Chapter 288 Shocked

Zhou Chu went out of the pavilion to look, and saw the Fanlou thugs in front of him flashing a way, and dozens of soldiers came from the middle.

The leader of these soldiers was a thin, high-school-aged man with a sinister appearance and a cold complexion, who looked like a wolf.

Seeing this person, Zhou Chu couldn't help but smile, he certainly recognized that the person who came was Wu Yiqian, the left servant of the Ministry of War.

Seeing that the other party didn't intend to stop at all, and was about to rush over to the pavilion, Zhou Chu immediately shouted: "Wait!"

Wu Yiqian only paused slightly, snorted coldly, and continued to move forward.

As the left servant of the Ministry of War, he is a proper purple-robed minister, how could he listen to a guard.

After walking a few more steps, Wu Yiqian said, "Catch them all!"

When the soldiers behind heard that they were about to step forward, Zhou Chu sneered and said, "Form up!"

Immediately, the ten guards including him all took out their hand crossbows and lined up in two rows, five in front and five in back, with the crossbow arrows in their hands pointing forward.

Wu Yiqian stopped in his tracks instantly, his expression extremely ugly.

He was shocked, it turned out to be crossbow arrows, how could these guards have crossbow arrows?

You must know that crossbow arrows are only available in the army, and private possession by the people is a capital offense, even more serious than hiding armor at home.

The ban on crossbows in the Song Dynasty has reached a heinous level. There is no other reason. Crossbow arrows are the only thing that has an advantage against the Liao army.
"You..." Wu Yiqian took a deep breath, and spoke with difficulty, without the slightest hint of bossing around.

He looked at the crossbow in the opponent's hand. There was nothing wrong with it. They were all standard hand crossbows. They looked very new, and it was unlikely that they were passed on to the outside world.

Since it is not spread, it is a normal distribution, but even if it is a normal distribution, it cannot be taken out of the army at will. Ordinary forbidden troops leave the barracks to walk outside, and they are absolutely not allowed to wear crossbows!
But obviously, these people in front of them are neither performing any military duties, nor are they in the barracks, so why are they carrying crossbow arrows?

The more Wu Yiqian thought about it, the more guilty he felt. Judging from the posture of these people lined up, they must be the forbidden army, but the problem is that according to the description of the Tang Shangshu family, these guards should not be members of the army!

At this time, Zhou Chu laughed and said: "Wu Shilang, please don't move around. Little people don't practice this kind of thing less than those horse soldiers outside the city. If they shoot out with unsteady hands, Wu Shilang will be fine." Don't blame it!"

Wu Yiqian couldn't help sweating from his forehead when he heard the words. As a servant of the Ministry of War, he was naturally familiar with crossbows and arrows. This crossbow is no better than a bow. Something went wrong, and that was the sliding arrow.

It was just that the trigger was not pulled, and the arrow shot out by itself. Although this kind of situation rarely happened, it did happen. Just last year, it happened once in the crossbow camp of the Tianwu Army. The hand crossbow slid arrows at close range and directly penetrated the two of them, killing one and injuring the other.

He looked at Zhou Chu, coughed lightly, tried to put on a calm expression, and said, "Do you recognize me?"

He wasn't wearing an official uniform, so the other party could recognize him like this. Obviously, it couldn't be some bandit on the mountain outside, but he could only be a member of the army.

But it seems extremely rare for soldiers in the army to recognize him without his official uniform.

The Ministry of War actually didn't care about the army during this dynasty. Although they went to the barracks occasionally, most of them were on paper business, and they didn't have many chances to have direct contact with the imperial army.

That's why he wondered how the other party recognized him at a glance.

Zhou Chudao: "Of course I know Mr. Minister, but it is impossible for Mr. to remember me."

Wu Yiqian looked at him without saying a word.

Zhou Chu smiled and said again: "When Mr. Shi Lang was transferred back to Gyeonggi from Hedong Road, I met him. At that time, he was full of vigor and spirit, which was enviable."

Wu Yiqian's face changed slightly when he heard the words. He was transferred back to the capital 13 years ago. Could it be that the guard was in the army at that time?But this is not right, his official position was not high at that time, he was only a fifth rank, how could he be noticed by a soldier?
Wu Yiqian tried his best to keep his voice calm, without showing any emotion: "Who are you guys? In the pavilion... who is there?"

