I rely on tricks to cultivate my longevity

Chapter 128 Righteousness?Evil?

After listening to Lu Er's words, Lin Xixue finally sorted out the origin and evolution process of the Shenxiao lineage thoroughly, but she thought of a new problem.

"According to what Mr. said, the thunder method of the Shenxiao lineage was passed down by the Lei ancestor. Why do people who convert to the Shenxiao lineage not be infected by evil energy, but say that they are cultivating the righteousness of heaven and earth?"

"What are the similarities and differences between this evil spirit and the righteous spirit? Can you explain it, sir?"

Lin Xixue bowed slightly to ask for advice—she was not respectful because of Lu Er's status, but she was quite admirable in her heart when she heard about Lu Er's various actions, and her attitude could not help being a little respectful.

"Hehe. You are indeed a perceptive person. Now that you have asked about the similarities and differences between the two, you must have discovered something."

Seeing him looking at her gently, Lin Xixue seemed to be signaling her to continue.

"That's right, whether it's evil or righteous, there's almost no difference in the practice system, they all take the path of conversion, and even though they're called righteous, in fact, both can make people crazy!"

"I want to talk about the difference." Lin Xixue pondered for a while, and continued: "I was seriously infected by evil spirits, and I was even awarded a talisman and an immortal rank by these monsters."

"Anyone who practices evil spirits can see my rank as a fairy official, but Daoist Niu of Sanyuan Temple cannot see my rank."

"What's more, all the disciples of Xianmen can perceive the intensity of evil energy with the technique of looking at the energy. They are extremely repulsive to evil energy, but they don't seem to have any particularly hostile towards Shenxiao's lineage."

"But I always feel that the two probably have the same source. As for the difference between the two, the key point is likely to be 'abnormal cognition', which is what the husband calls popular sentiment."

Lin Xixue expressed her inference.

"My little friend's thoughtfulness is really astonishing, and such inferences can be made based on these fragmented information." Lu Er's eyes showed surprise again.

"Evil qi and righteous qi are not only from the same source, it can even be said that the two are basically the same thing."

Lu Er's tone of voice was very calm, but when the words reached Lin Xixue's ears, it sounded like thunder.

She only knew that the relationship between the two might be quite deep, but she never thought that the two were actually the same thing.

But why does one thing exhibit certain diametrically opposed qualities?

What exactly is the difference between the two?
She suddenly remembered what Lu Er said just now, "Everyone in the world thinks I am Lei Zu, so I am Lei Zu".

Could it be that she suddenly realized something.

"It's because you told the disciples of Shenxiao's lineage that what they cultivated was grandeur righteousness, and they all really believed in the greatness righteousness they cultivated, so what they cultivated really became grandeur righteousness!"

"Hahahahahaha, it's wonderful, my little friend is really smart and intelligent, I just remind you a little, and you will guess it right away."

"That's true. In the eyes of the disciples of Shenxiao's lineage, Lei Fa is indeed passed down by Lei Zu, but this Lei Zu is the Lei Zu in the eyes of all the disciples, not the meat ball monster Yu Lei Zu."

"Under my guidance, all the disciples made up a 'false Leizu' based on the people's will. If someone suffers from hysteria during the process of receiving or receiving scriptures, I will say that this is enlightenment and a great opportunity. "

"Thus, a group of disciples really felt that what they were cultivating was the righteousness of the world, and they really felt that the evil qi eroding the mind and inducing hysteria was enlightenment, and even regarded the state of indistinguishable truth and falsehood in hysteria as fugue."

"So, over time, the disciples of Shenxiao's lineage are really separated from the evil cultivation system, so they naturally can't see the rank of immortal officials in you."

"It turned out to be so!" Lin Xixue suddenly realized, and she continued to guess in this direction, "So what the disciples of the Shenxiao lineage saw when they received the talisman was the Lei Zu they conceived together, not the meat ball monster ?”

"Exactly. What they saw was probably the statues I set up in various places." Lu Er nodded.

In this way, it is easy to understand the strange fish that represents the real Leizu who collects incense in the Three Elements View.

Lei Zu and Lu Er reached a deal, originally they could only get less than [-]% of the incense, but now there are not even people who convert to him, and they all convert to the fake Lei Zu fabricated by Lu Er.

Therefore, Lei Zu tried to use these strange fish to snatch the incense, and at the same time, he also used these strange fish to interfere with the cognition of normal disciples, trying to let these disciples know that the Lei Zu they enshrined was fake.

That's it, that's it, everything makes sense, everything makes sense!

That's why Hao Cong yelled, "We've all been cheated, the Lei Zu we enshrined is fake".

In a sense, what he said was actually the truth, because the disciples of Shenxiao's lineage did enshrine the fictitious "Fake Leizu".

And this Hao Cong should have come into contact with the strange fish by accident. It is not difficult to know from the supervisor and other people that he probably ate the fish by mistake, so he was interfered by the true thunder ancestor.

And in order to spread this cognition further, that's why he shouted in the temple, so as to spread more abnormal cognitions.

Once the scale of abnormal cognition is large enough, Zhenleizu can regain control of the Sanyuan Temple and monopolize the incense of the entire Taoist Temple.

And once the Sanyuan Temple falls, this abnormal cognition will soon spread to the entire Yunzhou, and even the entire Nancang Realm, thus completely overturning Lu Er's plan to hide the sky.

Therefore, Wangchen Pill is needed to erase the memories of the Taoist boys, and it is necessary to make Hao Cong, who has been corrupted by the True Thunder Ancestor, harmless and transform him into a soldier of the Thunder Division.

That's how it turned out, the whole picture of the whole thing turned out to be like this.

However, if we understand the whole matter in this way, wouldn't it mean that the prison responsible for making Hao Cong harmless actually knew about Lu Er's trick?
"Does the supervisor of Sanyuan Temple also know about the master's plan?" Lin Xixue asked.

Seeing that Lin Xixue asked this question, Lu Er smiled relievedly, knowing that she had already given out the whole picture of the incident, leaving only some details to be perfected.

He explained: "No, they don't know. The Taoist temples subordinate to Shenxiao don't know the truth of this matter."

"This matter, Lei Zu knows, I know, you know, there is no fourth existence in the world who knows."

Lin Xixue frowned, and asked: "So, what did the master say to these supervisors and Gao Gong, so that they will take the initiative to eliminate the disciples corrupted by the true thunder ancestor?"

"I told them that these disciples have been corrupted by demons, and demons can communicate with each other and circulate in each other's hearts, so if any disciples are corrupted by demons, be sure."

Halfway through, Lu Er raised his head, sighed, and said with emotion: "Now that I think about it, this is also the worst thing I have ever done."

"Because of this move, although Lei Zu's problem of corrupting disciples in various Taoist temples was solved, it caused a more serious consequence."

Last night, Xiaoxue's two chapters of Lihua were circulated. This morning, someone reported and deleted one. It's outrageous. I will repost it later.

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