Chapter 157 Chapter 157
The surrounding scenery kept changing, and Qi Qing couldn't take it all in.

Two huge planets suddenly broke into the galaxy that was originally running regularly, and it can't be said to break in. The image shows the revolution route of each planet, and those two huge planets are also the only ones in the galaxy that surround them. Planets orbiting a star, but their trajectories are more peculiar, elliptical.

On the long axis of the ellipse, the two planets are like passing meteors, far away from the main body of the galaxy, running in opposite directions, and may even be captured by stars in other galaxies, but on the short axis of the ellipse, these two giant planets will eventually Confluence near the fourth normal planet in the system.

At this time, Qi Qing has discovered that apart from the two planets with elliptical orbits, there is no asteroid belt between the fourth and fifth planets in this galaxy map.

Mo Xun said: "In ancient mythology, there is a planet called Nibiru, which has such an elliptical orbit, and it will approach our galaxy every 600 years. It turns out that it is not a planet, but two elliptical orbits. Orbiting planets."

Without Mo Xun explaining too much, Qi Qing saw two planets with elliptical orbits collide.

One of the planets broke into countless pieces, but that was not the familiar asteroid belt.

Slightly larger pieces slammed into several surrounding planets.

The size of the shattered planet was not small, and there were many fragments. Nine huge fragments and countless small fragments attacked the third planet in the galaxy.

Fortunately, the intelligent life there discovered this situation in advance.

From the perspective of this planet, you can see nine burning fireballs, which are more dazzling than the real stars hanging in the sky. will suffer a devastating blow.

Just when Qi Qing was worried about it, nine bright lights shot out from the planet, and the nine fireballs suddenly went out and shattered into countless small pieces, and an invisible protective cover suddenly surrounded the surface of the planet, making everyone Fragments hovered outside the atmosphere.

Seen from the surface of this planet, invisible forces blocked those meteorites, but those fragmented meteorites still existed, covering the sky and the sun, in a state of chaos, the sun's light could not reach the surface, and it was no longer clear.

There is a similar operation on the fourth planet, but unfortunately the atmosphere of that planet is very sparse, and there is no mysterious power to protect it. After being crushed by the mysterious light beam, the large pieces turned into countless small pieces and fell on the surface of the planet.Of course, more fragments remained in the orbit of the planet and became the asteroid belt between the fourth and fifth planets that can be observed today.

The small pieces that hovered around the third planet were eventually recycled and pieced together to join the hollow metallic core and become a single oversized moon.

The volume of that moon is one-fourth of the diameter of the third planet, but because of its hollow structure, its mass is one-eighty-one times its mass.The distance and mode of operation of that satellite can be controlled.

Let only one side of the satellite always face the planet, tidally locked.Moons, planets, and stars in galaxies maintain carefully planned distances, forming regular, periodic perfect occlusions.

That satellite also acts as a shield, preventing other meteors and unstable debris from continuing to fall on the planet.

With the control of the satellite, it not only changed the appearance of the planet, but also emitted various force fields, which can influence and adjust the physical and mental health of intelligent life forms on the planet invisibly.

From then on, the axis of the third planet finally shifted to the angle that Qi Qing and Mo Xun were familiar with.

"Isn't this the legend of Hou Yi shooting the sun? It turns out that the real origin of that satellite is like this!" Qi Qing was surprised.

The three-dimensional images clearly show the ambiguous descriptions in the myth.

It also explains many contradictory points discovered by scientists now.For example, after investigation, it was found that the rocks on the surface of the satellite were very old, so long that they were almost as old as other planets in the galaxy.That's natural, the moon's rocky crust comes from another broken moon, and the composition is also different from the third planet.

For another example, when a heavy object falls on the huge satellite, the vibration data caused is as if the satellite is a hollow metal ball, because this is the fact, the metal spherical shell is covered with rock and soil, and there is a super large metal ball inside the metal spherical shell. control center.

The sophisticated and complex structure inside the satellite can also accommodate hundreds of millions of people living for a long time. It is not just a simple control center, but more like a spaceship that can travel far.

Qi Qing was full of curiosity. Why did a civilization that could capture planetary fragments to build satellites and transform planets to build large spaceships suddenly disappear?
However, the picture stopped abruptly at this moment, and the air in the room suddenly became thinner.

The little fish who had been quietly by their side also fell to the ground, not as nimbly as before, able to roam freely in the water and in the air.

"The energy here is about to run out." Mo Xun made a judgment, "Hurry up, put on the diving equipment, and let's go out quickly."

Qi Qing took out the two people's equipment from the space, conveniently put away the beads and small fish, plus some strange materials in this space, and Mo Xun, two people, looking for a way to leave this space.

The power of [the cutting tool of the future demolition team] and the [oscillating particle knife] is also revealed at this time.Although the substances that look like Ruyi soil can be quickly closed after being cut, Qi Qing and Mo Xun's speed is fast enough to pass through the out-of-control substances before the breach disappears, and before the entire building collapses Break through the ruins of the stone structure and return to the normal underwater space.

According to Mo Xun's judgment, the core of the entire city may be due to energy exhaustion and loss of control, so if there are still some remaining systems or defensive things in the city, they may soon be out of control.

The ruins of a city like this are by no means the ruined walls seen on the surface, and there are some technologies that they cannot understand. It is hard to say whether they will suddenly collapse or raise other barriers to isolate the outside world.At that time, with the special items in their hands, they might not be able to escape smoothly with others.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun dragged Qi Qing back to the diving equipment as quickly as possible, allowing the scientific researchers to quickly retrieve various survey data and important equipment, and evacuate first.

While they were communicating inside and outside through the equipment, the ruins of the city really changed. Many large pits suddenly appeared on the originally flat streets, and strange aquatic creatures emerged from the pits.

They looked like cockroaches magnified a hundred times, but they were not the usual dark brown color on the ground, and they didn't have wings. Instead, they were completely transparent, and their hard carapaces shone like metal.

They also seem to have no vision, insensitive to changes in the brightness of their surroundings due to underwater lighting tools.But they are very numerous and aggressive.The transparent sea creatures that used to swim around suddenly became the food they scrambled for.

Mo Xun and Qi Qing were startled. It was too late to enter the diving equipment through the airlock, so they could only let the equipment float up quickly, and the two of them were broken.

 double update first update

(End of this chapter)

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