My whole family has crossed with Goldfinger

Chapter 200 Chapter 200: Missing

Shangyuan Festival, the city that never sleeps.

There are only a lot of people on the long street. It is rare for such a lively day, who is willing to go home early.

Halfway through the game, Xu Dajun and Dong Shuangqi came to knock on the door and said that they ordered hot pot at Manjianghong, and they will enjoy themselves later, so they will go to Manjianghong, have a supper, and go home soon.

The girls were naturally very happy.

And there are elder brothers and cousins ​​doing cutting work, so it doesn't matter if you go back late.

But Wang Ningshuang was the only one who couldn't do it. She said that she would have to go back after playing for a while, otherwise, someone at home should come to look for her.

Just after finishing speaking, there was another knock on the door.

Dong Qinghua couldn't help looking at Wang Ningshuang, "It can't be so fast, can it? It's still early!"

The servant girl opened the door, but there was indeed a nanny next to Mrs. Wang's family outside.

Wang Ningshuang sighed, had no choice but to say goodbye to her friends, got up and went back with her mother.

Her father didn't know Kong Qinfang either, so he didn't know what she looked like.

Although everyone didn't like Kong Qinfang, but thinking about what would happen if a girl's family disappeared, they felt a little uncomfortable.

A girl was lost at the Lantern Festival, and no one would worry about their own children when something like this happened.

Xu Dajun took out his college form to participate in the 800-meter race, and ran back to Qingyunfang, which is still far from Nanmen Street, in one go. Fang Yuxing and Xixin both broke their legs and failed to catch up.

But at this moment, suddenly a stream of people rushed over from the slanting stab, obstructing them for a while, and when the front was clear, they couldn't see Xu Yinyin's figure anymore.

Xu Dajun was sweating profusely. Just now a girl disappeared. He didn't know whether she was abducted or abducted. Suddenly, Xu Yinyin disappeared. Xu Dajun couldn't even imagine the consequences.

She said that if she speeded up her pace, she would speed up her pace without warning. Xu Dajun and Fang Congyun reacted and naturally hurried to follow.

He hurriedly ordered Wutong to report to the official immediately, and asked him to tell the shopkeeper Song to call all the staff and servants together, and to tell the grandfather of the Peng family to let the people on their side They all come, looking for people all over the city.

"It is estimated that each of your families will send someone out to pick you up."

"It's over, it's over, my parents must not beat me to death!" He was so anxious that he was about to cry, for a man, his appearance was really a bit of a bitch, and his mouth was also incoherent.

Xu Yinyin thought that the Kong family really doted on their daughter. Fortunately, they sold the lantern to her just now. If she didn't sell it, she knew that the lantern belonged to her, so she shouldn't copy her shop?
But the person disappeared in a blink of an eye. I don’t know if she was taken away by a kidnapper or something. A girl’s family, who is the same age as Hua’er, is still the age of middle and high school in future generations, and she is really worthy of sympathy.

After thinking about it, she glanced at Xu Dajun, then shook her head, Xu Dajun didn't know Kong Qinfang either, so how could she hear her voice.

The person I saw half an hour ago, who was fine, suddenly disappeared?

Xu Dajun and Xu Yinyin: ...

Fang Congyun didn't know, so he asked Fang Yuxing and Xixin to follow, and he himself walked along the alleys of the long street again to see if there were any clues to follow.

Fang Congyun was a little nervous, but his face was calm, "I'm going home too, just on the way."

But if anyone's family has lost their daughter, they will cover it up and hide it, thinking about finding it secretly, so that no one else will know about it, so as not to hinder their reputation.

Everyone was puzzled, but Wang Ningshuang's expression was complicated, "Something happened. I heard that Kong Qinfang disappeared. The Kong family is looking everywhere. They have searched everywhere, and they even dispatched officers and soldiers! I'm afraid it's not good."

When I got out of the teahouse, I saw a lot of people missing in the street. Officers and soldiers came and went, so that the people didn’t care about watching the lights, and hurried home. If they didn’t know it, they thought there was an enemy attacking the city. .

But when he went out, he came back after a while.

Thinking like this, Xu Yinyin couldn't help speeding up her pace.

Sure enough, after a while, people from several families came to pick them up one after another, and even the young man left.

Seeing Xu Dajun rushing in, but seeing no one behind him, Zhang Xiulan became anxious, "Why are you running away? Where's your sister? Why didn't you come back with you?
I heard that a girl disappeared from the Lantern Festival...could it be your sister? "

Xu Dajun glanced at Xu Yinyin, then at Fang Congyun, "Brother Congyun, why haven't you left yet?"

"My sister is gone!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard it.

Fang Yuxing looked at the three of them and always felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

For a girl's family, there is nothing worse than this.

Xu Chunshan and the others left the teahouse as soon as the commotion broke out in the street, and sent old man Xu and the others back to the shop. They had just entered the house, and they were worried about their son and daughter who were still outside.

That's right, the Kong family loves their daughter so much.

Every year at such a lively festival, there will always be people lost, even the sons and daughters of rich families, and there are quite a few.

"Asarum, where's your girl?!" Xu Dajun was so anxious that cold sweat broke out on his back.

Fang Congyun's eyes on the side were also full of worry and anxiety. He searched around but didn't see anyone, so he could only think in the direction that Miss Xu had been taken away.

At that moment, several people rushed forward to find someone, but they couldn't find Xu Yinyin after walking the long street.

Xi Xin couldn't keep up just now, and now she is anxious, "Master, I didn't look at the girl!"

When Xu Dajun entered the house, he was able to catch his breath, but when his mother grabbed him and asked him, the breath stuck in his throat, which made him cough for a long time, and tears flowed out.

It was Fang Youqin, who obviously should be clapping her hands and applauding happily, but Kong Qinfang had suffered such a thing, so she couldn't be happy at all.

Xu Dajun's brain turned when he heard the word "reporter", and he hurried home.

With such a big movement, it's hard for people like them not to know.

With such a big fanfare like the Kong family, I am afraid that other families will not know that it is the daughter who lost the battle. I am afraid that they will be too anxious and don't care so much.

But I can understand it when I think about it. After all, it is my own sister who is missing.

Xu Dajun and Fang Yuxing waited for Xu Yinyin to come out and were about to go home together when they saw that Fang Congyun hadn't left yet.

He also knew that even if Kong Qinfang was found intact, his reputation would be gone, and his life would probably be ruined as well.

But you can see if there are any girls tied up in this city.

When Zhang Xiulan saw that he was calling her sister instead of Xu Yinyin, she knew that this was not a joke, but a real one. She suddenly felt dizzy, and she was in a daze, "Your sister is missing? Really your sister is missing! I'm a master of the gods! This is so good!"

Xu Chunshan's mind flickered, and he felt numbness from his feet to his head.

Xu Dajun hurriedly said: "Quick, dad, let me hear you, let's find out where my sister is!"

As soon as he said that, both Xu Chunshan and Zhang Xiulan came to their senses, and forgot about the golden finger.

Hurry up, the father and son sat down on the spot, concentrated their energy, one scattered their ears, the other scattered their eyes, and started to search inch by inch in all directions with the place where they were as the center.

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