The Song Dynasty has been deliberate for 16 years, only to know that it is the Water Margin

Chapter 550: The stars in the sky join the Big Dipper, the friendship between life and death is a bo

It rained continuously for three days. The detective horse reported that the Xixia soldiers in Shunzhou were approaching the north of Xiakou Pass. However, the weather was bad and they were unable to carry out military operations. They camped at a high place to wait and see.

Zhao Tong went to the top of the city to take a look. It was really far away and there was mist and rain. Even with a telescope, he couldn't see the other party.

There are also a lot of troops coming from Shunzhou this time. Counting the Xixia army in Jingsai in the south, the sum of them has actually exceeded the Xiakou Pass defenders.

There are about 70,000 people in Xiakou Pass at the moment, but the Xixia army totals more than 80,000 and nearly 90,000.

But Zhao Tong didn't take it seriously at all. The more people came, the better, especially the troops from Shunzhou and Xiangqing armies. It would be in line with his wishes, because then General Lu's chance of successfully attacking Xingqing Mansion would be greatly increased, and if it really happened Once Xingzhou is captured, the pressure from all parties will not be as heavy.

At this time, it was obvious that due to the rainy weather, the Xixia army might miss an agreed attack on the city, but the autumn rain generally does not last for too long. As long as it stops, Xiakou Pass will inevitably face a flanking attack from two sides. Relax.

Although the number of soldiers and horses is not as large as that of the other side combined, the small number is not too disparate. It is no different from the previous attack on the gorge entrance. The number of troops is multiple times that of the city, and the city does not dare to go out to fight.

If the fight between the two sides is really fierce, the worst possible thing is to divide the troops and open the door to fight. The opponent has no iron kites at this time, and the Bubazi are almost completely destroyed. I am not afraid of a direct impact with the opponent.

What's more, there is an arrangement in the south, and Fan Rui and three others have been sent out. If they are done properly, they can be regarded as surprise soldiers.

The three Fan Rui left the customs for no other reason than to meet Song Jiang's troops. Hebei is not too far away from here. According to Song Jiang's thoughts, as long as Li Zhong returns to reply to the letter, he will definitely raise his troops immediately and rush to Xixia without stopping.

If so, then they are on the road at this moment. As long as Fan Rui and others can meet them and pass on the news, they can lead the vanguard. When the time comes, they will be attacked from inside and outside, and the Xixia Quiet Fortress will be defeated...

The autumn wind is chilly, the yellow leaves are falling, and the horses are whistling in the wind.

Looking at the increasingly desolate and barren scenery, Song Jiang felt a burning passion in his heart.

At this moment, he felt as if he could split open a cage and fly a colorful phoenix, or open a golden lock and drive away a dragon.

There seems to be a sweet smell in the air!

Song Jiang looked at the generals around him and the troops and horses behind him, and ordered again, "Charge, charge, charge"!

We will soon reach the border between Jingyuan Road and Xixia. Fortunately, the Song Dynasty has sent heavy troops to Jialiao at this moment, otherwise this journey will definitely be difficult.

But it is different now. There are very few troops stationed along the way, and they all look like defensive guards. Although they stopped and asked some questions when they saw them, they just tried to cover up a little and deceived them. After all, they were outnumbered and the other party did not dare to be poor. Don’t let it go.

Going all the way west, behind the mountains and rivers, Song Jiang was so excited.

He was grateful for his ability to assess the situation, be resourceful and flexible, and be wise and courageous.

It was that snowy night that I will never forget and remain etched in my heart.

He stood in front of Prince Qin's mansion for a long time, his whole body frozen and almost drowned by snowflakes.

One day, water and rice were not beaten, but it was all due to perseverance and perseverance. From day to night, a red lantern was raised high in front of the house.

He stood like a slave.

But without the bitterness of the frost, how can the plum blossoms smell so fragrant?

Without the precautions and foresight we had back then, there would be no good way out at this moment!