He asked this question very cautiously, to be able to sit in the position of a servant, one does not have to have a background and money, but one has to be able to see everywhere and adapt to the situation, otherwise, wouldn't the stupid son of the prime minister's family also be a prime minister?

He already felt something bad in his heart. Even if the other party was just a few guards, they were so calm that it was impossible not to have doubts in his heart.

"Wu Shilang, if you want to know who my master is, you can tell when you go in, but these people are not allowed to come!" Zhou Chu said, and nodded with his chin to the soldiers of the Ministry of War in front.

Wu Yiqian thought for a while when he heard the words, and then said "OK", and ordered behind him: "You are not allowed to follow, otherwise the military law will be used!"

Those government soldiers are actually the formation of the Xiang Army, and their daily management is loose, but they are not fools. They have already seen that the situation in front of them is not right, and immediately said "yes" when they heard the words, not only stopped, but also retreated a few times. ruler.

Zhou Chu said with a smile: "Wu Shilang, please come here!"

Hearing this, Wu Yiqian walked forward, Zhou Chu saw a figure with a hairpin on his hair that was very eye-catching among the soldiers, and upon closer inspection, he turned out to be a young man in a brocade robe. come over!"

The brocade robed gentleman with the hairpin is none other than Mr. Tang in the pavilion over there. He went to move troops to Wu Shilang's mansion. Crossbow arrows.

He is not one of Fan Lou's thugs who don't have much knowledge, so he naturally knows what the crossbow arrows represent, and he secretly screamed in his heart, and then saw Wu Shilang being restrained again, so he wanted to sneak away with the soldiers, but unexpectedly To be seen around.

"If you don't come here again, I'll shoot arrows!" Zhou Chu pointed his crossbow at him as he said.

Immediately, those government soldiers hid to the sides, and instantly exposed Mr. Tang in the middle.

Mr. Tang twitched his cheeks, forced a smile, and said, "Don't shoot a good man, I'll come over."

As he spoke, he slowly stepped forward, followed Wu Yiqian into the pavilion, and then Zhou Chu also followed.

Wu Yiqian entered the pavilion, looked behind the flower table, met Zhao Tong's gaze, and his face suddenly turned pale.

"Ah..." How is it possible, how is this possible, how could it be this person!
It's not that he didn't think of this person in front of the pavilion just now, but he denied it later, because this person has always lived reclusively, and basically doesn't go to places like brothels and Chuguan. What happened today? !

This is really killing me!
His face was pale, he stepped forward two steps hastily, and saluted: "Qi..."

Before he finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Zhao Tang: "Master Wu, I heard the commotion outside, did you bring someone to arrest me?"

Ah ah ah ah ah!Wu Yiqian was panicked and frightened at the moment, he gave Mr. Tang a bewildered look next to him a hard look, wiped the cold sweat off his brow, bowed and said, "Well, it's not... I, the next official..."

Zhao Tong said coldly: "It's not what? I heard it wrong, or the guards outside saw it wrong. You brought troops here to surround the door of my son's pavilion. Could it be that you want to..."

Wu Yiqian trembled when he heard the words, what was he thinking?He doesn't think about anything, he's here to find his own son, doesn't he still want to rebel?
Thinking of the word rebellion, I couldn't help but kneel down as soon as my knees softened.

Zhou Chu strode forward at this time, directly supported Wu Yiqian's waist, preventing him from kneeling down, and said: "Master Wu, be careful in your words and deeds!"

Wu Yiqian felt powerless all over, and hurriedly said: "Yes, yes..."

Zhao Tong said: "Master Wu led troops to block the door of my son's house, what a great official authority!"

Wu Yiqian felt his heart tremble when he heard the words: "My lord, I am an official, is there any official, I am here, I want to..."

Zhao Tong snorted coldly: "What are you thinking? Get out of here and stand there!"

Wu Yiqian was confused and flustered, and hurriedly said: "I'll go as soon as I'm an official." As he said, he walked towards the wall with no expression on his face.

Seeing Wu Yiqian passing by, Zhou Chu raised his leg and kicked Mr. Tang's ass, "You go too!"
At this moment, Mr. Tang's mind seemed to be in a mess, and he couldn't distinguish the situation before him, so he followed him tremblingly.

All the women in the pavilion saw that these two men had also gone to stand by the wall, they couldn't help but their faces were dull, and the room was silent for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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