Chapter 196 Chapter 197
Enter the live broadcast room and turn on the camera, because this account has released a lot of videos about "Mask Man", and there are many fans who follow this account, so fans flooded into the live broadcast room soon.

Most of the netizens who flooded into the live broadcast room were fans of "Mask Man".

After "Mask Man" became popular, there were many fans who spontaneously formed.

The bullet screen in the live broadcast room was quickly filled with all kinds of swear words and greetings.

Obviously, after the baptism of the video, the fans have completely turned from fans to blacks, and their anger towards "Masked Man" is about to overflow the screen.

Netizens feel they have been cheated.

These days, they've been rooting for The Mask.

Gradually they all became fans of Masked Man, but now, they found that they were actually cheated.

Mask Man's title of crime buster is false, fighting crime is false, and fighting gangs is also false. Mask Man is completely a villain who fools the public for his own self-interest.

Feeling cheated, how could everyone not be angry?
Ron scratched his messy hair, looked at the camera with a broken expression, and waved slowly to the netizens watching the live broadcast.

"Hi everyone, I am Mask Man."

There was a brief blank on the video, and the greetings disappeared.

Then the words were full of abuse, and the screen almost filled up.

The number of online live broadcasts is also rising, which is the kind of geometric multiple increase.

It can be guessed that there must have been human-to-human transmission among netizens who watched the live broadcast.

"Crazy, you are crazy, at this time... how can you broadcast live?"

Annoyed, Anderson stood up excitedly, and was about to grab Ron's computer.

Anderson was really in a hurry.

The camera shakes for a while, it can be seen that the competition is very fierce.

"Don't... don't grab it, I am the Masked Man, and the Masked Man is me. Why can't I confess? Those videos are all fake, someone maliciously smeared me, why can't I stand up and speak out? I am wronged, I not only have to stand up Come out and speak out, I still want to..."

"You're crazy, you must be crazy, you accept your fate, you can't beat them, I won't accompany you crazy, just make up for the!"


There was a loud closing sound, and Anderson rushed out angrily.

When he left the building, Anderson suddenly slapped his forehead, "Huh? Why did I come out? Also, why didn't I stop Ron from going crazy? Never mind, maybe the police will find this place soon, I'd better sneak away. If it's too late, it's really too late!"

After speaking, Anderson hurriedly got into his car, stepped down and left the apartment.

Ron stayed alone, staring at the camera bitterly.

"Hi everyone, I am Masked Man. Hey, I just want to fight crime and maintain world peace. I didn't expect that I would be maliciously smeared by people with good intentions. I...don't say anything."

Having said that, the two lines of tears in the corners of Ron's eyes couldn't help but flow down.

At this moment, the people of the motherland who are known as the "God of Acting" will bow down.

"For the sake of the justice in my heart and to make the evil have nowhere to hide, I decided to go to the police station to explain the situation and use legal means to protect my reputation. I firmly believe that the law can prove my innocence, and the bad guys will be brought to justice. I I firmly believe that justice may be late, but it will never be absent!"

In the end, Ron was determined.

At this moment, Ron's eyes were bright, and his whole body exuded a strong sense of justice.

Netizens who watched the live broadcast heard the phrase "justice may be late, but it will never be absent", and they were all in awe.

Justice has always been the value that people tirelessly pursue.

And Ron's resolute face and the appearance of pursuing justice are so moving and awe-inspiring.

While the netizens were waiting for the follow-up, the video suddenly went black.

The live broadcast came to an abrupt end.

The screen went black for a long time, and Huey, who was watching the video, was still in a daze.

He kept repeating Ron's words, "Justice may be late, but it will never be absent"!
He thought of shopping with his girlfriend Luo Bin today, talking and laughing and looking forward to a better life in the future, when the locomotive suddenly rushed past them at a high speed.

The speed of the locomotive exceeds the speed of sound, and can reach more than 400 meters per second at the fastest, so his girlfriend Luo Bin was directly hit by the locomotive and turned into a puddle of meat.

As Huey chanted these words, he felt a rush of blood rushing from his chest to his forehead.

"I want revenge, I want justice for Luo Bin, I want the locomotive to be judged justly!"

Ron didn't know what he said, which not only convinced Huey that he was innocent, but also accelerated the protagonist Huey's pursuit of justice.


Ron turned off the computer, left the room, and walked towards the police station.

He said it all, he was going to the police station to explain the situation, of course, he couldn't renege on his promise.

Ron's self-report also aroused the suspicion of some netizens, but this suspicion was quickly submerged in a bigger wave of public opinion.

Soon there appeared on the Internet, the voice of Ron the thief shouting to catch the thief.

Some people even maliciously speculated that Ron was stubborn, and might have escaped by now.

Others said that with the speed Ron showed in the video, it was very, very hard to fake him.

In addition to the shock wave, only the locomotive is left.

The shock wave has been busy challenging the locomotive recently, and the chances are not high.

The locomotive is even more impossible. As a member of the superhero seven and one of the most famous stars in the world, why would he frame a well-known superpower?
After such a rational analysis, Lizhongke insisted that the person in the video was Ron, and there was no impersonation at all.


When Ron arrived at the police station, there were already supernatural reporters surrounding the police station.

Ron had just gotten out of a taxi and hadn't seen the police yet.

A bunch of reporters rushed up desperately.

Ron was speechless when he saw these reporters.

If he is really a bad person, then is this the same as giving away his head in a flash?
Of course, these shrewd reporters may know in their hearts that he is unlikely to be a villain, and there is a high probability that he has been wronged, so they rush forward.

Knowing in the heart is one thing, how to report it is another.

A beautiful reporter with a hot body, the microphone in her hand almost hit Ron's mouth.

"I'm a reporter from New York Cable TV. Excuse me, are you the masked man?"

"Yes, if the mask refers to this, I am!" said Ron, pointing to the mask on his hand.

The reporters had an orgasm when they saw the mask in Ron's hand.

"Crack, click!"

The reporters kept taking pictures of the mask on Ron's hand.

"Okay, don't squeeze, don't squeeze, ask questions one by one!"

Under Ron's reassurance, the reporters finally suppressed their crazy emotions.

Another reporter quickly asked, "So, what's your name?"

"My name is Ron."

"May I ask what you usually do?"

"I work for an insurance company. I work during the day and come out at night to maintain world peace."

Ron said that the insurance company is the company of Anderson's friend.

Ron joined the company through his relationship. He usually sells insurance and does real work, except for the occasional fishing.

The reason for this arrangement, of course, is to maintain its own uniqueness.

Fans must feel very kind when they see that their superhero is actually an office worker like themselves.

In this way, he was distinguished from the group of coquettish sluts from the motherland.

A reporter accused Ron emotionally and said: "Are you really maintaining peace? You are obviously committing a crime. You are an evil criminal. You are a shameless villain who has committed injustice in the name of justice. You should go to hell." "

"Don't get excited, don't get excited, I said I was wronged, I was wronged..."

A bearded man in plain clothes pushed through the crowd and came over.

With a bearded square head, a big nose, and a determined face, "Ron, right? FBI, come with me. There is a case related to you. I hope you can assist in the investigation."

"FBI?" Ron looked at the bearded man in doubt, and there were a few policemen standing behind the bearded man.

He thought the bearded man looked familiar, and as expected, it should be Billy, one of the protagonists.

Billy is the leader of the black-robed pickets.

His purpose, like Zoe's, is to investigate the inside story of Walter Company, reveal the true face of the superhero, and try to bring down the superhero and the Walter Company behind the superhero.

(End of this chapter)

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