Chapter 276 Back to Tokyo

Three days later, the army left Luzhou City mightily.

Then he went north to Shouzhou and stayed for two days. After the forbidden troops originally stationed in Huaixi states gathered, they began to return officially.

It is already the beginning of autumn at this moment. Although it is hot at noon, it is already slightly cool in the morning and evening. Xiaoxing spends the night on the road, but after a short time, he has entered the border of Gyeonggi.

Zhao Tuan sent 10,000 soldiers and horses, and [-]+ soldiers and horses returned. He not only gathered the remnants of Deng Xunwu's army, but also brought back the forbidden troops who surrendered to Wang Qing, and other surrendered troops.

For this part of the surrendered army, Zhao Tun probably picked up the majestic figure and clean background, and those who came from refugees were taken in, and planned to be incorporated into the Xiang army after returning to Tokyo.

Along the way, the banners are waving, and there is no crime in autumn.

The common people all knew that the second great king of the current dynasty rehabilitated Huaixi and returned triumphantly. They just watched from a distance, pointed and talked boldly, and talked in a low voice.

However, after entering Gyeonggi, this situation became more heated. When the counties under Kaifeng Prefecture were interspersed, there were more people, and there were constant shouts, most of which were praises.

Seeing this scene immediately, Zhao Tun couldn't help frowning.

It is a good thing that the people love it, but Gyeonggi-do is too close to Tokyo, so it is inevitable that someone with a heart will write it down, and then go to make a small report to the emperor.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glance back at Jiang You behind him.

Originally, Jiang You rode in a car, but after entering Gyeonggi, he had to get off the car and ride a horse. At this time, he was chatting with Deng Xunwu, Wang Xiang and others.

Deng Xunwu and Wang Xiang were in low spirits at the moment, and kept moaning and sighing. They only thought about how to plead guilty after returning to the court, but didn't care too much about the shouts of the people. Words of praise are heard in the heart.

It's just that he didn't show any special expression, and he always had a serious and slightly joyful look, which was very in line with the current situation of returning triumphantly.

Zhao Tong looked back at him, Jiang You immediately bowed slightly on the horse, and said, "What's your order?"

Zhao Tun shook his head with a smile, but did not speak.

The scenery on Gyeonggi-do is good at this time. After several counties in Kaifeng, you can see wheat fields on both sides of the official road.

Kaifeng has a lot of water, and the fields in Gyeonggi have always had good harvests. Although the mergers of fields in various places have become more serious in recent years, the surrounding area of ​​Kaifeng is slightly better in comparison.

After all, there can be no refugees in Gyeonggi. Once there are refugees in Gyeonggi, even if the court has always turned a blind eye to land matters, it will definitely intervene.

The Song Dynasty was different from other dynasties in dealing with land annexation.

For this kind of matter that seriously shakes the foundation of the country, the Song court has always ignored it, not to mention letting it go, it is also sitting idly by.

This also caused the Song Dynasty to have continuous rebellions and uprisings, ranking first in all dynasties.

The Song court turned a blind eye to the land annexation, and did not stop the response attitude. There are two reasons.

The first is the promise that Emperor Taizu released his military power with a glass of wine back then, allowing senior officials to collect a large amount of land as compensation for these people's deprivation of military power.

And this kind of situation became more and more serious, and other officials followed suit. Later, eunuchs such as Yang Jian also began to steal and plunder, which has become a means of amassing wealth.

The aristocratic class is very powerful, and trying to stop it at this time will inevitably cause a strong backlash. As the power of the Song Dynasty is getting stronger, the power of the aristocratic class is deeply entrenched, and it has no power to stop this behavior in an all-round way.

The second is that in the more than [-] years of the Great Song Dynasty, although land mergers have been fierce, the agricultural level has been highly developed, including the production level has also been greatly improved. The problem of land mergers has actually activated the commercial economy. Other related industries can allow some people to live on.

The Song court also encouraged the reclamation of wasteland. With the intensification of land annexation, many farmers still went to reclaim wasteland, which also allowed some advanced agricultural technologies to be discovered and used, which stimulated a significant increase in food production.

At the same time, the Song Dynasty vigorously developed the manufacturing and textile industries, which promoted the development of these industries and alleviated the land problem. This is actually the basic national policy of the Song Dynasty to govern the country.

However, the implementation of this national policy must rely on a large amount of wasteland within the national territory.Although the Song Dynasty had a large population, there were actually a lot of wasteland at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, which happened to be in line with this point.

Throughout the dynasties and dynasties, land has always been the foundation of the country's survival.In order to maintain and consolidate the rule of the court and stabilize the order of the people, the people in power in each dynasty will use various means to suppress the phenomenon of land annexation. However, the Song Dynasty ignored this phenomenon and developed industries such as textile manufacturing and trade. Alleviate the contradictions caused by land mergers and stimulate economic prosperity.