Without the groveling, flattering, and lowly clinging that he did at that time, how could the King of Qin agree to his surrender if he knew who he was?

Do you really think King Qin is an ordinary person? Can anyone trust me? That was Tianhuang Noble, the military god of the Song Dynasty! How can ordinary people see it!

And him, what is he? He is a thief! Originally a petty official, he became a thief!

Including all my brothers, no matter whether they were in the government before or not, and whether they are in the government now or not, they have all been thieves!

If it hadn't been for the fate he had back then, would King Qin have fallen in love with him? Will you want him? Who does he think his family is?

The bullshit Hubaoyi Shiyu, the bullshit Xiaoyi Kurosaburo, the green forest touting, are not worth a penny, in the eyes of the big shots, they are just a joke!

Taking refuge with the King of Qin is a good way out, it is indeed a good way out! Or even something he had never dared to think about in the past few decades.

All he had ever thought about was to get rid of his official career and become an official. If he could take charge of the government, his ancestral graves would be full of smoke. He would be doing great good in this life, and he would be satisfied and thank the earth and heaven.

Song Jiang's hand holding the reins trembled slightly at this moment, and his black face could not help but glow with bursts of red.

Li Kui, who was following on horseback, said harshly: "Brother, why is your face red?"

"Radiant!" Song Jiang said loudly, clamping the horse's belly with his legs, and the horse moved forward bravely, seemingly equally excited.

"Brother, I haven't been so energetic for a long time!" Li Kui scratched his head, his face full of confusion.

"Hahahaha!" Song Jiang suddenly turned his head to the sky and couldn't help laughing loudly.

Extremely happy, extremely proud, extremely happy.

Can you not have a free pregnancy? The King of Qin left the court. After stabilizing his foundation in the northwest, he turned to destroy Xixia. It was a war to destroy the country!

It is self-evident what King Qin wants to do. To take refuge in him at this moment is... a great achievement, to be the minister of the dragon!

Song Jiang kept laughing, and everyone looked at him. Some were dumb and confused, but Wu Yong and Zhu Wu behind him didn't know what he was thinking.

Wu Yong's pale face, which was normally emotionless, also showed joy. This time it was different, this time it was different!

This time is very different from the Zhaoan court!

Recruiting people can be regarded as seeking perfection and seeking the wealth and honor in front of them, but right now... it's about following the dragon, following the dragon's power, and the power of setting the tripod!

What is the power of Conglong?

That means being granted the title of marquis, Prime Minister, wife and son, and becoming a hereditary noble!

It is for the name to be passed down for generations and for a family to rise from there!

Thinking of the rise of his family, Wu Yong couldn't help but have a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

When you are thirty, you should not be confused when you are forty. There are three types of unfilial piety, and having no offspring is the greatest. A man is born to build a vigorous career and start a family! And now, this opportunity has arrived...

Zhu Wu didn't have much expression on his face. He looked at Song Jiang's expression, then peeked at Wu Yong, then looked at the thin clouds on the horizon, moved his eyebrows, reached out to touch his beard, and took a deep breath.

The generals all had different expressions, but almost all of them were happy. Even on horseback, many of them were talking in low voices.

At this time, Song Qing was at the back, together with the soldiers, and all seventeen people in Liangshan were in front, but he was the only one lagging behind.

He was as expressionless as Zhu Wu, listening to his third brother's heartfelt and suppressed laughter, but had no reaction. Song Jiang ranked third, and his nickname was Xiaoyi Heisaburo. However, his third ranking was within the clan. It was not that he had brothers above him, but that there were two brothers in the clan, Song Hai and Song Run, who were older than Song Jiang. Older.

Song Qing looked at the figure of his third brother, blinked his eyes, and gently held the bindings behind him. He was carrying a child on his back, tied to his body, and it was his son.

The child was called Song Anping, who was just three years old. His mother died young.

"Are you hungry?" Song Qing turned his head slightly and said to Xiao Anping.

