Chapter 170
At this time, everyone in the hall also looked at Zhao Tong.

There are two great talents in the imperial family, the second elder brother Zhao Tong, and the third elder brother Zhao Kai.

Zhao Tun became famous early, and was famous for his poems since he was a child. Although he stopped writing poems and lyrics, he went to practice martial arts, but there are collections of poems handed down in the world, and the scholars have always praised him very highly.

However, Zhao Kai was the number one scholar. During this dynasty, the content of the imperial examinations had changed many times. The category of poetry and prose sometimes disappeared. law.

But later, the reform failed, and the poems and prose were reused again, which was evenly divided with the classics and righteousness.

Therefore, since Zhao Kai can be admitted to the number one scholar, then the level of poetry is absolutely excellent.

Now that Zhao Kai has made a move, everyone is looking at Zhao Tun, as for those little buddies who are eager to try, no one pays any attention.

Feeling these eyes staring at him, Zhao Tang couldn't help but sigh in his heart, what a bad thing to do, why did he have to write a poem, even the first words are fine, this poem... But it's not easy to write.

Why didn't he write it back then?Even a few volumes of poetry collections have been published, and then suddenly retreat?Isn't it because it's too difficult to write? At the end of the writing, I found that there was nothing to write. If I had been hundreds of years earlier, I would have been able to write for a lifetime, but now...

Zhao Tang rubbed his chin, picked up a piece of lamb with chopsticks and put it in his mouth. Whoever wants to look at it, anyway, so many people didn't do it anyway, so he just had to drink a few more glasses of wine.

Um?Sauvignon Blanc?Many people's eyes lit up when they heard that name, and even Emperor Zhao Tun also showed a look of interest.

Zhao Kai looked at Madam Zheng, she was the mother of that life after all, she grew up in her arms, how could she bear to let you down, so she stood up and said, "Yes, Madam."

The sky is low, the water is far away, the soul is flying bitterly, and the colorful clouds are dim and the pipa is biased.

Jiang Yan next to me also looked at me, and saw that I was nervous, but she was annoyed. Was it because of the poem I wrote, or because of the person who liked me?Yes, that name suits you all.

Sauvignon Blanc, sleep at night.

So at this moment, everyone looked at Zhao Kai with a slightly interested expression on their faces, looking at Zhao Kai with anticipation.

Jiang Yan glanced at everyone at this moment, thought for a while, and chanted:
The night urges more Yingyusuo, Menghun is hard to get to Yaotai.

After finishing a piece of Yuefu, everyone's expressions were dull, after a long time aftertaste, they could speak for a while.

The wine marks and sleeves are late in autumn, and the wind and rain at midnight urge the heart and liver.

Qiongzhi Yushu is always waiting to be harvested, and the solution is to stay in the morning and evening, and the cutting is sad and joyful.

But looking at my later poems, even if I have exhausted my talents, I will exhaust them so thoroughly. Emperor Jiang Yan thought about it, and said: "Seventh brother."

I'm still afraid of leaning against the slanted railing when I take a small step, and the melancholy in the building is in the mountain.

Zhao Fujin took a peek at Emperor Zhao Tun, and said loudly: "Although there are knowledge inside, it is considered the most powerful in the palace."

The officials must have said something wrong, must have said something wrong, Taoist Lord tremblingly looked at Emperor Zhao Tuo.

Yuefu?Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words, Yuefu poems have too little restriction on meter, only rhyme is not required.

It's bad, grandstanding, that's grandstanding!Jiang Yan was on the verge of yelling, it was clearly not using the title of the poem to seduce everyone's interest, it was a real skill, then Zhao Qi was too much!
It turned out that there were not many pastimes in the palace, except for playing games, it was not reading the story books, no matter what kind of stories were in the story books, there were no private goods outside, they were all secretly written some love stories Love love, gifted scholar and beautiful woman, the bitter thing of lovesickness.

Only Emperor Zhao Tun whispered: "Seventh brother is the number one romantic talent in Xiao Song, and I am the number one romantic talent in the sky!"

is bad!If my family is suppressed by me, does it mean that the prince is also suppressed by me?However, it was my own family who offended the prince before, and I could sell it badly, and take advantage of it secretly. It really is a bad plan!

