Chapter 41 041 The Cold Reality

"Who is it?" A tall and strong man went to the warehouse to get wood, and when he saw Huang Xu, he couldn't help shouting. Not only did the man make a sound, he even threw a ball of fire over him.

If Huang Xu hadn't been able to generate heat himself, he would have been burned if he was ignited by that fire.It's a pity that his thin clothes are not fireproof. He rolled over in embarrassment to put out the fire, explaining: "I'm Xiaoxu, Hutou knows me. I'm here to join you!"

The strong man paused for a moment, then stopped: "So you are the kid Brother Hutou said? Why don't you go through the main entrance!"

Huang Xu asked tremblingly, "What's the matter with these dead people?"

The strong man said disdainfully: "These are all disobedient people in the forest farm. It would be a waste of food to keep them. Anyway, they are not supernatural beings, so they will die if they die."

Huang Xu noticed that there were very few clothes on these corpses, and it was impossible for them to take the initiative to wear so little in such cold weather, so he tentatively asked, "Then why didn't you bury them?"

The strong man grinned and said with a smile, "Can you dig those frozen soil?"

"You can control the fire, right? Just burn them."

The strong man showed his yellow teeth, grabbed Huang Xu by the collar, and said grimly, "This is all meat."

Huang Xu thought deeply and was terrified, trembling all over his body.

But the strong man snorted coldly and said, "Are you afraid? You haven't even grown your hair yet, so you haven't killed anyone, have you? Go and meet with us first, and then we'll see how to arrange it."

When Huang Xu was dragged to the kitchen, a disgusting smell wafted out as soon as the door was opened.

The room was full of smog, some people smoked and played cards, some people defecated and urinated, and some people did indescribable things against women, and no one paid any attention to the voices of those women crying and begging.

"Brother Hutou, that kid is here, he looks dumb." The strong man said, and threw Huang Xu to the poker table.

Huang Xu's hand didn't know what rubbish was pressed on it, and it was sticky. He shook his hand and looked at the few people beside the card table while holding back his nausea.

A fat man with a fleshy face and a middle-aged man with beards were also looking at him.No one else at the poker table was as powerful as these two.Huang Xu guessed that one of the two was the tiger head.

The middle-aged man with a beard squinted at the fat man, and the fat man quickly stood up, pulled Huang Xu and introduced: "Brother Luo, this is Huang Xu, you can touch him, he can heat up by himself. In cold weather he I walked over from Lijia Town alone, without any frostbite, very useful."

Huang Xu immediately saw that this brother Luo was the real caller of this place.

Huang Xu had seen Lu Biao before, and this brother Luo felt the same as that Lu Biao, his eyes were like eagles, full of hostility, at least he was terrified just to glance at him, guessing that this brother Luo had also killed someone.

Luo Yi was not angry, looked Huang Xu up and down, and said calmly: "Xiao Xu, since he is a supernatural being, he will be his brother in the future. I heard that you spent the night at the military factory last night. Are there any supplies or living people?"

Huang Xu thought of the corpses in the warehouse, and tremblingly said: "I just spent the night in the reception room of the military factory. No one was there. I took everything in the room."

After finishing speaking, he took out all the unfinished dry food on his body, as well as the knife, which he didn't dare to keep privately.

Hutou said: "Brother Luo, this kid is young, but he has also been in a juvenile detention center and has some skills. Don't scare him, how about I take him?"

Luo Yi snorted coldly: "How do you take it? In such a cold day, can you take him out to find supplies?"

Hutou said with a sneer: "That's right, we all follow Brother Luo's arrangement."

Luo Yi thought for a while, and then ordered: "Xiao Xu, a plane fell down yesterday. Do you know where it is? There are fires in the mountains at night, and there may be living people. You go and get the supplies on the plane. If this matter Well done, you can choose any girl in the room."

Huang Xu glanced at the shivering women wrapped in quilts on the floor of the room, all of them looked dull and unkempt, and suddenly lost interest.He felt that this was indeed a wolf's den and it was not suitable to stay for a long time, so he pretended to be obedient and planned to go out to find some supplies.

Hutou said with a grin: "Leave your cell phone and ID card before you go out."

Huang Xu was puzzled: "Then if I get lost, how can I contact you without a mobile phone?"

Hutou handed him a walkie-talkie: "It's cold outside, and the phone doesn't work well. Just use this to get in touch."

Huang Xu took the walkie-talkie and was just about to walk to the door. Unexpectedly, Luo Yi grabbed his wrist and twisted it behind him with a stride, and told the left and right: "This kid is lying and wants to run away. You should tie him up and teach him well." .”

Huang Xu panicked when he heard that, how did they know what he was thinking?
Immediately, someone rushed up and pressed Huang Xu to the ground.

Hutou stepped forward and slapped Huang Xu hard on the face, cursing: "Little bastard, be more clear-headed. Brother Luo is a mind reader. If you don't tell the truth just now, you are looking for death. No matter how useful the ability is, disobedience is also worth it." Can only die."

Huang Xu knelt down and begged for mercy: "Brother Luo, Brother Hutou, I was wrong. I was too nervous and scared just now. I have never seen the world. You adults have a lot of them. Don't kill me. I will do whatever you want me to do." What are you doing?"

Hutou didn't want the younger brother he cheated to be scrapped so soon, so he persuaded: "Brother Luo, this kid is really useful when going out. Instead of looking for the plane crashed all over the mountain, let's go to Jinshan Resort. My buddy will work as a security guard over there." , saying that they have been staying there. The newly built ones over there are in better conditions than the forest farm.”

Another person also advised: "It hasn't snowed around noon in the past few days. From the forest farm, you can walk there in two hours. This kid is a portable heater, and it doesn't get cold when you walk with him. I heard that the resort still has With a generator, it must be more comfortable than here."

Luo Yi suddenly said: "What's the smell, something's wrong, cover your nose!"

After he finished speaking, he rushed out the door first.

Everyone else was disheveled, so they didn't dare to run outside casually. Only Huang Xu saw that others were in a panic and no one cared about him, so he even crawled and ran outside.

He ran for a while and saw a modified Daqier. The car looked like it was running, and some anti-skid chains were added to the wheels.

Is this a tree farm car?The license plate number does not look like that of the surrounding towns.

Huang Xu couldn't care less. Although he never took the driver's license test, he still knew how to drive after learning how to repair cars for so long.In a panic, he opened the door of the driver's cab, and was about to step on the accelerator when he sat in the seat, when he felt a chill on his neck.

Fully armed with only two eyes exposed, Qi Qing tightened the nylon rope in her hand directly behind the driver's seat, and said with a voice changer: "If you dare to move, I will strangle you to death."

Huang Xu didn't expect that there was someone in the car, so he was so frightened that he hurriedly begged for mercy: "Brother, I didn't mean to steal your car on purpose. There are bad guys in the forest farm, I'm running for my life."

Qi Qing knocked on the car window, motioning for Huang Xu to look aside.

Huang Xu saw that the elder brother surnamed Luo who was running in front of him had already fallen in the snow, and a man with a tight head and face was stepping on Luo's back, as if to torture something. It looked like Luo's limbs Distorted, unable to move on its own.

Huang Xu was so frightened that he didn't dare to vent his anger, thinking that he had met a gangster?

 The second update today, don't miss the update at noon.Thank you readers for voting and commenting.

(End of this chapter)

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