"Dad, I'm not hungry. What are you laughing at?" Xiao Anping asked curiously as he looked at Song Jiang, who was looking up at the sky in front of him, laughing non-stop with his eyes as big as black grapes.

"Oh, your uncle is happy today." Song Qing said calmly, then took out a piece of pancake and stuffed it into it. Xiao Anping reached out and grabbed it without saying anything.

The men and horses continued to move forward, and finally reached the border. There were so many people at this time that no more than a few or a dozen riders could sneak past. Seven or eight thousand people were spotted by the Baozi defenders from a distance, and they shouted loudly.

Ruan Xiaoqi, who led the vanguard, came back and asked Song Jiang how to deal with it. It was not as easy to deceive people as they were along the way. Here, they had to cross the border directly, and it was difficult to tell any lies.

Song Jiang suppressed the joy on his face, replaced it with his usual expression of concern for the country and the people, and said: "Break through and ask the archers to cover us!"

Ruan Xiaoqi praised him, turned the horse's head and left. Li Kui said at this time: "Brother, why don't you give me a few hundred soldiers to smash these bunkers and kill those officers and soldiers!"

Song Jiang glanced at him: "Be more careful with your words from now on. Don't just say whatever you think."

Li Kui asked doubtfully: "Brother, what kind of words are you talking about? Do you just say what you don't want to say and make up some lies?"

Song Jiang frowned and said: "Tieniu, we are still officers and soldiers at the moment, how can we say words that want to kill the officers and soldiers?"

Li Kui touched his forehead: "Brother, didn't you say that you rebelled against the imperial court and went to Xixia to join the two kings? Since you rebelled, you are not the officers and soldiers. It is the officers and soldiers who want to be killed..."

"Nonsense!" Song Jiang's face darkened when he heard this: "Tianniu, remember, we are the officers and soldiers, before, and even more so in the future, and from now on we are the officers and soldiers of His Highness King Qin!"

"Going around, I don't know what to say..." Li Kui muttered a few words in a low voice, and then said loudly: "Brother, I will go to the front and have a look. If there are Xixia troops on the other side, I will go and kill them."

After that, without waiting for Song Jiang to agree, he beat the horse hard, and the horse ran forward "slippingly".

Song Jiang looked at Li Kui's figure and couldn't help but shook his head. Although the Tieniu brothers were loyal, they acted and spoke too recklessly without considering it at all. It would be okay if they were by his side, but if they were alone outside, they might cause trouble.

At this time, Wu Yong slapped his horse on the side and said: "General, when you go to King Qin's side, don't ask Li Kui to leave Zuo Jin. It's okay to get to know each other over time, but you have to keep an eye on him at the beginning."

Song Jiang nodded: "I understand."

As the two of them were talking, shouts of kill came from not far away. It turned out that Ruan Xiaoqi acted according to Song Jiang's words and fired arrows to cover up. As expected, the fortresses stopped talking and fired a few arrows back, watching them pass straight by. border.

It was now afternoon. As soon as they crossed the border between Song and Xia, the troops and horses became more energetic. Not to mention the generals, the seven or eight thousand people below were all veterans of hundreds of battles. The elites who had been screened out since Liangshan were recruited together and went again. Hebei attacked Tianhu, and in the end only so many of them died.

The team rushed over quickly, and Song Jiang called Li Zhong. After all, it was his first time coming to Xixia and he didn't know the way. Li Zhong had gone back and forth once, so he asked him to lead the way.

After walking forward for a while, Song Jiang said: "Brother Li, did you see your apprentice when you went to the prince's place?"

Li Zhongdao: "But I haven't seen that Dalang is not with Wang Jia at the moment and is guarding outside."

Song Jiang asked curiously: "Where to guard?"

Li Zhong thought for a while: "Wang Jia said that in Liangzhou, Xiliang Prefecture, it seems that the distance is not close."

Song Jiang breathed out after hearing this, it turned out to be Liangzhou. Has Liangzhou been captured? Liangzhou is the main route from Hexi to the Western Regions. In the past, before Xixia was founded, Liangzhou was the largest city.

