The Song Dynasty has been deliberate for 16 years, only to know that it is the Water Margin

Chapter 113 The Prelude to the World of Great Controversy Slowly Opens

Chapter 113 The Prelude to the World of Great Controversy Slowly Opens
Zhao Tun's heart trembled slightly when he heard the words, he knew that something was coming.

"Daddy, what are you going to tell the baby?"

Emperor Daojun seemed to be scrambling for words, he even hesitated, this matter was too important, and it was too dangerous.

"Second brother." Emperor Daojun looked at Zhao Tong and said, "You know about Li Liangsi offering advice, right?"

Zhao Tong nodded. Although he didn't participate in this matter, his status is here, so it's hard to know.

"Boy knows about this." Zhao Tun stood quietly, refusing to say a single word.

Emperor Daojun nodded: "After all, it has been delayed for a long time, and it is impossible to keep it secret."

Zhao Tong said: "That's true."

Emperor Daojun glanced outside the palace, and could faintly see white clouds in the sky outside, flowing like smoke waves.

He said: "This matter has been finalized. All the ministers in the court and I mean that it is feasible to unite Jin and defeat Liao. Although there are different voices from below, I think they are all short-sighted!"

Zhao Tong nodded. On the surface, there was nothing wrong with this matter. As for the voices of opposition, there would definitely be voices of opposition, but Emperor Daojun thought it was okay, and objections were useless.

Emperor Daojun always had a thorn in his heart, an indelible humiliation, even if the years had not passed, even if the person who said this sentence at the beginning was already withered and flourishing before the grave, he just couldn't forget it.

Duan Wang is frivolous and cannot rule the world!

Emperor Daojun didn't believe it in his heart. He thought that he had done a good job in the past ten years. The Battle of Longyou expanded the territory to the largest area in this dynasty, and defeated the Tubo Uighurs.

If the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun can be recovered again, then the name will be immortalized forever, and there will be no doubts from the outside world!
Zhao Tong looked at the Taoist Emperor. On the surface, this matter was just like Sun Liu's joint attack on Wei in the Three Kingdoms period. It was feasible strategically, and most people probably thought so.

But Sun-Liu United is Sun-Liu United, that is to unite the weak against the strong, but now it is to unite the strong against the weak!
Sun Tzu's Art of War said: Know yourself and know the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.

The most basic principle before conducting military operations is to have a thorough understanding of the enemy's situation and your own situation, so that the battle will not fail.

Zhao Tang didn't believe that those ministers who were able to make decisions in the court, including the emperor himself, didn't know this sentence, and didn't know what it meant.

A traitor is a traitor, a powerful minister is a powerful minister, and a foolish ruler is a foolish ruler. This has something to do with the inability to fully connect with the vision, and it may be related, but not all.

Then why do you still want to join Jin Faliao?It's just that they overestimated their own military power!
The Battle of Longyou brought out a lot of confidence. Jurchen's 70 broke the Liao Kingdom's [-], which increased a lot of confidence.

I feel that the Liao Kingdom is just like a piece of paper right now, and it will fall if you push it lightly. As for whether the Jin Kingdom is strong or not, it doesn't matter right now, and it's not a war with the Jin Kingdom. At most, it is just another Daliao when it was strong and prosperous.

The Daojun emperor and the ministers probably have this kind of thinking.

Zhao Tong sighed softly in his heart, and said: "Father, since this matter is finalized, don't you want to communicate with the Kingdom of Jin? It's just that the Kingdom of Jin and our Great Song Dynasty do not border on it, so how can we negotiate this matter with that side?"

Emperor Daojun said: "Second brother, you have a good question, so what I and my husbands mean is to take the sea route, first land in Liaodong, and contact each other. If the Kingdom of Jin agrees to form an alliance, we will set a time, and we will go to the sea in the future. discuss."

Zhao Tong said: "But it is an earth-shattering event."

The Daojun Emperor said: "Although there are ministers who oppose it, they always don't understand military affairs, which only increases laughter."

