The Song Dynasty has been deliberate for 16 years, only to know that it is the Water Margin

Chapter 493: Soldiers never tire of deceit, hiding the truth from the enemy

The night was dark and gloomy, like a strange world, with heavy rain pouring down, and the front was hazy, making it difficult to see the mountains and rivers.

Li Changshuo walked in the rain with seven or eight thousand troops and horses behind him. Waterdrops flowed down his helmet and into his neck. He stretched out his hand anxiously and wiped it hard, shouting: "Quick, hurry up!"

Unfortunately, the sound of rain, whistling wind, and noisy footsteps suppressed his voice in an instant, and no one responded.

Just now, he led his soldiers out of Shichuan City and headed east. However, it was difficult to move forward in the rain curtain and the scene was difficult to distinguish. At this moment, he had only gone ten miles away.

Huizhou is on the other side of Roulang Mountain. If they want to get there, they have to turn slightly southeast and bypass Roulang Mountain.

In fact, Li Changshuo doesn't want to go to Huizhou, but there is another way to go north, along the Lingbo Mountain to the northeast, Benshatuo County and Yingli City.

But the path there was close to the place where the Song army opened the gate to release water, and Shichuan was more than [-] miles away from Shatuo. They marched in the rain and had to travel a long distance, fearing that it would be difficult to reach the place and they would be overtaken by the Song army.

So, there was no choice but to go to Huizhou.

The night was vast and I couldn't light up a torch, so I walked forward based on my feeling. Fortunately, the road was not completely washed away by the heavy rain, so I could walk on the hard bottom under the mud without walking into a mountain pit or getting stuck in the grass.

He didn't know how far he had traveled. Li Changshuo felt as if the day and night were as long as day and night, but he still urged the team. Although he did not see the Song army ambush, he did not dare to relax his vigilance at all. He could think of flooding Shikawa River. How could the scheming people not ambush and intercept them on their way out?

It’s just that there are a lot of people on his side. Although heavy rain will suddenly reduce the combat power of the army, so will the opponent’s cavalry. Speaking of which, they take advantage of the rain and mud. The cavalry is almost useless in this weather, because the horses Can't run.

Seven to eight thousand people, if they meet the Song Army infantry blocking the road, they can definitely fight!
The rain finally subsided a little, and there was a faint light seeping out of the corner of the sky.

After walking for most of the night, it was almost dawn.

The scout at the outpost came back to report that he had reached the south of Roulang Mountain. As long as he turned around, the boundary of Huizhou would be on the other side, which was only more than 100 miles away from Huizhou.

When Li Changshuo heard this, instead of showing any joy, he frowned and walked only nearly thirty miles?

Shichuan is 150 miles away from Huizhou and only 27 miles south of Roulang Mountain. It took us most of the night to cover such a distance?

In fact, according to common sense, it is not bad. For ordinary soldiers and horses marching at night, it is still raining heavily. It is actually not easy to walk such a long distance.

But Li Changshuo knew that it was impossible, it was not enough, especially when the sky was about to get brighter, the danger would further increase. He gritted his teeth and ordered again: "Speed ​​up, go around Roulang Mountain, and don't stop until we reach the other side of Roulang Mountain!"

The soldiers were complaining and cursing at this time. Everyone was exhausted. From the waist down, they were the color of muddy water, and their upper bodies were soaked. When the wind blew, they couldn't help but sneeze.

The generals had horses to ride on, but they did not. The generals were covered with oil coats, and at most they had a straw hat, which was useless under such heavy rain.

Some cursed: "If I didn't drown in the city, I would have died of typhoid fever."

Others said angrily: "How can you drown in the city? Although the Song soldiers released water, they could just climb up to the roof, and the top of the city is so high that it is impossible to be flooded."

Some murmured in a low voice: "It's okay to die from typhoid fever, but I'm afraid that the Song army will catch up or ambush, and kill with a sword, but there will be no intact body..."

Some were angry: "The worst thing is, I just vote!"

Li Changshuo vaguely heard these voices in front, but he had no other option at the moment. He couldn't kill a hundred policemen at this time. They had already been exhausted from walking all night. Killing them would be useless, and would only further increase the panic.

The sky is getting brighter and brighter, and the rain has gradually subsided. Things can be clearly distinguished in the distance, and Roulang Mountain is halfway south.

A dense forest belt appears in front, and the trees on the mountain begin to grow. Roulang is different from Lingbo. Lingbo has more rocks, while Roulang has more trees.

"Turn this way and you can rest on the spot for a quarter of an hour!" Li Changshuo ordered. At this moment, the team was extremely long, and stragglers began to appear in the rear.

But just when he had given the order for less than ten breaths, suddenly the majestic "Woo-Woo" sound of the horn came from the mountain next to it, and then random arrows shot out from the forest on the mountain like locusts. The Xixia army immediately became chaotic...

Less than half an hour later, Du Bo was standing in the muddy water holding a snake spear in his hand, while Li Changshuo knelt in front of him with his face tied and his face ashen.

