After being broken up and unemployed, natural disasters came

Chapter 104 Chapter 104 Top Secret Research Content

The staff had already exited the conference room at this time.

Only Qi Qing was facing the video in the room. Apart from the potentially fatal secret of space, the fact that her dreams have predictive functions should not be a secret to Mo Xun's leadership and the XX Research Institute.

Starting from the explosion of the four security guards, Qi Qing recounted everything she saw from her perspective in detail, including that in this predictive dream, she could perceive danger a few seconds in advance, such as predicting that the chef would change into Liu self-reliance.

She also wondered about the danger warning picture in the foreseeing dream. Is it because she subconsciously believed that she could foresee the danger, or did the dream actually exist in a parallel universe, but she just perceived it?
Du Hulan just listened to Qi Qing from the beginning to the end, without asking questions, interrupting, or answering her questions. After Qi Qing finished speaking, she gently came to a conclusion: "It seems that you are more predictable than your mother. more capable."

Qi Qing was shocked: "You know my mother?"

"When your mother was young, I went to that military factory. At that time, your grandma mentioned that your mother would have strange dreams. I recorded the relevant phenomena, but your grandma did not agree to let your mother participate in that top-secret scientific research. I just hope she grows up like an ordinary child. In the end we just erased her memory." Du Hulan paused for a moment, as if waiting for Qi Qing to digest the news, and continued when Qi Qing's expression returned to a calm state. ,
"You don't have to be too surprised. Not only after the founding of the People's Republic of China, people began to study the predictive ability inherited from the matrilineal line of your family hundreds of years ago. It's just that there were few women with proper names at that time. The daughter also took the father's surname, the records are ambiguous, and after several wars, many materials were destroyed, and the truth was lost in the long river of history."

Qi Qing suddenly asked: "Besides the ability to predict, is there anyone else who has awakened the supernatural power in the bloodline long before the natural disaster trial?"

Du Hulan nodded and said: "That is indeed the case, otherwise our research would not be able to continue. There was a time in the last century when the theory of qigong and supernatural powers were very popular, and we obtained a lot of clues at that time. , not only our country, but international research on this aspect has also become low-key. But at that time we had made a breakthrough, mastered a method that may not seem scientific to the outside world, and can relatively accurately find potential stranger."

Qi Qing cautiously said: "The things you talked about with me should be confidential, right?"

Du Hulan smiled and said: "You are very smart, but I didn't tell you the real secret. What you can hear is only what you can know as a supernatural person, but you still have to sign a confidentiality agreement. If you want to know more If you want to participate more or participate in the core research, then we will arrange for on-site evaluation by special personnel.”

"In that case, can I still participate in the work that Mo Xun is currently doing?" Qi Qing asked clearly.

Du Hulan said in a deep voice: "You may need to come to the capital to participate in the research. There is a difference between the work on Moxun's line and what I'm telling you now. Therefore, there must be a trade-off."

"Then Mo Xun also participated in your research work?"

"He has participated. Although he is an excellent special talent in the system, he did not naturally awaken the blood power like you. Sorry, we used your blood samples for analysis during your treatment. Your blood The genetic trait is very rare, purer than all your maternal blood relatives. This may be derived from your paternal blood, as well as some kind of atavistic genetic mutation. And you are still a female, and you can pass this trait to your offspring with a high probability, so it is very valuable."

Qi Qing thought for a moment and said, "I personally prefer to continue to participate in the kind of work that Mo Xun is doing, and I don't want to leave the shelter in the short term. If you think my genetic information is valuable, then I am willing to sign relevant documents Donate some eggs during your lifetime, and donate your body after death for your research."

Du Hulan obviously guessed that Qi Qing would make such a choice, and was about to start talking about something else, but the video was suddenly disconnected.

Qi Qing's heart sank, could it be that a powerful enemy invaded the military encryption system?Or is it that the official stage of the extremely hot natural disaster finally revealed its hideous face?

The video was interrupted, and the staff came in to check the signal situation, frowned and said: "Maybe it's the signal problem on the capital side. The remote communication has not been stable. We can't continue the meeting until the communication is restored. But according to the work manual, please You wait a moment, I need to ask my superiors if you can leave."

Qi Qing thought of what Du Hulan mentioned just now. Although her last sentence had already indicated her inclination to choose, such a serious matter definitely needs a clear question and answer, and then what written documents to sign counts.She waited quietly in the meeting room.

It didn't take long for the staff to take several documents for her to sign, including a confidential document, as well as agreements to freeze eggs and donate remains.After reading and signing quickly, she was told that she could go back to the ward to rest.

When Qi Qing returned to the ward, she saw Mo Xun sitting on the bed, typing on a keyboard with a laptop in his hand.She immediately got angry and said, "If you are told to lie down, why are you still working?"

Mo Xun hastily defended, "I did what I said, and the pillow is always on the back of my head. Besides, I don't have a job, I just want to see what's going on outside. Do you want to see?"

Qi Qing sighed, driven by curiosity, she still sat beside Mo Xun's bed.She stared at the picture on the screen and said in amazement, "These trees seem to be burning?"

Mo Xun said: "This is already an hour ago, and the mountain fire is still being extinguished."

Qi Qing didn't ask Mo Xun where she got the video data. With Mo Xun's technology and special status, it shouldn't be difficult to watch real-time monitoring. She just wondered: "The extremely hot natural disaster in my dream was caused by the continuous high temperature weather. Large-scale wildfires are basically concentrated in relatively dry places. We have mountains and water here, and the humidity is very high, so how can there be spontaneous combustion?"

"The mountain fire is near us. Although the temperature in the mountain is a few degrees lower than that of the town below the mountain, and the humidity is relatively high, it is reasonable to say that the chance of a fire is relatively small, but now it is burning, and the possibility of arson cannot be ruled out. There are not only people who are concerned about the base The forces behind Clover and Kuang Youpeng." Mo Xun looked solemn, and turned to another question, "Did your video call also be interrupted just now? Just now, the team to pick up the healer also lost contact."

Qi Qing said: "What I was told was that there was a problem with the remote communication. I thought it was a problem with the capital. Has the team to pick up the healers arrived nearby? Why is there a problem with the communication?"

"Now only the internal network of the shelter and the base is still unblocked, and there are problems with several fixed telephone lines and wireless communications in the surrounding towns. I want to go out to meet the healers. The team followed the original route before they lost contact. It’s here, we’re only [-] kilometers away, so there’s no room for any mistakes. I’ve already applied.” Mo Xun said frankly.

Qi Qing said: "They can really let you do the task, don't you still need to rest your body?"

"The synthetic special medicine has been successfully produced, and Xu Keqiang's treatment will not be affected if I leave for 24 hours. If the healer fails to arrive on time, Xu Keqiang will not be the only one whose life is in danger."

Qi Qing saw Mo Xun's urgency: "You guys are going to go out during the day, right?"

It was daytime, and even in the relatively humid mountains, the outdoor ambient temperature was as high as [-] degrees, and there were wildfires nearby. It was no longer the conditions suitable for people to work in the field during the buffer stage.

Mo Xun did not hide it: "There is a modified test car at the base. It has just rolled off the production line, and I just took the opportunity to test the effect during the day. Other people's physical fitness is definitely not as good as mine. If there is a problem with the car, I can at least survive it. .”

Qi Qing suddenly said: "Then I will go with you."

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