes up without them knowing, and finds Chen Sheng.

Then the next situation.

It will be very serious.

This is not Li Wuji's alarmist talk.

He really couldn't think of any other possibility.

It can't be that Chen Sheng is practicing, right?

Aftermath of this magnitude, even Chen Sheng might not be able to do it.

after all,

Where Chen Sheng is located is not even underground in Kyoto.

It is Yihemen, which is tens of kilometers away from Kyoto.

thought here.

Li Wuji didn't dawdle any longer.

Gave everyone a look.

Light flashed from his body in an instant.

next second.

It is convenient for the sky to turn into a streamer, rushing towards the direction where the Yihemen is located.

At the same moment in Li Wuji.

Everyone disappeared in place and returned to the Wushu Association.

A series of orders began to be issued, and spread downward layer by layer.


The entire Wushu Association moved again.

As for Li Wuji.

Anxious and tense in his heart, he let go of all his strength, without hiding anything.

In just a few minutes, he had crossed tens of kilometers and approached the location of Yihemen.

stand in the sky.

The old man scanned the entire Yihemen station.

Since it is only a few kilometers away from the center of the explosion, the extent of the disaster here is very serious.

All the buildings scattered on various mountain peaks collapsed.

Smoke and dust filled the surface, and it was even difficult to see the specific situation.


It's not a problem for him.

Looking through the dust and smoke, searching at an extremely fast speed.

But a glance down.

Li Wuji did not find any trace of Chen Sheng.

And judging from the affected situation.

It seems that it was only affected here, and did not cause much environmental damage.

More, or the impact of the earthquake.

Isn't the first scene of the battle here?
Li Wuji looked up into the distance.

kilometers away.

The hot white light has dissipated.

But the sky above was clear, without any clouds.

The previous explosion seemed to have dispersed all the clouds and mist.

There was no hesitation.

Li Wuji was ready to approach there.

But right now.

His expression changed.

Li Wuji looked down.

The figure instantly disappeared in place.

When it reappeared, it was already in front of the ruins of a wooden house on the edge of Yihemen.

The shining palm swept casually.

All the broken wood was blown away.

reveal the body buried within.

That was Zhou Li.

The first time the aftermath arrived.

Even if the old man made a quick decision to run away.

But the wind pressure that swept over was too terrifying.

In just an instant, the temporary wooden house was directly destroyed.

The old man was thus buried under the ruins.

Li Wuji just noticed his breath, so he stopped.

Coming to Zhou Li's side, he looked at the dusty old man.

Li Wuji swept his gaze, and immediately saw the opponent's situation clearly.


Just a simple skin trauma, not life-threatening.

Li Wuji directly picked up the old man and took him to a safe open area before setting off again.

The center of the explosion is getting closer and closer.

A distance of several kilometers is nothing to a martial artist at Li Wuji's level.

Just in a blink of an eye.

He was already close to the inner circle of the explosion.

before coming here.

Even though Li Wuji was already prepared in his heart.

But when he saw the situation in front of him, he still felt a shock.

The scorched black crystallized earth.

scorching heat.

twisted air.

And the pungent smell that permeated the surroundings.

Li Wuji believed that a nuclear bomb had exploded here.

What kind of enemy is capable of causing such terrifying destructive power?
Chen Sheng How is Chen Sheng?

Li Wuji's expression was extremely ugly.

If something happens to Chen Sheng.

Then the situation will fall into the worst situation.

Without the slightest hesitation, he quickly rushed towards the center of the explosion.

The closer you get, the hotter the surrounding temperature becomes.

Li Wu's black hair in front of his forehead even started to burn and twist.

Even if this temperature is not enough to affect his actions, it still makes him very uncomfortable.

But his approaching speed has no intention of slowing down.


It has come to the center of the battlefield.

A soft sound.

Li Wuji stepped onto the scorched earth.


There was a hissing burning sound from the soles of his feet.

That was the sound of the sole being corroded by high temperature.

But Li Wuji didn't care.

He just looked alert and looked around.


Then a figure came into view.

That was Chen Sheng in the form of a god.

Its body surface has countless lines interlaced vertically and horizontally, all over the body.

Among them, scarlet and azure blue are the brightest.

It sits quietly at the center of the explosion.

His breathing was steady and his vital signs were intact.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like there has been a battle.

A trace of doubt flashed across Li Wuji's face.

Look around and search.


He looked surprised.

Because of the surrounding land, there is no other person except Chen Sheng.

What about the enemy?
Has it been solved by Chen Sheng?


In Li Wuji's perception.

He didn't find any signs of life around him, nor any power fluctuations other than Chen Sheng.

What is this
Just when he was suspicious.

"what's up?"

Chen Sheng's voice suddenly sounded.

Li Wuji raised his head subconsciously and followed the sound.


It's like the blade of a sword is coming straight in front of you.

The fine hairs on Li Wuji's body instantly stood up.

A strong sense of threat filled his body, making him feel as if he was being targeted by some terrifying existence.

At this moment.

I saw Chen Sheng sitting cross-legged, with his head facing his direction.

Those eyes were supposed to be pure white.


Li Wuji's appearance was reflected in the black pupils.

The staring feeling that made Li Wu's hairs stand on end.

It is from Chen Sheng.

"Chen Sheng, you—"

"You recovered?"

The heart suddenly accelerated and beat wildly.

Li Wuji showed surprise.

As the former holder of the authority of the power of the heart.

It can even be said that it was the person who stole this power of authority from that heavenly being with his own hands.

He knows how terrifying the power of the power of the heart is.

Know more deeply how powerful this power is when controlled by heaven and man.

Although Chen Sheng once told him that before the awakening of heaven and man, he should untie his sensory restrictions.