The country of Xixia is actually divided into two lines. The east side is centered on Xingzhou, Xingqing Prefecture, radiating to the northeast, due east, and southeast, and is very prosperous.

The other line is the starting point of Liangzhou and goes straight to the Western Regions, taking the Hexi Corridor and the ancient Silk Road.

This line is the ancient battle route and the trade route since the Han Dynasty, Liangzhou, Ganzhou, Suzhou, Guazhou, Shazhou, Yangguan, and Yumenguan!

Then go straight to the Western Regions and enter the Xizhou Uighurs!

Suzhou is Jiuquan, Shazhou is Dunhuang, Yangguan and Yumenguan are parallel to the north and south, and are the gateways from Hexi to the Western Regions.

The snow-capped mountains are covered with long clouds in Qinghai, the lonely city looks out to Yumen Pass, the yellow sand wears golden armor in a hundred battles, and Loulan will never be returned until it is broken!

Yellow clouds and white grass have disappeared from Yanshan Mountain, and a hundred battles have left only two spots on the temples. I don’t know how to conquer three hundred thousand husbands, but how many people have passed through the Yumen Pass!

The banners of the Han family are all over the Yin Mountains, and they will not send back their horses. If I wish to serve my country with this life, there is no need to be born in Yumen Pass!

When Song Jiang heard about Liangzhou, he thought of Xiliang Mansion, and even wanted to go to Yumen Pass. His mood was agitated for a moment, and he felt so heroic and ambitious that he shouted: "Bring the wine!"

The primary school student next to him immediately brought a jar of wine. Song Jiang stopped everyone and gave each person a bowl of wine. He then raised it high and said, "The stars in the sky join the Beidou, and a bowl of wine is between life and death. Brothers, Song Jiang is lucky enough to get to know you in this life. Come here." Come on, drink before you leave!"

Seventeen people raised their bowls and shouted: "Brother is too polite, please!"

After drinking strong wine, the wine bowl fell to the ground, withered grass flying, Song Jiang laughed, the horse ran forward, and everyone followed.

In the evening, we set up camp at Shaniu Ridge. This Shaniu Ridge is at the junction of Xishou Baotai Military Division and Jingsai Military Division. The terrain is higher and can protect the surrounding areas.

More than a hundred miles to the east of Shaniuling is the Shangniankou of the Jingsai Army. Above the Shangniankou is Geeta Village, which are all important places for the Jingsai Army.

However, with Li Zhong guiding the way, he naturally couldn't go there. At this moment, the Jingsai Military Division was empty and unable to investigate the situation in Shaniuling, which was more than a hundred miles away.

After getting up on the second day and walking for a long time, suddenly a group of people came from ahead. Ruan Xiaoqi put up a pergola and watched carefully. He seemed vaguely familiar, and shouted from the other side: "Are they the Liangshan brothers?"

Ruan Xiaoqi listened and responded: "Who are you waiting for? Where are the soldiers and horses?"

A person on the opposite side heard this and shouted: "But Brother Ruan Xiaoqi? I am your brother Fan Rui!"

"Ah!" Ruan Xiaoqi was stunned when he heard this and shouted: "It turns out that Brother Fan Rui is here. I will go and report to Brother Gongming right away."

After saying that, he turned his horse and ran back. Li Zhong had talked about traveling to and from Xixia before, so everyone knew that he happened to meet the three Fan Rui on the road, and the three of them followed him and fled there together. They came here now, maybe they were looking for support.

Later, when Song Jiang heard the news, he couldn't help but feel happy. He personally led people to the front of the team, welcomed Fan Rui, Xiang Chong and Li Gun into the army, and set up a temporary tent to eat, drink and discuss matters.

Fan Rui and the others followed what Zhao Tuo had taught them. After hearing this, Song Jiang came up with a clever plan. After the meal was over, he dispatched troops and horses to follow Fan Rui and the others and headed straight to the north.

(End of this chapter)

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