The battle ended very quickly. Instead of fighting to the death with the Song army as Li Changshuo had expected, the battle ended with a symbolic resistance under the enemy's arrow rain. After a wave of killings, it was difficult to escape, so he surrendered directly.

Is the Daxia army already so corrupt?Li Changshuo couldn't believe it, but what he saw in front of him left no room for doubt.

With his seated horse and his precious armor, he could have broken through and rushed to the Roulang Mountain side, but unexpectedly, the two Shikawa lieutenants behind him suddenly rebelled and knocked him off their horse, and then shouted: " Capture the Xixia general alive, the villain is willing to surrender to the Song Dynasty”!
What is this?

Li Changshuo was horrified. Are all the border generals so bloodless?He has never led troops to garrison in one place in these years. He has only patrolled everywhere. Wherever he goes, he sees soldiers with bright armor and high spirits. He didn't know that they were so weak on the battlefield!
How is this different from the Liao army?
But, that's not right. In this case, why can't the Song army break through the border? Although there has been no large-scale action in the past few years, there are always small attempts, but they always return without success. Sometimes the Song army even suffers losses. More to come.

Could it be that the Song Army and the Western Army were also in such a state of unbearable condition?Li Changshuo felt like his mind was in a mess and he couldn't think clearly.

Du Bo stepped forward and kicked him: "What's your name?"

Li Changshuo closed his eyes tightly, said "poof" and said nothing.

Du Bo smiled and said, "You're quite brave."

Lieutenant General Shichuan, who was surrendering next to him, bent down and said flatteringly: "General, this man's name is Li Changshuo, and he is from the Xia Dynasty clan. The city's chief general overestimated his capabilities and went out to fight that day and died. He then took over the city as an inspector."

"The Xixia clan?" Du Bo's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this. This is a big fish. He finally caught someone of this level.

"Well done. I'll mark this time with you. When I get back, I'll give you two a good word in front of the general!"

"Thank you General for your support!" The two lieutenants immediately knelt down and breathed a sigh of relief.

What kind of fight? You can't fight in the way you did just now. Not to mention that you may not be able to escape. Even if you are lucky enough to escape back to Huizhou, you will still be punished by Mi Qinzan Dao of the capital army. What kind of temperament is Mi Qinzan Dao? Maybe Li Changshuo Don't know, but both of them know clearly.

This man has an extremely bad temper. Once he punishes his subordinates, they will definitely die!
Rather than go back and be beaten to death, or die in battle just now, it is better to surrender directly. Anyway, surrendering directly can still achieve merit, and the result is completely different from resisting, being captured and then surrendering.

Du Bo asked them to get up, and then counted the number of people. The Xixia army had just resisted, and about five or six hundred people were killed, and more than a thousand were injured. The rest were all intact, but they were a little drooped by the rain. I am dull and have no energy. I am afraid I will get sick when I go back.

But this is already an excellent harvest. Zhao Tong said that he wanted to expand the army. Most of the army expansion during the war came from surrendering troops. After the scale of the war increased, it no longer mattered how loyal you were to the pawns below. Fighting back and forth, as long as you don't die, almost It’s just surrender back and forth.In the past, whether it was Wang Qing or Fang La, even the imperial army of the Song Dynasty had thrown in and out. There was no trace of loyalty at all, but they still attacked the city and fortified the village without fail.

It's not about training elite soldiers. Elite soldiers naturally need loyalty. It's better for these pawns to be loyal. It doesn't matter if they don't have it. Many people who join the army just eat a bowl of rice. If you want their loyalty, they need to be cultivated. On the battlefield, there are Where does the opportunity to cultivate come from.

Then Du Bo issued several orders, urging the surrendering troops to obey them. After gathering them, they marched towards Shichuan City.

The surrendered troops were obedient and showed little resistance, and many of them had relaxed expressions on their faces.

If you die in the battle, you will die. They don't want to suffer the sin of marching in the dark night and heavy rain. Now that they are returning to Shikawa, their lives are naturally not in danger, so they just obey.

Near noon, Du Bu returned to Fuchuan City. Zhao Tuo was ordering people to clean up the dilapidated parts of the city. He was overjoyed to see him back.

After placing the prisoners, Zhao Tao began to interrogate Li Changshuo.

Li Changshuo had a very harsh mouth, but his brother-in-law, who was accompanying him, had already asked Fuchuan's deputy general to betray him and reveal his identity. When he was interrogating this man, he was all caught in a few strokes.

Zhao Tong frowned after hearing this: "Brother Richard wrote a letter saying that he will bring people to support him in two days?"

The follower said: "General, that's it. How dare you tell a lie? If it hadn't been for at least two days, we wouldn't have abandoned the city and fled. It's really too late."

Zhao Tong touched his chin, looked at Li Yanxian who was listening carefully, and said with a smile, "What do you think, Shao Yan?"