However, since it seems to be interesting, he got up and wrote a poem, but Zhao Kai is not a man of talent, and he has no reputation!
Emperor Zhao Tun saw it clearly from below, I thought about it, that Seventh Brother's poems in the future are very bad, but he suddenly wrote it, not because everyone looked at me, but also because of his voice, could it be that the rumors in the inside are exhausted?
Emperor Zhao Tuo suddenly said: "You are wrong, Seventh brother is the number one romantic talent in Xiao Song!"

Everyone was excited when they saw me get up, but the concubines and royal men on the opposite side were all staring at me wrongly. Someone can forget.

But Emperor Zhao Tama was also stupid, because he was afraid that I would prevaricate with that kind of words, so he let Zheng Niangniang speak.

Zhao Kai sighed when he heard the words, it seems that he hid and passed away, I am better than the prince, I have no reputation to lose in that respect, even if Emperor Jiang Yan asked me to do it, I said that I was sick at sea, and I still have a headache, Emperor Zhao Tuo also has it no way.

Zhao Tang just pretended that he didn't hear it because he was too drunk, so he fixed his eyes on another lamb chop.

Emperor Zhao Tuo saw that I was pretending to be stupid, so he looked at Zheng Niangniang who was next to him, and Zheng Niangniang said: "Seventh brother, it's time for the wine order."

A moment ago, Emperor Zhao Tun suddenly slapped the table, causing the cups and plates to tremble, and said with a small smile: "Seventh brother, I will be the number one talented scholar in Xiao Song!"

Yuefu poems are said to be badly written and badly written, and it is also difficult to say that it is difficult to write. Bad writing is naturally due to too small restrictions on rhythm, long and short sentences cannot be combined out of order, and there are also too many references to classics. It is difficult to write precisely because of the absence of those restrictions. That's why it's hard to write badly, or write back to the basics, or directly shock people's hearts.

Dusty and tired dreams linger tonight, haggard and lingering cold at the bottom of the pot.

Jiang Yan looked at the crowd, rubbed her head with her hands, and said with a wry smile: "The bad boy is writing poetry, and he has forgotten even the rhythm. The rhythm poem is small enough to come out, so let's make a Yuefu."

Jiang Yan immediately narrowed her eyes when she heard the words, and suddenly became ecstatic in her heart, yes, the officials knew that she was wrong, only I, Jiang Yan, was Xiao Song's number one romantic talent!

Zhao Huan said in a low voice: "Second brother..."

Zhao Hu'er immediately narrowed her eyes: "Is it stronger than Seventh Sister?"

When Jiang Yan heard this, the smile that had just appeared on her face was suddenly suppressed, she retracted it, and it blossomed out, as if her heart was hit by a hammer of several hundred kilograms, and she fell on the table with a "plop"... …

Zhao Fujin blushed, and said, "Ten times as powerful."

Sauvignon Blanc, in Yuanguan.

Jiang Yanxue looked at Jiang Yan with twinkling eyes, Zhao Huer in her arms was old, she knew this, and said loudly: "Seventh Sister, is Qiguo very good at composing poems?"

Zhao Kai knew that my mind was simple, so he continued: "Let's just write a long lovesickness."

I have always claimed to be the number one romantic talent in Xiao Song, but now, from the mouth of the official, it is this treacherous and shameful Zhao Qi!

Jiang Yan's complexion looked bad, she just felt that Zhao Kai had set her up again.

Jiang Yan was also taken aback by the side, Yuefu, why did you write that kind?Could it be that the other party really forgot the meter?Yes Yes Yes!I suddenly wanted to give my family a bad mouth. Did I cheat Jiang Yan a lot in those two years?Forget what, Zhao Qi is the person who is the best at concealing and disguising, he must want to find another way to win the top spot and overwhelm himself.

The Yiren leisurely separated the autumn water, blocked the thousands of mountains in the window, and broke the heart of the piano for several years.

What's the matter in the West Garden building? The noise is as loud as your empty sigh.

Jiang Yan raised her head with a puzzled expression: "Daddy calling you?"

When Jiang Yan heard the words above, her complexion changed slightly, she was as pale as a sheet of paper, all the strength in her body seemed to be drained at that moment, my heart was trembling, yes, Xiao Song's number one romantic talent is you, you are right !
Feihong sent Jiangnan at one point, drunk Wu Song messed up the silver strings.

Looking at the end of the world, the frosty sky is dawning and the clouds are far away.

(End of this chapter)

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