But Zhao Tong knew in his heart that this kind of development was actually abnormal, it was drinking poison to quench thirst!

Everything is still based on the fact that there must be wilderness to open up and business to operate.

Why are there so many refugees running around every year? It’s just that there are fewer and fewer wastelands, and even if some of them are opened up, they will be annexed again in a short time. Making wedding dresses for officials and gentlemen, in the end they are not their own.

Therefore, there will only be more and more begging begging, running around, going up the mountain, and rebelling.

As for business, the most fearful thing is war. Once a war breaks out, especially a national war, a country that relies on commerce and trade for prosperity will easily collapse. After all, it is the era of cold weapons.

Zhao Tang looked at the wheat fields on both sides of the official road, and his mood gradually became heavy. At this time, a few horses galloped in front of the army, and they saw that they were eunuchs from the palace.

Yao Pingzhong, who was the vanguard in front, brought these people in front of Zhao Tun. It turned out that Emperor Daojun had a decree to come down.

Zhao Tuo called to stop the army, and then received the order, but it was said that the Emperor Daojun was very concerned about the recapture of Huaixi by the Gyeonggi Forbidden Army, and wanted to hold a comforting ceremony outside the south gate of Tokyo.

However, the time is not set for today, but for tomorrow morning, so it was ordered that Zhao Tong and the army should stay outside for the night and not enter the city for the time being.

Zhao Tong calculated the distance, and it is only thirty miles away from Tokyo. There is no county in front of him, but there is a town where troops can be stationed. Otherwise, there are wheat fields on both sides of the official road, and there is no place to set up camp.

He glanced at the sky, and gave Yao Pingzhong a few instructions, asking him to take the Xiang army and luggage to the town to arrange the camp, and the army moved forward slowly after falling.

It wasn't until the sun turned to the west and turned into a color of rouge that the army slowly came to the town.

This place is only about ten miles away from Tokyo City, and a large camp has already been set up outside the town, and then began to bury pots and cook food. As the fireworks gradually rose, the camp became a little lively.

After dinner, Zhao Tang sat bored in the handsome tent, so he called Shen Fei and asked him to pick ten people from the Scarlet Pioneer Group.

The Scarlet Vanguard is his personal guard, occupying the establishment of the Imperial Army, which can be regarded as his own benefit.

However, Zhao Tong usually does not call people from the Scarlet Pioneer Group. When he is in Tokyo, he is either thrown to the barracks to practice with the horse infantry, or he is thrown to Xu Ning to teach the hook and sickle spear technique alone.

This time he brought out the Scarlet Pioneer Group to suppress Wang Qing, but because he sneaked into Luzhou himself, this group of people followed Zong Ze. After several battles, he also made a lot of contributions. Never broken.

After a while, Shen Fei brought people over, and Zhao Tun was already standing outside the tent. When the teenagers saw Zhao Tun and saluted, Zhao Tun glanced at each of them, and finally his gaze fell on Shen Fei, saying: "Follow me to the town Go shopping."

The teenagers praised everything, with excited expressions on their faces.

Originally, they were all young, and it was the time when they loved to play and play. It was okay when they were in Tokyo, and they could go out for a walk when they had time. However, in the past few months to conquer Wang Qing, they either stayed in the army or fought on the battlefield. They are all young at heart, and they have long been bored and panicked.

At this moment, the sky is not yet dark, the setting sun slantly shines on the town, the golden glow is spreading, and the smoke is curling up, reflecting the scenery of the countryside and the market.

The large military camp is set up outside the town, but the town has not been affected much. It has neither ordered a curfew nor prevented the people from going out. Maybe they have seen it a lot. The people in the suburbs of Beijing are not afraid of the forbidden army. In addition, there are more talks about the triumphant return of the two kings.

The name of the town is Lanxia. It is said that it was not originally called this name. During the reign of Shenzong, Mr. Wang Daxiang once went out to return to Beijing, and he came back too late, so he settled in the town.

It was probably spring at that time, and according to the status of Mr. Wang, no one would stop him if he rushed into the city at night, but when he arrived at the town, he saw that the town was full of sunshine at dusk and the scenery was beautiful, so he stayed there for one night and wrote a poem. It was named after Lanxia, ​​and the town has been called this name since then.

Zhao Tang and Shen Fei entered the town on foot. Although Shen Fei and the others were all wearing military uniforms, there were not many pedestrians in the town at mealtime, and some of them didn't care when they saw it. After all, the Forbidden Army came from these suburban towns That being said, it's really not that rare.

There are two roads in the town, one is the main road, which is paved with blue stones, and it looks fairly neat. There are some shops on both sides, because of the time, most of them are closed, and the other is interspersed with people's houses. In front of the house is a side road.

Zhao Tang led the people to walk slowly. At this time, the aroma of food was wafting in the air. Some people facing the street directly placed small dining tables outside the courtyard, and some people simply squatted under the big locust tree by the roadside, holding a thick bowl, squatting on the ground Eat and drink.