Zhao Tong said, "Daddy Shengming."

Emperor Daojun said: "Second brother, although this matter has been settled, Li Liangsi also said that the golden man is straightforward and looks at the surface, and the contact should not be underestimated. Pay attention, but also have a certain weight!"

Zhao Tun was silent when he heard the words, Li Liangsi was really eloquent, and his words in front of Tong Guan's mansion were worthy of his words.

Seeing that Zhao Tun didn't speak, the Daojun Emperor didn't get annoyed, but continued: "After thinking about it, there are quite a few courtiers who are both civil and military, but there are very few of them..."

Zhao Tong said: "What Daddy said is very true, this kind of thing must be in contact with the high-ranking officials of the Jin Kingdom, even... it is hard to say when you see the Emperor of the Jin Kingdom."

The Emperor Daojun looked at him, and said slowly: "I have seen the news of the court of the Kingdom of Jin, most likely the clan is in power, and the person leading the troops is either the brother of the Emperor of Jin, or the prince."

Zhao Tun said nothing.

Emperor Daojun coughed: "I thought, no matter what, you can't be underestimated by the other party. Tong Guan is certainly not good. There are a few suitable people in the army, but the weight is not enough. Most of them must meet those conditions. In terms of face, you can't let it go, it's better to be the clan."

Zhao Tang thought to himself, where is the clan still there? The clan was either kicked out of Tokyo, or raised as a pig pen. You old man just say that the prince is the only one?

Zhao Tun's face was slightly ugly, and the emperor Daojun continued to say slowly: "But there are no talents in the ordinary clan. After thinking about it, only my princes are promising, but the prince can't." , although the third brother's essays are good, he has no power to restrain a chicken. The ninth brother is both civil and military, but he is too young to be a big deal. I have been thinking about it..."

Speaking of which, the Emperor Daojun stared at Zhao Tun, Zhao Tun lowered his head, wanting me to take the initiative to invite Ying, there is no door, if there is no special purpose in mind for such a thing, who would want to go!
"Second brother." Seeing Zhao Tong bowing his head, Emperor Daojun's face twitched, thinking that this matter is really embarrassing, if it was his own family, he would not go even if he pretended to be sick, he said: "I have been thinking about it for a long time. , only the emperor's son can take on this great task."

Zhao Tong raised his head, with a distressed look on his face: "Daddy, it's not that the boy is refusing, this matter is so big and involves so much, the boy is young and has little knowledge, what if..."

"Second brother, why do you underestimate yourself?" Emperor Daojun seemed to have some knowledge, and hurriedly interrupted: "You are capable of both civil and military affairs. The princes of the Kingdom of Jin can meet and talk to each other, if you go there, Second Brother, this will surely happen!"

Zhao Tang looked thoughtful, and then said: "Father, this matter will go to sea, and then go ashore, it seems that it is still within the range of Beiliao..."

The Emperor Daojun silently picked up the tea bowl on the imperial case, halfway up it, then put it down again, his lips moved, and sighed: "I also know that this trip is very risky, that's why I need someone with both civil and military skills..."

Zhao Tong frowned: "Father, Liao Kingdom is certainly risky, but it's not impossible to hide and bypass it. The main reason is that pirates are rampant in this sea, above the sea, but it is far more dangerous than in Liao territory."

Emperor Daojun had a headache for a while. How could he not know about this maritime issue? The prosperity of maritime commerce in this dynasty is accompanied by rampant pirates. Some small towns along the coast are often attacked by pirates, but these pirates come and go like the wind, no more than those who occupy mountains. Bandits who sit on the ground and distribute money for the king are not easy to catch.

"Second brother..."

"Daddy, my son once said that he would help daddy to take back the Sixteen States of Yanyun, this matter..." Zhao Tang felt that the atmosphere was almost brewing, the hesitation on his face gradually turned into determination, and he thought for a few more breaths, and suddenly fell down on his knees. On the ground, said: "This matter, my child is willing to go!"

(End of this chapter)

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