Chapter 170 Chapter 170 A Clearer Scene
This time, she went to the Jingui base alone, and it was still Ruyitu who picked her up into that magical space, and it was Xiao Shao who received her.

"I didn't expect to see you again so soon." Xiao Shao was as friendly as last time. "The research work of Jin Gui really needs new ideas. If you are willing to help, we welcome you here. I thought only scientists or historians would be interested in it." Interested in that."

Compared with Mo Xun and delicious food, what's so good about Jin Gui, a ritual vessel for cooking meat?Qi Qingxin said that if she was an ordinary militia leader, she would not be so persistent in wanting to see Jin Gui.After all, this kind of top-secret thing, if you read it yourself, you must keep it a secret in the future. If you encounter a psychic department who can casually see through the secrets in her mind, it will be dangerous and the psychological burden will be too heavy.

It's nothing more than she has doubts in her heart, thinking that it is a special item left over from the last round of civilization, and she needs to experience and verify it on the spot.If it is true, her ability may be able to analyze the detailed description of the golden gui, wouldn't it save scientists from detours.

Now her space level is level 6, and the capacity is 200 cubic meters, which is twice as large as when she came to the Jingui base before. It should be big enough to touch a golden gui.

However, when Qi Qing really stood in front of Jin Gui, she felt that she was still too naive.

With the height of an ordinary person, even standing on tiptoe would not be able to reach the top of one of Jin Gui's feet. This thing must be far away and stand at a very high place to see the whole picture. If it is too close, you will not be able to see the top.

"How big is the golden gui?" Qi Qing asked in a low voice.

Xiao Shao replied: "At present, what we see is only the above-ground part, which is about 200 cubic meters. The total volume of the underground part is twice as large as this, and the structure is more complicated. Moreover, this thing is made of composite materials, not pure metal, but also contains many underground parts. Outer elements."

Qi Qing was startled, this thing actually has an underground part?"What's it like beneath the ground?" she asked.

"Like a tree root, buried deep in the soil and rocks, the deepest part is about 8000 meters from the foot of the gui, and it is still growing."

Qi Qing was dumbfounded when she heard it: "What, it's still growing, is the golden gui alive?"

"It's not surprising, do you know the Fusang sacred tree?"

"You mean the tree in "Shan Hai Jing"? Is there really such a tree in the world?"

Xiao Shao nodded: "Yes, yes, in another secret base. There are also roots at the bottom, which is even more exaggerated than this. The prince in the ancient tomb recorded the part of the ground that he measured when he discovered the golden gui. By the way, the weights and measures at that time were not correct no matter how you calculate them. Later, after a long period of observation, we found that the golden gui can grow by itself, and the size grows bigger and bigger. Apart from the golden gui itself, there is Ruyi soil that can grow by itself. Those special materials were also found in the gold gui at first."

"Isn't wishful soil a nano-robot?"

Xiao Shao explained: "That description is for the convenience of using current knowledge to understand Ruyi soil. If you compare it in that way, Jin Gui can be regarded as the production factory of Ruyi soil and the control center of pumice stones."

Qi Qing was startled for a few seconds, then asked again: "Can I touch the golden gui?"

Although her current space level is not enough to store the golden gui in it, if she touches it, what if she can explain it?

Then, she touched Jin Gui's foot, but 799 didn't respond.She concentrated on trying to store it, but 799 reminded: [This item exceeds the volume of the host's space, and it is impossible to accurately determine whether it is a living body. 】

Qi Qing asked 799 in her mind: "Is this a special item?"

799 replied: [Only special objects that enter the space can be identified, but special objects are usually not living things. 】

Could it be that such a huge gold gui, which looks like a bronze vessel, is still a living body?Qi Qing became more and more confused, but unfortunately her abilities were limited, so she had no choice but to give up trying.

She carefully looked around the golden gui for a long time, and the huge patterns that seemed to be cast on it were very complicated, and she couldn't understand it with just a few glances with her shallow knowledge.

But she only felt that when she was near Jin Gui, she was full of energy and her mind was clear, just like when she was meditating.

Suddenly, a strange scene appeared in my mind again.This time it wasn't a lucid dream, she could perceive the reality outside the scene, and it wasn't a temporary particularly strong desire like a premonition, it was very clear as if she was suddenly in a certain scene, with a holographic sense.

Compared with the underwater ruins, the 3D scene was more realistic to see the galaxies moving, and the surrounding scenes were on the ground, at a human scale, and she felt the same way.

She saw huge waves surging up in the sea, crossing the mountains and forests and about to rush to where she was.Her surrounding environment was similar to a tropical area, with stretches of virgin rainforest and no one else. The only thing she could do was to find a tree that was tall and strong, climb to the highest point, and tie herself fast.

Visually, the height of the huge wave may have exceeded the highest point of this area.She didn't know whether the water level would drop after the huge wave passed, so she could only survive this first, and then find something suitable for traveling in the water from the space.

She saw that her clothes were special combat uniforms that she would only wear when she was on a mission, so is this scene happening in the future, or is it a copy of what she is about to experience?
I always feel that everything in those scenes is extraordinarily primitive. When I climbed to the top of the tree and looked far away, I could see some scattered and dilapidated houses in the mountains, all of which were bamboo and wood structures.This is not quite like a developed area in the country.

Reminiscent of her upcoming mission near the sub-triangle, she had to suspect that this was the tsunami she was about to experience there.

At present, tsunamis in coastal areas are still very frequent. After the tsunami natural disaster, the coastline has penetrated deeply into the land. For example, the sub-triangle area at the junction of the three countries in the past has almost turned into a seashore.

With planetary tremors, submarine volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis one after another, in underdeveloped countries, there are no coastal defense facilities, and there is no financial and material resources to transfer and resettle so many coastal populations. After several tsunamis, the coastline moves inland very quickly. People in the high-altitude inland mountains and forests have almost no survivors.

The M army base was originally built in a higher inland area, with its own airport and strong barracks.They were already in the tropics during the extreme cold and natural disasters, and the temperature was still tolerable, so they survived by cutting down trees and burning fire; when it was extremely hot, they hid in the underground facilities of the base and survived by storing food and looting surrounding materials.

During the natural disaster of the tsunami, they only came out to carry out activities on a larger scale. After all, their base was not affected.

And the three surrounding small countries have long been out of control. This kind of sub-triangle that doesn't care is now the king of the strong, and it grows barbarously by force. The M army base soon became the most powerful force in the sub-triangle generation, slaughtering and annexing the weak, and recruiting troops to absorb a group of selected ones.

It was time for Qi Qing to visit, and the scenes she felt around her disappeared as she moved away from the golden gui.Her intuition told her that the future she saw soberly just now was probably due to the influence of Jin Gui on her mental power.

 The first update of the double update, and there will be two more updates at 12 noon and 6 pm in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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