Most of the shops still open on both sides of the main road are wine shops and tea shops. Originally, the town is small and cannot accommodate so many shops, but this is the main road from the south of Gyeonggi Province to Tokyo. Business is easy.

There is also a brothel in the town. Although it is not dark at the moment, a series of red lanterns have been picked out. There is a girl with dark eyebrows and official powder. She can't be called beautiful, but she is also attractive. look down.

Most of the sparse pedestrians on the road showed some furtiveness when they came here. At first, they kept their eyes straight, with their heads held high, but when they got closer, they felt the surroundings were empty, and they suddenly raised their heads to take a look.

The elder sister's eyes lit up immediately, and she waved the silk handkerchief in her hand, her eyes seemed to be drawn away like silk, and she just wanted to say something sweet, but unexpectedly, the man turned his head quickly and covered his ears, and his feet accelerated , as if he had done some heinous thing, he fled away.

When my sister saw this, she laughed angrily upstairs, cursing: "There are things with evil intentions and no courage..."

Zhao Tong and his group stopped and walked, appreciating the scenery of the town, and talking about the battlefield situation that day, when they came to a tea shop.

Looking at the signboard, it's called Zhuxian Tea Shop, Shen Fei said: "My lord, I'm afraid it wasn't opened by the people from Zhuxian Town."

Zhao Tong nodded, Zhuxian Town is four or fifty miles away from Kaifeng, and it is the largest town in Kaifeng's counties. It is far more prosperous than this Lanxia Town. Judging from the brand of this tea shop, it is likely that the merchants over there opened it here .

At this time, there were not many customers in the tea shop, and the business was weak during dinner and evening hours. Looking from the window, there were only three or five tables sparsely seated inside, but there were faint voices of storytellers.

Zhao Tong walked to the door, and the storyteller was an old man with white beard and hair, wearing a blue shirt, his face was full of vicissitudes left by the years, and he was telling a story about the king of Yue sweeping north.

The King of Yue is Luo Tong, the grandson of Luo Yi, Marquis of Jingbian in the Sui Dynasty, and the son of Luo Cheng, the Duke of Yue in the Tang Dynasty.

Luo Tong, with a white horse and silver gun, took command of the north at the age of 13. He was the first of the second generation of heroes in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. By the time Xue Rengui conquered the East, Luo Tong was already a rare enemy in the world.

The old storyteller is now talking about the entanglement between Luo Tong and the Turkic princess, which is the marriage before the battle, and the regret after the battle, which is embarrassing.

Zhao Tong shook his head when he heard this, and asked the others to wait outside the door, and led Shen Fei into the store alone.

At this time, I saw a little girl with double braids and a red shirt standing on the other side of the old storyteller. She had a small jade-like face and her eyes were like lacquer spots, and she fell on him at this moment.

"Growing taller again..." Zhao Tang muttered, found a table and sat down, and a store brought tea brands.

After a while, the tea was served, and the old man continued to lecture, the little girl next to him showed a sweet smile, walked over, poured tea for Zhao Tong, and then looked at him.

Zhao Tang stretched out his hand, wanting to touch her head like before, but then he paused and said, "How old are you now?"

The little girl said: "It's eleven."

Zhao Tong smiled, withdrew his hand, and stopped talking.

After listening to a section of the book, Zhao Tong got up, Shen Fei left silver taels on the table, Zhao Tong said: "Let's go."

The little girl moved her eyes, let out a soft "heh", followed behind Zhao Tun, and sent him out. She didn't turn back until she couldn't see the figure, she seemed very happy...

On the second day, a grand military comfort ceremony was held outside the South Gate of Tokyo to welcome the triumphant return of the conquest army.

The Emperor Daojun would not appear in person, and sent the Minister of Rites, Bai Shizhong, to preside over it. Because the previous two crusades against Wang Qing had failed, so this time he wanted to celebrate with great fanfare to save face, and even read the imperial decree for a long time. time.

Next came various rewards, and the merit books had already been sent to Tokyo Chaoshang. Although the promotion of officers and ranks of generals in the army could not be carried out here, the rewards for the soldiers were directly distributed.

According to the promise of killing thieves on the battlefield at that time, the court was not stingy, and large boxes of copper coins and silver were distributed, causing the soldiers to keep shouting long live the official family.

The court of the Great Song Dynasty never withheld these rewards, and the Taoist emperor had to make a show for the imperial army and the people to watch. As long as you can win the battle, the court must keep its word and spare money.

At the same time, the Emperor Daojun is so grandiose, but he actually wants to show the Western Army that even if I don't need you, I can win the battle.

The military consolation ceremony only ended in the morning, and the entire Tokyo city was almost boiling. Almost everyone knew about this great victory, and everyone knew about it.

Then the soldiers returned to the camp, waiting for the order to rest and take a holiday.

The generals entered the city, and Zhao Tun was directly summoned to the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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