But Li Wuji at that time was actually pessimistic.

He didn't think that the restrictions set by heaven and man would be so easy to undo.

Even Chen Sheng is the same.

But look at the situation now.

Has the other party recovered their sensory abilities?
How long is it from Kyoto time, a week?
In this week, to what extent has the opponent's strength increased to directly break through the restriction set by heaven and man?

Li Wuji was a little unimaginable.

Based on his level, it doesn't matter whether Chen Sheng has 40 attributes or 120 million attributes.

He couldn't really feel the difference.

Just like for ants.

Whether it is a teenager or a world boxing champion.

They are all existences that can step on it to death.


Facing Li Wuji's question.

Chen Sheng nodded slightly.


After he sensed the barrier covering his whole body.

he did.

It is to gather the strength of the whole body and swing a punch.

While swinging that punch.

With the explosion of power.

Chen Sheng also instantly felt that the barrier covering his body was directly smashed.


It is the restoration of the senses.

After a week.

Hearing, smelling, tasting, seeing.

With the ability to communicate with the spirit of authority, and the ability to communicate with Xiao Hei.

All come back.

Also until that moment.

The boredom accumulated in Chen Sheng's heart for the past few days was finally swept away.

Heaven and man are to him.

No longer an invincible object.

He has every reason to believe so.

As long as you grow stronger at this speed.

It must be able to crush the heaven and man who sealed his sensory ability to death that day.

Wait until after the celestial beings wake up.

Chen Sheng doesn't want to see the scene of human beings struggling against heaven and man.

Such a situation is too boring and boring.

The situation he wanted.

It was him, Chen Sheng, who unilaterally pursued and killed the heavenly beings.

He wants those celestial beings to linger and run away for their lives.


Die in despair.


I'm sorry for the painstaking practice I've been doing along the way.

"So what happened just now"

At this time.

Li Wuji's voice sounded.

Pull Chen Sheng back from his thoughts.

He looked at each other.

That face that is no longer old and no longer familiar.

With a familiar look.

Chen Sheng remembered.

Every time as long as he showed his improved strength, the other party always looked like this.

Li Wuji described his journey from discovering the earthquake in Kyoto to coming all the way.

Hearing this, Chen Sheng was a little surprised.

He originally thought that his punch would at most affect the surrounding tens of kilometers.

But unexpectedly, there was an earthquake even in Kyoto.


"It happened to be more refined."

"So experiment."

"How's the situation in Kyoto? It's not a big deal, is it?"

heard here.

Li Wuji finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He has been worried that the heavenly beings woke up early.

but now,
Knowing that the previous earthquake was only because of Chen Sheng's attempt.

Although equally shocked.

But a hanging heart finally fell down.

"That's fine, that's fine."

He murmured softly.

Then he raised his head to look at Chen Sheng again.

"Don't worry, it's just some commotion, I'll calm it down as soon as possible."

"Since there are no enemies, then I will go back to Kyoto first."


Chen Sheng knew that the matter was caused by him, so he didn't say much.

Just nod lightly.

Li Wuji didn't delay anymore, he turned around and prepared to leave.

But after taking two steps, he suddenly stopped.

Looking back at Chen Sheng.

"Tomorrow, an international conference will be held in Kyoto."

"At that time, extraordinary people from other countries will be there, are you interested?"

The reason why he asked this question was that Chen Sheng might be interested in seeing other ways of cultivation.


If Chen Sheng is present.

Li Wuji felt that this meeting might save many unnecessary factors.


Sun Yihe had already asked Chen Sheng about this question a few days ago.

His answer was the same as back then.


"With that time, I might as well concentrate on practicing."

Wait until the seed of desire falls to the ground tomorrow.

Chen Sheng's basic attributes will usher in a jump.

This also means that his strength at full strength will double again, reaching a terrifying 200 million.

With such power, Chen Sheng didn't know if it was enough to crush a celestial being to death.

But he has no intention of letting up.

Strive to reach 1000 million or more attributes when Heaven and Man wake up.

Only then.

He can feel a little relieved.

Say it.

Chen Sheng changed the topic.

"Mr. Zhou, please take him to treat his injury."

Even without perception.

Chen Sheng could also guess that Zhou Li would definitely be injured because of his trial move.

"Don't worry, I will take him back to Kyoto."

"You can practice with peace of mind."

"If necessary, you can contact me or Lao Sun at any time."

Li Wuji agreed.

There was no reluctance in Chen Sheng's refusal.

Just nod lightly.

The figure turned into a streamer and shot straight into the sky.

shortly after his departure.

Chen Sheng also returned to Yihemen.

Shen Ziming and other Yihemen disciples have not returned for many days.

Chen Sheng also guessed that it must be Sun Yihe who decided to give Yihemen to himself for practicing, so he told his disciples not to return for the time being.

Now that Zhou Li has returned to Kyoto.

Chen Sheng is the only one left in the huge Yihemen resident.

Fortunately, he has long been used to it.

Come to the top of the mountain.

Chen Sheng has returned to his normal body shape.

The lines of desire that were originally suppressed by scarlet and azure blue now light up again.

The power of the body is flowing rapidly to these seeds of desire.

Estimated based on current speed.

It is expected that at noon tomorrow, the Seed of Desire will be born again.

What Chen Sheng has to do is to adjust his body to the best condition while waiting with peace of mind.

thought here.

He sat cross-legged.

The figure shrank rapidly and entered a dry state.

Inside the Yihemen, silence was restored again.

Time passed bit by bit.

The moon fades away.

Seems like a long time.

It seems like a blink of an eye.

Blooming in the sky with the twilight.

The darkness was completely dispelled.


Came to the second day.

(End of this chapter)

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