Li Yanxian thought for a while: "General, if this man is telling the truth, my subordinates have a plan. Is it feasible?"

Zhao Tong said: "Tell me and listen."

Li Yanxian spoke in a low voice, and Zhao Tong's face showed joy as he listened. However, Li Changshuo's expression changed drastically, and his face turned pale in an instant.

Then the two of them came out of the prison, and Zhao Tong immediately gave a series of orders. By night, the west side of the city had been almost repaired inside and outside, and the water that had flooded in had been drained out of the city.

Early on the next morning, Zhao Tong ordered again that the ditches and lakes outside Xicheng closed the gates again and returned to the way they were before the water was stored.

Then the soldiers began to clean up the mess outside the city and collect the debris washed away during the flood. The work was completed by the afternoon.

Then they had their heads shaved. Thousands of people shaved into Xixia hairstyles, put on Xixia military uniforms, picked up Xixia weapons, and stood at the top of the city. They looked like Shichuan before it was flooded.

Zhao Tong also put on the armor of Lieutenant General Fuchuan, and stood between the battlements with a sword hanging on his face. He looked towards the distant camp and Dazhai, stretched out his hand and smiled at Li Changshuo, who was tied up beside him: "Inspector Li, tomorrow I will see my general defeat the Song Dynasty." Army camp!”

Li Changshuo's lips trembled and his face turned pale: "You, what on earth do you want to do?"

Zhao Tong shook his head and said: "Since Inspector Li was able to defeat the general's plot to flood Fuchuan, couldn't he even see this little trick to hide the truth?"

"You, you are so sinister and vicious, who are you?" Li Changshuo couldn't help shouting.

"Who am I?" Zhao Tong smiled slightly: "My general is Xihe and Yao Pingzhong!"

"No, you are not Yao Pingzhong at all. Yao Pingzhong is already nearly thirty years old, and you are not the same age at all!" Li Changshuo shouted: "What's more, I participated in the Battle of Zangdihe and met Yao Pingzhong, but you are not at all he!"

"Oh?" Zhao Tong was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Li Changshuo actually recognized Yao Pingzhong. He said coldly: "Who is this general if he is not Yao Pingzhong!"

Li Changshuo stared at him and said after a long time: "You, you are not from the Western Army!"

Zhao Tong narrowed his eyes. Li Changshuo has some discernment. He can even see this?
"Why is this general not from the Western Army?"

"I joined the Beifeng Hall when I was young, and I went to Kaifeng of the Song Dynasty to spy on intelligence. You talk so much about Kaifeng's official language, how can there be any local generals from Tokyo in the Western Army!"

Zhao Tao blinked, and he felt more and more interesting. This Li Changshuo was quite well-informed, and he had actually been to Kaifeng Mansion in Tokyo.

"Who is that general?"

Li Changshuo's eyes were confused and hesitant. He had a guess in his mind that the image would match regardless of age, but he didn't dare to say and also doubted how that person could be here.

He was afraid that if he told the truth, the other party would immediately become furious and execute him directly.

He is not afraid of death, but if he dies because of such talkative things, it is not worth it.

You have to die on the basis of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism, and would rather die than surrender and never betray. What does it mean to die because of garrulousness?
Zhao Tong saw his eyes twinkling, stopped talking, and sneered: "Inspector Li is a smart man!"

Is this the default?Li Changshuo's face immediately became horrified, was he really that person?I am just guessing!How is this possible?There is no reason or sense!

Zhao Tong walked over and patted him gently on the shoulder: "I always like smart people, just like Battalion Commander Liu."

Yuan Guo came over with a smile and bent down and said: "General Miao Zan."

Li Changshuo glared at Yuan Guo, but Yuan Guo didn't take it seriously. He recognized Li Changshuo and had seen him in Xingqing Mansion.

"Inspector Li, there is no need to glare at me. A good bird chooses a tree to roost, and a good minister chooses his master. People go to higher places, and water flows to lower places. I think Inspector Li has also surrendered to the general. From now on, everyone Wouldn’t it be good if we still serve as ministers in the same palace?”

What do you mean by being a minister in the same palace?Li Changshuo's expression changed. What did this shameless villain mean by his words?
Zhao Tong waved to Yuan Guo, and Yuan Guo immediately stepped back. He lifted up his sleeves and looked into the distance and said: "Tomorrow, Japan will welcome reinforcements together with Inspector Li at the top of the city. I don't know how many people Brother Richard will send to support Fu." Sichuan……"

Having said this, he looked back at Li Changshuo: "What do Inspector Li think?"

"You, you..." Li Changshuo heard this and was heartbroken. This trick of concealing the truth was too vicious. The other party wanted to pretend that Fuchuan was not captured, pretending to be Daxia's army, and sneak up on the reinforcements. It was simply too insidious!
Li Changshuo swayed for a few times, feeling dizzy in his head and about to fall down. Next to him, Bai Ba Bai Zhan and his two brothers lifted him up with one arm and pushed him to the bottom of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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